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Massages In Windsor: A Nebulous Affair

Dec 11, 2004
Despite my previous queries, the kind/informative responses thereto, and reading of other threads, I am still somewhat confused as to what one actually gets when going for massage here. I realize there must be some variation from place to place, however, how would one describe an "average" rub-down here? I mean, in step-by-step details...

In the TO/GTA, it's a very ritualized, formalized and consistent routine, irrespective of which spa I go to. I walk in, pay the room fee to the desk attendant, generally select the girl I want to see, am shown to the room, am left alone whilst I get undressed down to my birthday suit, lie down on my stomach (sorry for the disturbing detail, fellas) and then wait for the girl to return to begin a standard - and often pitifully poor (but who cares) - back massage. Say a 3rd of the way into the massage the whole topic of "extras" comes up for discussion. I make a choice as to what I want to receive. Often there is some more back massage, then the girl initiates the "if you are ready you can turn over" sequence...and you know the rest. Bottom line, I have never left a TO massage session without having closed escrow, as it were.

Here in Windsor I gather the "average massage" process is pretty much the same up to and including the back massage part. However, is one ever asked to turn over, and if so, do they attendants massage anywhere near to your rod? Do they tease it? Do they draw a 12-inch diameter circle in indelible marker around your genitals and never cross the circumference of said circle ?...

Someone help me, please. And yes, I could just go and find out, but why blow a wad of $ if there is no hope in hell of blowing the other kind.



Mar 10, 2005
When I went to U of Windsor a few years back I went for 2 massages downtown. Both times, the girl didn't go anywhere near my prick.
Dec 11, 2004
Thanks, indyfan....it's fucking amazing there are any massage parlours at all that remain in business...I mean, what on earth is the utility/usefulness of the experience?...you get all revved-up, only to have to go home and jerk-off...a seemingly shit business model if ever there was one...oh well.



New member
Jan 18, 2003
Herein lies the problem

You are correct that up until and including the back massage, the routine is very similar. However, because of the licensing of escorts and the large numbers of drunken young American males (and that's not a sleight against Americans other than the fact that they can drink 2 years earlier in Canada), there is either no need to bring up extras and/or they are waiting for you to bring it up. I think if you bring up extras, you will get a response, sometimes good, sometimes bad. However, I wouldn't wait for them to do the deed, or you will end up empty handed (of full handed as it were). I think if you brought up the $$$ aspect for a release it will happen, but it surely won't happen all on its own.

Otherwise, it makes more sense to get short stay room, get an escort and have all that you want and know what you are getting to some degree. It might set you back $200 altogether depending on the lady you get, but you will surely get what you want. When some of the MP room rates are upwards of $70+, then whatever on top of that, it is easy to spot where the bargain is.

The Brus

Nov 30, 2004
The massage parlours in Windsor charge $50 to $60 for a half-hour massage. Don't get anything longer. It's not worth it. If you want anything else, you have to bring it up yourself. Only a few of the masseuses will ask you. Then again, very few masseuses will refuse you. The cost is generally about $60 to $80 for her to finish her massage. Anything more intimate will generally cost you $$$.
Dec 11, 2004
Thanks, Brus. I swear this will be my final Windsor-newbie question, but when you say $60-$80 for the attendant to "finish her massage", you mean the standard, um, hand release (presumably with her clothes more or less still on), is that correct?

And by anything "more intimate", we are talking her getting naked and such as opposed to any sort of oral action, or, perish the thought, full-on coitus...right?

Many thanks,
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