The One Spa

Maria 5610


Active member
Feb 28, 2023
Had Maria on the radar for awhile and got the 411 through texts. We established boundaries & rates. Meets were on hold until schedules could match, but there's no way a cute l'il spinner like Maria could not be visited.

Schedules aligned, so made an appointment and she reestablished parameters. Then she sent a series of texts asking if I could bring her some Acacia Blueberry Mineral Water. (Note to self ... what's that?) Texted that I'd do my best 🤔

Was leaving the office and striding importantly through empty halls when my cell chimed. It was Maria.

Answered and a beautiful voice was in my ear. Maria said she wanted to chat before the meet, apologetic, polite and girly. We chatted as I walked past bemused security guards and custodians, tryng not to be too explicit in the convo, glad for the company.

Exited into the snowy night and went out to the vehicle, chatting all the while. Established a back-up for the mineral water. Asked about food and she put in a request. New mission parameters.

Fortunately found the blueberry mineral water and food on my first stop and doubled up the order to establish some happy points 😊

Texted her the good news and headed out on the highway. More texts, but couldn't answer. Arrived, parked, texted.

Maria called to give me the room number, which she had texted. Lobbied, more texting, climbed some stairs, hallwayed, knocked, entered, and there was Maria!

She's a petite tattooed dream with expressive eyes, pale skin, an array of tasteful tats, a wild mane of dark hair, long lashes, and a lot of energy! We chatted about her Ottawa visit, plans, backgrounds, etc.

Reminded her about the upcoming weather bomb which would affect her travel plans. She started texting friends and relatives. Said to take her time and establish peace of mind.

Texts made, she disrobed and was delightfully nude on the bed. Wow. A super-spinner. I was fully clothed, but righted the clothing imbalance asap.

The adult activities commenced. Safe services, but plenty of MPOS, friction, and fun. Enthusiastic CBJ. An unexpected upcharge for a reciprocal service, my credit wasn't good, walked peg-legged to my wallet, then back to the fun!

She's not shy about lending herself a helping hand and driving herself over the top. 💦 Very sexy. She guided me home, I redoubled my efforts, and splashed down 💦. Life's good.

We dressed and chatted. Mentioned reviews and had a good convo. Maria said she matches energy with her clientele. Assholes are met with fury. As Maria delivered her philosophy her eyes lit up with inner fire. She's tiny but she's a spitfire. Don't mess with her. 🔥

She's from out of town but plans on returning to Ottawa regularly. If you visit, please be gentlemen. 🙏 Maria's a beautiful, friendly, outgoing, fun, fierce, chatty and sexy young lady. She's diligent with communication so charge your cell phone and get ready for a textstorm, punctuated with timely phone calls 📲

Link to her ad and a photo attached.

View attachment 211517
Like reading a book!! great review, she is definitely on my TDL.
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New member
Mar 14, 2023
Saw Maria for a hh on her last tour. She’s as pictured, very tiny. CBJ and doggystyle. Cute ass. A bit mechanical, not GFE. Nice girl. Would recommend if you want to bang a young spinner.
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With a word she can get what she came for
Sep 25, 2016
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