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Margarita Island - Toronto Week!


Mar 31, 2006

Find this whole concept intriguing...wondering though..from the experienced guys...If you make a hot connection...are the girls also there to make a connection with a view to a long term relationship??

I hear about some of these ladies are hoping to emigrate with a caucasion gentlemen, and do you find that some of these girls really 'work it' to hang on to a good catch of a guy????

Because if that were the case, are feelings not hurt if that nice catch moves on to another lady within a few hours and drops the first lover like a sack-o-potatoes. I think I would feel like a heel in that situation. Any advice???? Not even sure if I banged one lady, if I could make eye contact with her, having moved onto another....Or are ALL the girls free spirited.

Second question..On the 2fer..I assume you are limited to only those girls that enjoy ffm...Or are all girls prospective 2fer clients....

Thirdly....Someone give me a viable excuse to go...I need an Alibi :) I'll be yours if you be mine!!!!

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
I like the concept and money is not the issue. I just wish the girls were better looking. There's only one girl on that site I'd be happy with. Chances of her being there and available aren'y worth the gamble. I've always gotten along very well with the EE girls, so Viking might be a good alternative.


New member
May 19, 2006
This sounds promising.

What extra tipping do the girls expect? Or perhaps a better question is "what did you give them".

The amount is probably not a problem, just need to make sure I bring enough down.


Apr 8, 2002

stoney1000 said:
I thought MWV was moving to Dominca Rebublic. I have been to Total Satisfaction twice and it is just as advertised
No, AAV ( ) has moved to Dominican Republic. MWV ("my wild vacation") has actually purchased an adjoining property and has started building another 9 room villa. Total Satisfaction is still operating and has good reviews, although it does not enjoy the same beach front location.

blake659 said:
..If you make a hot connection...are the girls also there to make a connection with a view to a long term relationship?? .. some of these ladies are hoping to emigrate with a caucasion gentlemen, .. do you find ..these girls really 'work it' to hang on to a good catch of a guy????
Second question..On the 2fer..I assume you are limited to only those girls that enjoy ffm...Or are all girls prospective 2fer clients....
Thirdly....Someone give me a viable excuse to go...I need an Alibi I'll be yours if you be mine!!!!
WOW!! Yes, many of the girls are looking for North American spouses. Incomes in Venezuela are very low (I believe US$300 a month is a great wage) and many girls look for the financial security of a husband who can support them. I personally know of 2 girls who have married Americans within the last year.
I too have "fallen" a couple of times, and on those times did not change my girl at all, and yes, it can get very emotional (which is another reason that it is not like selecting an escort for an hour). The girls get paid a very basic amount to be at the villa, but only really get paid if they are "with" someone. So, of course, they "work" to stay with you. Some girls get a bit annoyed if you trade them, but it generally is not a problem as long as they get picked by someone else. There is sometimes tension, but not usually. It's all part of the charm of a real GFE experience.
2fers - not many of the girls are really into ffm (although you will find out those that do!). The 2fer is usually more about 2 girls pleasuring you, and not a lot of ff interaction. So all girls are potential 2fer candidates, but it's not necessarily their "thing"! A good 2fer is hard to find! Usually it works best if you find one girl that you hit it off with, and then ask her to invite the 2nd girl. That way they already have made a connection.
Excuses, excuses!! Most guests go there for a week's "fishing trip" or "a golf vacation" with the guys! And you can (really) partake in either of these activities and return with the photos to prove it!! In fact I think that the villa plans to set up a bogus web site which guests can use as their excuse. I don't know when that will be up. And of course, yes, I'll be your excuse.

bsi said:
What extra tipping do the girls expect? Or perhaps a better question is "what did you give them". The amount is probably not a problem, just need to make sure I bring enough down.
Tipping is not expected. If you connect with a girl for a couple of days or more, you will probably find yourself taking her to Sembil mall, and buying her shoes/clothes/hair salon. Typically I expect to spend about US$250 on her (but most do not spend that sort of money - maybe a $20 bikini at the local outdoor market!). Tips for the cleaner, laundry, driver etc. (if you want to) would be $10/20 max. The only other expense is the Casino (I generally do not play, but give the girl I'm with $50 to play with). An extra day-trip (eg Jeep Safari) is about $50 each, so with your girl that will cost $100. There could be dining out, if you chose, but that will not exceed $50 for you and your girl. I generally take US$500/700 and may put $200 on a credit card. I've known guys there who have gone with $500 and returned with half of it intact!
I hope this answers some of the questions.
If you want to commit to going please PM me. Current tentative dates are January 11th - 18th, and group cost is US$2,395 (discounted). Please let me know your real name, phone # where I can reach you, and e-mail address.
There are currently 3 unconfimed vacancies available.


New member
Feb 17, 2004
I have been such the lurker!
Thanks to all of your efforts I have had great encounters with Toronto SPs such as Auralie, Serenity and Michelle Michelle over the past few years as I come to Toronto on business 3-4 times a year but that is not what this post is all about.
Each year for the past few years I have taken an all inclusive adult vacation with my buddies, usually a group of 5-6 of us. In 2003 we went to Viking in D.R., 2004 Xotic Beach House in Cabo San Lucas and Charlies Angels in D.R. in2005. This year I an renting my own private villa in D.R. and having Charlie send his Angels to us.
All 3 vacations were spectacular however if I was asked who to recommend I would say Charlie ( They go out of their way to please their clients and they are about $1000 cheaper than Viking.
I understand that this type of arrangement is not for everyone as it is pricey (anywhere from 3500-5000 USD for 4days, 3nights) but your do get the Hefner Mansion Experience that you do not get with local girls admittedly at a much lower cost. One experience is not better than the other just different as we all are looking for different experiences. I would be happy to answer any questions or direct you to my contact at Charlies if you wish.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth

I was one of the guys whose schedule interfered last time. I'll be free the week of the 11th and want to join the crowd. I'm on rotation in africa right now and with gold in the 600's I dont have time but will get back to you in 4 weeks, when I'm back in montreal for a months break.

Perfect way to spend this expat salary ...


Apr 8, 2002
OK. Just to bump this thread to see if there are any more guys interested in joining the party.
I currently have 6 confirmed (4 from Toronto, 1 from Montreal and 1 from NY), and 1 other who is probable (awaiting his vacation dates). So there are still 2 spots available, if anyone else is interested.
Air Transat/Nolitours have now posted their schedule and will be flying Toronto/Porlamar on JANUARY 10th (Wednesday) returning JANUARY 17th. So this will be our exclusive week (no other guests except our group). The Air fare cost is $669 +taxes (cost C$851.90). Resort/villa Cost is confirmed at US$2,395 for the 7 days/nights fully inclusive (!!!) - all accommodation, meals, drinks, free catamaran trip, and la Restinga trip, ... and a girl of your choice 24/7 (you can stay with one for the whole week, or change daily, or after 2 days etc your choice) and 1 day/night with 2 girls (2fer!). Transportation to/from airport as well as most transport needs during the week. I'll need to send a US$450 deposit for each guest in October, and the balance will be payable when you get there.
If you're interested PM me.


Apr 8, 2002
Bump - nearly gtime to send deposits!

OK. Just to bump this thread to see if there are any more guys interested in joining the party. We will need to complete the group and send off deposits in October.
We have reserved the MWV villa ( for the week of January 10th to 17th, 2007. I currently have 6 guys confirmed in the party (4 from Toronto, 1 from Montreal and 1 from NY), and 1 other who is probable (awaiting his vacation dates). So there are still 2 spots available, if anyone else is interested.
3 of us met there last January and had such a good time we are all returning. I have been there 5 times, and it is the highlight of my year. I had also been to Viking in the DR which was far more expensive and did not have the same relaxed, fun atmosphere. If this type of vacation interests you, you won't find a better time to join a group.
Air Transat/Nolitours will fly Toronto/Porlamar direct on JANUARY 10th (Wednesday) returning JANUARY 17th. This will be our exclusive week (no other guests except our group). The Air fare cost is $669 +taxes (cost C$851.90). Resort/villa Cost is confirmed at US$2,395 for the 7 days/nights fully inclusive (!!!) - all accommodation, meals, drinks, free catamaran trip, and la Restinga trip, ... and a girl of your choice 24/7 (you can stay with one for the whole week, or change daily, or after 2 days etc your choice) and 1 day/night with 2 girls (2fer!). Transportation to/from airport as well as most transport needs during the week. I'll need to send a US$450 deposit for each guest in October, and the balance will be payable when you get there.
Also a note about the girls: from experience the "Profiles" of the girls posted on the web site can give you an idea of the girls that will be there, but in reality very few of those pictured will be the ones actually there when we go. There is constant turnover and the web site does not keep pace with the ever changing scenery!! I have never had difficulty finding several beautiful, fun, sexy girls to spend my time with!!
If you're interested PM me.


New member
Nov 17, 2005
MWV ("my wild vacation") has actually purchased an adjoining property and has started building another 9 room villa. Total Satisfaction is still operating and has good reviews, although it does not enjoy the same beach front location.

Total Satisfaction doesn't want to enjoy a beach front location, read about the security on other boards and then you will realise why Tptal Satisfactions location is more suitable. When does the new 9 room villa start? There isn't a brick laid yet?
Look at the total satisfaction message board, always 25 to 35 people online and over 3500 members. Then get to know the difference in locations and facilities, then decide which offers the most value.


New member
Nov 17, 2005
I also see that the copy of the Playboy Video shoot that was done at Total Satisfaction is now available to view on their message forum, that gives everyone a good idea of whats available on Margarita Island. Enjoy your tripm everyone.


Apr 8, 2002
Maragarita - January 10th to 17th - update

pb0404 said:
When does the new 9 room villa start? There isn't a brick laid yet?
Thanks pb0404 - presumably you are an owner/represenatative of Total Satisfaction. That's fine, but this thread is purely looking for co-travellers for an already selected/arranged vacation at MWV January 10th-17th.
On MWV's Bulletin Board one guest reported back in July that excavation of the new 9 room villa had commenced, and Thomas made mention of it in a newsletter. I would be surprised if building has not commenced, but whether a brick has been laid or not won't affect the vacation that we are taking.

I'm sorry, but from a guest's point of view, the beach location is desirable, after all it is ONE of the reasons to get-away to this island paradise. This is my 5th visit and I've never had any problem from the location. I had considered coming to Total Satisfaction, but I eventually chose to return to the close "family" feel at MWV that I have gotten to know so well. I would consider coming to Total Satisfaction in the future, but highjacking my thread to advertise your place is not going to endear me to you!! Next time advertise on your own thread!

Meanwhile, updating our planned trip, - I am now sending the deposits for 6 confirmed guests. There is one other confirmed guest, but currently out of the country. Rubmeister100 was the most recent to join our party, and he posted his comments in the Lounge area recently. One other probable guest will not be able to confirm until November/December. I have another couple of guys who have shown interest but have not yet confirmed. So, at this moment I still have a possible 2 spots available; Here is the information link If you are interested in joining our party please PM me. Again, the cost is US$2,395 all inclusive (accommodation, food, drinks, a girl of your choice 24/7, one 24 hrs with 2 girls, catamaran trip (weather permitting), transportation to/from airport etc. Deposit of US$450 to be paid on confirmation, with the balance payable on arrival at the villa. During this trip our group will have exclusive use of the villa. Direct Toronto/Porlamar Flights are by AirTransat January 10th returning 17th, cost about C$850 (including taxes) and can be booked on line or through Nolitours.
PS SPQR you really should consider joining us!!


New member
Nov 17, 2005
On MWV's Bulletin Board one guest reported back in July that excavation of the new 9 room villa had commenced, and Thomas made mention of it in a newsletter. I would be surprised if building has not commenced,

have a great trip, send me a pic of any laid bricks, I am really interested in the new development.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts