Thank you ChaosTheory and Sukdeep for the congratulations........yes I am a VERY LUCKY MAN!! to be able to spend a lovely dinner and dessert evening with such a beautiful and elegant looking woman as Brynn......I feel like I won a million dollars!!!......I am not as active as I should be here in Toronto because I travel all across the country as part of my job and have reviews on other city's sites.....but I am working in Toronto for the next couple of months so I hope to have more reviews for you all for all my experiences here in your lovely city.........and YES for sure I will write a review for you all after my evening with Brynn.......unfortunately you will have to wait a couple of weeks as my schedule isn't open for Toronto until after April look anytime after that date for my review......thanks again to everybody, thanks Brynn for picking my name out of the hat and I look forward to contributing more to this board......everybody have a great week