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Massage Needed


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Probably not the right place to ask but hoping you guys can help me out. Hurt my back today and wondering if anybody knows where I can get a good massage. Don't care if it's an 80 year old chinese grandmother as long as it helps with the pain. Thanks


New member
Jan 25, 2006
I second that, they always give a great massage there... just close your eyes and enjoy


Oct 30, 2008
If you hurt your back a massage wont do much. A massage will only feel good. You need a Chiropractor.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
coolcat said:
Probably not the right place to ask but hoping you guys can help me out. Hurt my back today and wondering if anybody knows where I can get a good massage. Don't care if it's an 80 year old chinese grandmother as long as it helps with the pain. Thanks
How did you hurt your back?

Most back problems are already there waiting for you to do something so they become aggravated and inflamed. Inflamation is best dealt with ice packs. Hot and cold helps too. 10 minutes with ice packs and 10 minutes with heat alternating for an hour or so.

Most RMTs will not touch you if they know your back is inflamed because massage will not help and will likely cause more pain.

Hate to say it but stay away from the Chiropractor. They will suck your cash and not really help, in fact may even cause you more grief IMAO. Once the pain is gone (2-3 days) start an exercise program to strengthen the muscles.


New member
Feb 19, 2004
Some Good Advice Here

Coolcat - With all due respect to the many wonderful MPAs out there, if your back pain is caused by some underlying spinal injury whether you're aware of the injury or not, the wrong kind of massage pressure CAN further damage the inflamed area. This applies to RMTs and chiros as well, as was stated.

Simply getting what is usually a nice rub down could be damaging. I personally suffered from sciatica - spinal nerve pinch - a number of years ago. Treatment was muscle relaxants, RMT to relieve pressure and then she referred me onto a physiotherapist.

I once saw an MPA who was studying to be an RMT so she knew exactly what she was doing medically. But those Ladies are far and few between.

Now, if by back pain you mean a sore shoulder or something then, that might be different. But maybe not. It is wise advice to get yourself to your doctor.
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New member
Apr 28, 2005
Felllow back sufferer...I concur with the above...get a referral to the Canadian Back Institute and get yourself checkout properly


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Thanks everyone. There really is some good info posted here. Fortunately(or unfortunately) I should have known better. I managed to see my RMT today(which really cost me) but was well worth it. As for my back, I f@#$&d it up a couple years ago in a car accident so I usually can ease it myself but I pushed it too far. One thing is for sure though, when you ain't got your health, you ain't got much. I strongly advise everyone to look after themselves. This life of pain really sucks some days.
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