Manscaping the options ??

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
A couple of good tips.

-Use a beard trimmer to get nice and close before even attempting to shave
-Use a BRAND NEW sharp blade that has not been used to cut the coarse hairs of a beard
-Use a razor with a pivoting head
-Rinse the blade often so it does not clog
-Cheap hair conditioner works MUCH better than shaving cream. It is just as slick, does not clog the blades, and does not foam so you can actually SEE what you are doing

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
I don't know what body parts you're trying to "manscape" (ugh, I can't believe I even used that word...) , or how much hair is involved. But maybe you're giving up too easily on waxing?

There was a time when I took a real dislike to the amount hair on my hands, wrists & forearms. I trimmed them to a shorter lenght (about an inch) and pulled them off with segments of masking tape.

I gather it's not as efficient than wax or sugar strips (and therefore less discomfort). You need multiple passes to get it all. But with that repetiton, tollerance came fairly easily. Afterwards, since you're not letting it grow all the way back, each subsequent time became easier (and I'm sure some of the folicles were damaged because there was a noticable loss of density when I finally let it grow out again)

I don't do the whole hand and forearm anymore - only the fingers and that backhand underside of the wrist which looks particularly ape-like with wrap-around hair (plus it gets caught in the watch bracelet).

But if for some reason I had to go back to removing hair from the arms, legs back or torso, I would try the tape first. Or perhaps start with the tape and graduate to wax/sugar when I'm more used to the sensation. The key is to trim the hairs so they are just long enough to get good adhesion but also short enough for the minimal amount of time and force to pull out.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Swingdancer said:
I recently met a man that is ungroomed that I am interested in spending some more time with. How do I ask him to at least trim his pubes with a beard trimmer. I hate pulling the pubes when i put my hand down his pants.

Swing, I wouldn't do it next time your down there as that can kill the mood if he is a little sensitive or if it doesn't go well.

My advice is to just be honest. Do it at a time when you guys are joking around or just talking. You can try asking him how he likes your shaved bush (assuming you do and he has knowledge of this) and then ease him into it by asking if he has ever shaved/trimmed, if so you can run with it from there. If not, say you find that a turn on and see if he's into it.

Good luck

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Try this...

Swingdancer: I've decided to grow my pelt back. I want it big and bushy, looking like Tito Jackson's afro in 1977. What do you think?

Mr. X: Um, really?

Swingdancer: Yeah, I got the idea after seeing yours, I guess you like that look?

Trust me, it will be gone the next day.:p

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
I've tried laser and it hurt too much to continue after my 3rd treatment. (they go higher up on frequency each time as the hairs get finer).. even with the numbing cream it was too painful. So.. back to shaving for me.
If you are dark skinned with dark hair they won't laser you anyway..
I use a venus razor and soap only. The venus is great b/c it has rounded edges so in tight spots you won't poke yourself with the blunt corners of the razor head. I find if I shave every day.. I don't get razor bumps. Something to note for people who get ingrown hairs. BUMP STOP... you get it in the african american hair products section in any wal-mart/shoppers. I personally don't get this problem so haven't tried it but for curly ingrown hairs I've heard it works well.


Spanked by Josie@Cupids
Mar 11, 2009
Swingdancer said:
I recently met a man that is ungroomed that I am interested in spending some more time with. How do I ask him to at least trim his pubes with a beard trimmer. I hate pulling the pubes when i put my hand down his pants.
bring one in hand on your next visit & trim it for him, he won't complain.
Inferno said:
How about something like this: "You know what really turns me on? A nice, smooth cock that I can stuff down my throat, without having to worry about coughing up a hairball afterward."

That oughtta get him to tidy up right quick.


Thanks inferno for the chuckle.....can't think of a better way to say it!


New member
Mar 23, 2007
Spadina and King-downtown
I've been researching laser hair removal for my pubic hair. There is now a laser that will work on dark skinned people. If you are interested, pm me and I'll tell you the info about my dermatologist. It's also better to have it done by someone with a lot of experience since skill level makes a difference to the outcome. That's why I'm going to my dermo. He is a real doctor not a cosmotologist or whaterever name they give themselves. Some of my hair might be too blonde, but then I can get rid of that with electrolosis.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Watch porn together and comment on how much you love the smooth look,,,,maybe throw in why,,,like it is so much easier to lick, suck,nibble, tease and swallow.........and so much fun when you use your lips to explore ALL the nooks and crannies.


New member
Apr 15, 2006
I use a safety razor, and baby powder as a lubricant. You may laugh, but it works. Go easy the first few times, well always go easy actually. The powder doesn't hide where you're going like foam does, or soften the skin to make it easier to cut. Doesn't take long. After one or two shaves on the bag, I use the razor for my face once or twice.
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