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Mark Cuban


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Magic is trying to 'be white' by surrounding himself with a bunch of white businessmen.. At the end of the day thou he will always be to them the way Sterling and his ilk see him.. Bestman is right.
you may think in your tiny, mind, you are dispensing, wisdom...........but you really are just an idiot


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Remember when Tiger told Oprah he was anything other than black? That obviously stemmed from him wanting to be anything but 'black' once he made it big.. Listen to him describe what he went through at 4:00 here: Tiger at 14.

And we all know about Oprah...
I believe he said he was Cablinasian, which is a word he invented himself. He is 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Thai, 1/4 African American, 1/8 Native American, and 1/8 Dutch. So, 50% Asian, 25% Black, 25% "other" consisting of Native American and Dutch. A guy doesn't "hate black people" and "want to be anything but black" when they accurately describe themselves as "only a small part black" when that reflects reality.
I don't follow sports and what's going on there, but in light of some comments made here in general about white/black relations, there can be more racism amongst black people than between white and black people. I remember my ex, who chose to speak proper English even though he knew Patois, being accused of trying to be white by a fellow black guy. His response, "I didn't know there was only one way of being black." I think that sums just about everything up.


Jun 6, 2009
I don't follow sports and what's going on there, but in light of some comments made here in general about white/black relations, there can be more racism amongst black people than between white and black people. I remember my ex, who chose to speak proper English even though he knew Patois, being accused of trying to be white by a fellow black guy. His response, "I didn't know there was only one way of being black." I think that sums just about everything up.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I don't follow sports and what's going on there, but in light of some comments made here in general about white/black relations, there can be more racism amongst black people than between white and black people. I remember my ex, who chose to speak proper English even though he knew Patois, being accused of trying to be white by a fellow black guy. His response, "I didn't know there was only one way of being black." I think that sums just about everything up.
Reminds me of Idris Elba, the black actor. He was once accused of being a disgrace to African Americans for selling out. His response was, "I'm not African American. I'm British." Of course, he said it with his natural English accent too, and I think it threw some people for a loop. They remember Idris from his roles in things like Romeo Must Die and The Wire where he plays a ghetto gangster, not realizing he's a highly educated, highly successful black actor from somewhere other than America.

He's also a good example of a sucessful, rich black man that doesn't want to be white, blowing ET's argument they all do out of the water. He's an extremely successful, extremely proud black man not running from his culture. He just isn't American.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
How many white hood rats try to be black by doing hip hop rap etc? These genres are black based.
Years ago Sammy Davis Jr. a Baptist by birth converted to Judaism to "fit in" the white entertainment industry and was scorned for "selling out to whitey" by other black entertainers.


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
Is the NBA now going to ban Mark Cuban for life and force him to sell his team because of what he said in public?
He admitted to human bias. He also said he tries to find solution to racist incidents, not just pack up the racist to practice racism elsewhere. I think this is a commendable stand.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
I dont think Cuban should be punished at all. He said what most of the population believes and does.

He said something like this.

"If Im walking down the street at night and see a black kid in a hoodie walking towards me, then I cross the street. And If I see a white guy with a shaved head and all tatted up then im crossing the street"

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I believe he said he was Cablinasian, which is a word he invented himself. He is 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Thai, 1/4 African American, 1/8 Native American, and 1/8 Dutch. So, 50% Asian, 25% Black, 25% "other" consisting of Native American and Dutch. A guy doesn't "hate black people" and "want to be anything but black" when they accurately describe themselves as "only a small part black" when that reflects reality.
I can tell you a first hand experience about Tiger Woods, it is not proof and his preferences so you will have to come to your own conclusions. He was moving through a semi restricted VIP area after a tournament and there were a small group of fans waving paper and pens and golf items asking for autographs. His entourage of handlers were saying no autographs when he broke from his entourage and signed two autographs for oriental fans and continued on with his way. He had to reach back behind several fans to sign autographs for the orientals. Was it because he had a biased preference for orientals, or was he appreciated that the orientals were less rude and boisterous than the non orientals.
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