Figured I was toftt by seeing Mariska.
Booked thru text. Easy to do. Stated menu was no BBFS (of course) and no greek.
Arrived to find a cute GND type. Very clean, nice, and easy to talk with. No ink.
Experienced daty, bbbj, lfk, and a couple of positions. Mariska is pretty new to the business, so she doesn't really take charge. All in all a pretty good first time experience. The only drawback is she was a bit of a clock watcher.
100 / 200. Will likely repeat.
Booked thru text. Easy to do. Stated menu was no BBFS (of course) and no greek.
Arrived to find a cute GND type. Very clean, nice, and easy to talk with. No ink.
Experienced daty, bbbj, lfk, and a couple of positions. Mariska is pretty new to the business, so she doesn't really take charge. All in all a pretty good first time experience. The only drawback is she was a bit of a clock watcher.
100 / 200. Will likely repeat.