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Massage in Cuba


New member
Mar 20, 2013
Travelling to Varadero, Cuba soon, does anymore know if the resorts offer massages with a helping hand. Staying at the Blau Varadero.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The H10 Panorama Hotel in Havana offers massage by either a chica or a chico.

Last time I got massages there, they were all therapeutic (no HJ), however, an outgoing MPA who resembled Rihanna the singer, gave me her # (don't ask cuz I don't know where I put it or what her name was).


Active member
Jun 5, 2003
The chances of getting a "helping hand" at a Cuban resort is slim. For a Cuban, jobs at the resort are hard to come by (no pun intended) and I don't think you'll find any action with a masseuse. However, speaking to a friendly bartender usually provides dividends to meeting a female friend off site from the resort.


New member
Mar 20, 2013
The chances of getting a "helping hand" at a Cuban resort is slim. For a Cuban, jobs at the resort are hard to come by (no pun intended) and I don't think you'll find any action with a masseuse. However, speaking to a friendly bartender usually provides dividends to meeting a female friend off site from the resort.
Thank You, much appreciated!


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
OMG! It's Cuba. Go anywhere, dispose of your North American sensibilities and almost everyone is available for whatever.

There are two things to remember: 1) They actually enjoy sex; 2) 99.9999% of any female approached will be flattered whether or not they are interested in going further.

Knowing some Spanish helps--a lot. But they quickly get the idea. Now, I'm not sure if you are looking for massage with a HJ because you think you are pushing the limits or because that is what you really want.

If it's the former, then the options are absolutely unbelievable. You just have to be bold, smile, be patient and gently try to get your point across. Trust me, they will get it and smile even if they say no. Just remember, $60 is high end. it's no more than a hundred if you're not inclinded to look around or be firm. Of course, Veradero is a bit more isolated, but any girls you see there will know exactly what you are talking about, so have fun and enjoy. The meeting and greeting is all part of that heady experience...just don't be shy (ie. North American).

Here's hoping you have a great time!!


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
The chances of getting a "helping hand" at a Cuban resort is slim. For a Cuban, jobs at the resort are hard to come by (no pun intended) and I don't think you'll find any action with a masseuse. However, speaking to a friendly bartender usually provides dividends to meeting a female friend off site from the resort.
I agree, from personal experience, at Varadero. Its not worth the risk for the locals (albeit, I would admit the masseuse I had was temptingly hot) of losing their hard-to-get job at the resorts.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
I agree, from personal experience, at Varadero. Its not worth the risk for the locals (albeit, I would admit the masseuse I had was temptingly hot) of losing their hard-to-get job at the resorts.
Oh please. I don't mean to sound rude, but you just don't understand Cuba (nobody does, myself included). Who's going to have them lose their job? The manager? Security? Who do think gets all the kick backs. Cuba is all about a network and scratching each other's back.

In Cayo Coco, which is extremely isolated, I had a show girl into my room for a romp. Granted, in the room can be awkward, but they can and do make it happen. The only ones they are truly afraid of are the police and they are very careful of the spies, but they seem to know everything about everybody.

Anything is possible with someone you see. But, and this is what you really must understand, even if it's not going to happen, they take in good humour and with a smile. So, just approach whomever you feel attracted to. It's really win-win for you.

I will say it is better to go off resort as it is much easier to set up a place, where in the hotel it's not always convenient--which is worse than having them saying no.


New member
Mar 20, 2013
OMG! It's Cuba. Go anywhere, dispose of your North American sensibilities and almost everyone is available for whatever.

There are two things to remember: 1) They actually enjoy sex; 2) 99.9999% of any female approached will be flattered whether or not they are interested in going further.

Knowing some Spanish helps--a lot. But they quickly get the idea. Now, I'm not sure if you are looking for massage with a HJ because you think you are pushing the limits or because that is what you really want.

If it's the former, then the options are absolutely unbelievable. You just have to be bold, smile, be patient and gently try to get your point across. Trust me, they will get it and smile even if they say no. Just remember, $60 is high end. it's no more than a hundred if you're not inclinded to look around or be firm. Of course, Veradero is a bit more isolated, but any girls you see there will know exactly what you are talking about, so have fun and enjoy. The meeting and greeting is all part of that heady experience...just don't be shy (ie. North American).

Here's hoping you have a great time!!
Thanks man!! I do know a few Spanish words that can help my point across. The jobs at the Resorts are equivalent to a Government job here in Canada, but as you there is large network of back scratching. I have read several postings that the chickas have a safe house and they are afraid of the under cover police following them. I also read where some guys do the maids or the Resort staff. One poster suggesting leaving 10 CUC near the massage table or to ask your friendly bartenders with a bit of $$ in hand. At the Las Americas Resort, I have read reviews on TripAdvisor that a number of chikas hang around the Lobby asking for your number.
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