Mariah-Am I missing something??


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now
How ' bout just a cooking apron .. that will scramble the eggs !

(I was going to make some sort of "beat the eggs" reference but that would be wrong )
Last edited:


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now
v1ctoria said:
was a lil bit too chilly last night for an apron...but you know me well hun...that was my next choice!!! and hell...why not "beat the eggs" a bit?? they like the attention too!! lmao!

Making a additional "sugar" reference would be .. well just to easy


Diehard Leafs Fan!
Jan 26, 2007
Magic, that's great that you have to write a story on this.......however the fact is that this is a review board.....everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether good or bad, they are supposed to say what their meeting was like.....this isn't just for the good reviews in case you didn't for looking in the mirror, maybe you have a problem picking up good looking girls.....but please don't think we are all like you......sometimes a man's reason for hobbying can actually be quite different from what your reason please don't speak for everyone when you speak........your opinion on here is welcome just like anyone else's, but nobody has the right to speak for others! Please also remember that if none of us were hobbying the girls wouldn't be in business to begin's a two way street out there........Thanks.....and to everyone, keep up the good work on the reviews, bad or good, everyone should hear them!

magicmanofmassage said:
This doesn't just apply to Mariah.

The last time I read the terms on any respectable SPs web site, I believe it stated that I was paying for time and companionship.

I have yet to read anywhere that I can expect:
1) a wrinkle free "Barbie Doll"
2) that I can insult her for supplying the service that she clearly states
3) that it is only about you the customer and that she is not allowed to have any feelings or standards.
4) that she's not allowed to reply to comments made about her
5) that she was attempting to compete with someone half her age
6) that she has to fall in love with every ugly, balding, hairy assed, drunk, buck toothed midget that walks through the door (sorry Calloway ;) )

Look in the mirror guys, why are you in this hobby to begin with?

I'd bet a month's pay that for most of us, yes I said us, in the real world, we wouldn't be able to get within two feet of most of these beautiful women, let alone take one to bed.

Get over yourself, your money doesn't buy you everything.


New member
Dec 15, 2005
Its an opinion , And im happy to see finally diverse posts instead of the same praise , over and over . Mariah and shauna were top for me , Alot of other woman on here bored me to tears that from others received high praise . Oh well - different strokes for different folks .


New member
Jan 2, 2005
Mariah-Am I missing something

Mariah is one of a kind....gorgeous...talented....and intelligent

I for one will repeat next visit to KW



Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
Bikerider said:
Mariah is one of a kind....gorgeous...talented....and intelligent

I for one will repeat next visit to KW

DITTO! Nothing to add here. But eh....different strokes for different folks.

C'est la vie! But, I sure do miss her. Pity, due to circumstances beyond my control.

She's one of a kind for me too. She's older that's true, but so am I, and I love the maturity in women. Mariah's like a fine wine.

She's fun to uncork and to savour the flavour. Exquisite vintage, that only a few select members get to taste!


Apr 8, 2005
Mariah Mariah

Perhaps we should have some sort of rating system added to the site, that ties directly to the provider. I have been on this site for several months (more lurking than review writing) and have had the pleasure to meet with well over 20 ladies, only a few of which I would visit again.

Mariah is a repeat. Time well spent with one of the most sophisticated and professional women in the industry. Yes..."clicking" is with any other human - the "hotness" factor multiplies exponentially.


New member
Nov 8, 2006
kfames said:
....Mariah is a repeat. Time well spent with one of the most sophisticated and professional women in the industry. Yes..."clicking" is with any other human - the "hotness" factor multiplies exponentially.
I wish I had thought of that ...hey, wait a minute, I did LOL :p Sorry, I am just having fun with you... I agree totally. As a completely selfish comment, it is probably a good thing that she doesn't click with everyone she sees, otherwise I'd have to book months in advance or never get to see her!

On the rating system, again tastes vary and ratings may not agree between individuals - which is how this whole thread started.



Aug 21, 2001
hornynewbie said:
hi all,
i had the pleasure of meeting Mariah a while ago. this was my first time with her, after reading so many of good reviews on her. i would also say that Mariah provides a decent service; however, i believe she has been "over represented" on this board. the reason i am saying this is that she provides a very basic GFE service with nothing special that makes Mariah outperform others. in terms of looks, she is average with many wrinkles around the eyes, and body wise, she lacks the feminine features (except for those unnaturally firm man-mades). overall, my experience with her was OK but i have had waaaay better experiences elsewhere and i think she is being "over praised" on this board.
Anyways, that was my opinion and many of you might not agree with it, but that is exactly what this board is for.
This is a wonderful, honest review posted by Hornynewbie. Just the kind of review I look for when I am visiting TERB. I have enjoyed my visits with Mariah much more than Hornynewbie may have enjoyed his, but it's still a great review.

Thanks Hornynewbie!


Senior Member
My 2 cents worth is that I've only seen Missy Mariah once but she was spectacular and a sweetie. One of the best I've seen in my 30 plus years in the hobby. I alway saw a regular girl in Mississauga and she is known as one of the best in TO. Mariah is in her league IMHO.
Keep up the great service Mariah because as you don't need to be told you have many many fans and grateful gentlemen Friends honey. We all appreciate your excellant professionalism.


Sep 30, 2005
mariahmariah said:
I love you guys!!!!!!
Now let's have some fun!
I agree with Mariah. Some love her service some don't. Is it too difficult to digest? Now, let's move on with REAL and HONEST reviews.


Diehard Leafs Fan!
Jan 26, 2007
lol........are you really that ignorant?? It must just be your fragile age Magic.......I said your opinion was appreciated in case those bi focals of yours are on the blitz........I never once said to agree with me..........the one fact that I did say was that you shouldn't speak for was a fair statement, so I'm not sure why you feel the urge to try to ridicule me........I guess your just one of those sad for you.
Cheers to everyone else who appreciates an honest review though!!

magicmanofmassage said:

Never fails to amaze me, when I state my opinion, it's "unacceptable".

I guess it's only acceptable if I agree with you? WTF!

Maybe a look in the mirror for some might reveal some hypocrites....:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
mariahmariah said:
I love you guys!!!!!!
Now let's have some fun!
I agree with Mariah. Now, let's have some fun and end this thread.

Otherwise, it's like continually flogging a dead horse. There will always be those who agree and those that beg to disagree. So be it.
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