Man writes open letter to woman reporting “creepy guy” in park


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Right. So carding is bad. But this is good.

One or the other people. Can't have it both ways. Either we give police the authority to stop, question, and record information on citizens based on perceived suspicious behavior. Or we don't.

Are you going to put bird watchers on the list too? The elderly enjoying exercise?

I actually have changed my mind on carding. I don't want it. And this is no different.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Right. So carding is bad. But this is good.

One or the other people. Can't have it both ways. Either we give police the authority to stop, question, and record information on citizens based on perceived suspicious behavior. Or we don't.

Are you going to put bird watchers on the list too? The elderly enjoying exercise?

I actually have changed my mind on carding. I don't want it. And this is no different.
I agree, random stops and questioning — which we in TO call 'carding' — make trouble, they don't prevent it. But if there is a stop and questions asked, there must be a proper record of who complained, what they complained of, who was stopped, how they answered, and who were the officers involved. And that might just be on a card, although notebooks are traditional.


Mar 31, 2009
Are you going to put bird watchers on the list too? The elderly enjoying exercise?
I wish the elderly would get a life and stop feeding the pigeons in our parks.

I was watching Global TV earlier this evening. One word of caution, make sure any pics and videos you take is compliant with the Youth Protection Act. This is especially true if you see a youth being arrested by LE (or maybe even during the commission of a crime). Their identity is protected.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
People need to mind their own business. The woman was an idiot for even taking a picture and calling the cops. If that man lived in that neighborhood for over 20 years it is very unlikely a child pedo would go to a park across the street in the open. The woman should be fined for a flase call. Let's say he was doing something weird, I'm sure a parent would notice someone taking pictures of their kids near a playground.

should a citizen call the cops on a person they saw at 4am buying drugs, should they call the cops for jaywalking? This society is getting stupider. Thus I do agree with the man IF she lived in the neighbor long enough she would know him and see him quite often. Most people know each other at parks, at least in my neighborhood, pretty sure the same rules apply.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
An English professor who ends a sentence with a preposition? Now that is creepy.
It's certainly something up with which no one should be required to put.

But nothing to dial 911 for. Get your FINGER OFF THAT SEND KEY!!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
If you are an adult male, you have to accept that you can not walk around with a camera where there might be kids or else you get the hard stares from every adult around you. It does suck, but it is just a minor inconvenience, there are bigger problems out there than not being able to walk around freely with a camera.

Me I never carry a camera around, if there are kids around I prefer to avoid them altogether if possible.
No you don't have to accept it, you can fight back against the mysandry.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
No you don't have to accept it, you can fight back against the mysandry.
we can fight against misandry, but to what avail?

MRA have been doing this for years and when they do they are deemed as misogynists. its an impossible battle to win, hence why some men have gone mgtow and walked away.

society views men as aggressive, violent and deviant creatures that are out to get children and women. while in reality based on facts and statistics it is only a very small percentage of men doing this unacceptable behavior.

it saddens me that as a man I can no longer walk down a street near a women, that I no longer can say hello or smile to a child, that I must take extra precaution around children and women so that they feel safe, that I am guilty until proven innocent. that an elderly man cannot sit in a park around children and just enjoy life and the moments around him without being harassed, thought as and deemed as a dangerous individual because people FEEL that he is creepy.

it seems that people feelings which are irrational at best have become fact.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The problem is that almost all pedos are male.

Same with that former TV pitchman for Alexander Keith beer. Then there is Sandusky who took Coach Joe Paterno down with him.
Like guys who are deaf to, "no". Pushing is a guy thing, it's why we got the muscles, it's how we do most stuff, including sex. It's why the pregnant and mothering wimminfolk kicked us outta the caves and told us to go hunt something and bring it back, if we wanted more. They could do quite well on their own in the interim, growing and gathering, thanks.

Wanna live together, gotta be civilized and do it nicely. In this case that would have been something like, "Hi, I've seen you carrying that camera and taking pictures other days, I'm curious what you photograph?" Or, "Good morning, Some of the playground moms were wondering about you taking pictures so often, but I thought it's foolish to be suspicious when all we need to do is ask you about it." Or even, "Excuse me for interfering, but I thought you should be aware your picture-taking is causing concern among parents, I think it would be very helpful if you spoke to them first, before taking more."


Mar 31, 2009
They could do quite well on their own in the interim, growing and gathering, thanks.
They were doing quite well until the sabre tooth tigers showed up.

Anyway, why not just post a "no photography/video" sign in the park?

BTW: There is something weird about old men. They sit on the porch 24/7. They don't buy anything, but sit in the mall 24/7. They find a young female bank teller who speaks Portuguese and keep chatting with her while ignoring the rest of us in the lineup. They feed pigeons in the park (actually many old women do the same).


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
The problem is that almost all pedos are male.

Same with that former TV pitchman for Alexander Keith beer. Then there is Sandusky who took Coach Joe Paterno down with him.
see thats where I see the problem. the lack of available information out there. people, both male and female have inappropriate behaviors. so while you are correct that males are pedos, its also correct that females are pedos. I believe that its just under reported or considered by authorities as un consensual sex. abusers are typically someone the child knows and trusts.

as far as documentation as to the numbers of male to female I question the validity of the data. I have read some data from stats canada and according to their stats it is more prevalent in men. however, given the fact that stats canada also at one time supported the fact that domestic violence was a male perpetuated crime and it now has DV at 50/50 it makes me question why women may not be similar in other inappropriate behaviors?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Why do you say that? Who are they carding then? Just black guys?
He specifically said they would prevent the guys future employment
As I said I know for a fact total bs (and paranoia)

Way to run the race card out but besides outraging people what does it have to do with being a pedo?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
If that man lived in that neighborhood for over 20 years it is very unlikely a child pedo would go to a park across the street in the open. The woman should be fined for a flase call. Let's say he was doing something weird, I'm sure a parent would notice someone taking pictures of their kids near a playground.
Well hate to inject some facts but you do realize MOST pedos abduct from the area they live in? Gives them ample time to scout out and groom talent...
Don't take my word for it go research a bit then come back and try again

The EXCEPTION to this rule is the sex mongers who travel to 3rd world countries
But even they tend to stay same places, call same pimps, and still running on some pattern


Mar 31, 2009
Guys, this is 2015. Ignore the "Joe Paterno Rule" at your peril.

If you see a lonely old man in the park near little kids and you "think" he might be surreptitiously photographing/videotaping the kids, you must call the police or like Paterno risk losing your job and having your statute taken down. Or, if somebody tells you (hearsay) he thinks he saw the old man taking pics of the kids, then you must call the police. The "Joe Paterno Rule". Of course, the police might shoot the old man but that is not your problem.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
They were doing quite well until the sabre tooth tigers showed up.

Anyway, why not just post a "no photography/video" sign in the park?

BTW: There is something weird about old men. They sit on the porch 24/7. They don't buy anything, but sit in the mall 24/7. They find a young female bank teller who speaks Portuguese and keep chatting with her while ignoring the rest of us in the lineup. They feed pigeons in the park (actually many old women do the same).
Guys, this is 2015. Ignore the "Joe Paterno Rule" at your peril.

If you see a lonely old man in the park near little kids and you "think" he might be surreptitiously photographing/videotaping the kids, you must call the police or like Paterno risk losing your job and having your statute taken down. Or, if somebody tells you (hearsay) he thinks he saw the old man taking pics of the kids, then you must call the police. The "Joe Paterno Rule". Of course, the police might shoot the old man but that is not your problem.
Skyrider was able to suppress his original alter ego, Rockslinger, for a time after his most recent banning. But recently he is coming up with more and more of these ludicrous posts. It seems to me that he is the biggest troll on Terb.


New member
Mar 7, 2004
Last thing in the world I would ever wish on to be sitting beside a un-civilized brat whos parents are useless POS's and let their kid do anything....mainly because they are so self absored....almost reaches the level of New Born on a plane right next to you.....NMCOT..

Sorry....I think this hit a sore topic with me.... :)
Is there something you want to get off your chest?


New member
Mar 7, 2004
I don't think he contradicted himself. He took no pictures that day, but is suggesting to the woman that if she sees someone acting suspiciously (perhaps taking pics), that she should approach him and ask questions rather than humiliate him by having him detained and interrogated.

And I 100% agree with him.
So you should a pedophile would admit he was there to take pictures of young children?

You think a pedophile wouldn't be able to come up with some good answers?

To me, the stupidest thing the man said was "ask me some questions".
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