Man our cops are FUCKED........


Jun 6, 2009
And your tired old song is irritating.

Look, on balance, the value of the information provided by CI's is miniscule compared to the societal value of avoiding he said-she said police/public interactions and restoring the trust in the accountability of police.

I've spoken to many cops over the years over that very issue. Funny thing is the ones who are dead set against it are the ones who think that tuning a guy up at Cherry Beach/ "trailers". The guys who want it think it will protect THEM from false accusations from skeevy people they interact with on a daily basis.

The details of how it would be executed are not holding up the implementation, politics is. It just hasn't got bad enough yet.
Politics and the legal aspects. What do your lawyer pals say?


Jun 6, 2009
Uhhh, not like I'm going to cal them over a hypothetical (and futile) circular discussion with you but until there is a political will, there will be no legal action.

Police dash cams went through the same thing and they are common now.
I thought you'd have talked to the lawyers as well, since you've talked to cops about the hypothetical ( and futile) circular discussion, but hey.

The dash cams are more limited in what they can do, so they are not the same. To start, do the police take the dash cams into someones house or place of business to start? I'll give you a hint, nope.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The dash cams are more limited in what they can do, so they are not the same. To start, do the police take the dash cams into someones house or place of business to start? I'll give you a hint, nope
The govt could easily write a new law that says if cops are under impression a crime is being committed inside a house, they have the authority to go in while their body cameras filming

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You really think that since this thread started that I went and interviewed a bunch of cops about it?

My observations are based on casual discussions over many years.

Resorting to such ridiculous premises. You really are such a jack off
I'm pretty sure he's trolling. Nobody could be this stupid.

I'm happy to play along with him though :)

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The trouble is you're not playing. You actually think you know what you're talking about.
Psychological projection:

Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.

Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object


Jun 6, 2009
Too funny!

Ok, blackrock how does this sound?

I agree that it is legally, technically and logistically impossible to address the concerns you so eruditely present.

It can never, and will never happen.
Then that would another lie from you, but hey.


Jun 6, 2009
I realize 'never' might have been a bad choice to use as I seldom speak in absolutes, but even if the technical, financial and logistical questions get dealt with, the law and phycological roadblocks will be tougher nuts to crack in our society and culture. We would have to decide that to give up some freedoms for an unknown measure of safety and police surveillance with every officer being given cameras. As I said earlier, we went silly in Toronto and almost rebelled in Quebec when they were suggested at the level they did. In Quebec, I believe there have been specific laws in place hindering just this type of surveillance.


Jun 6, 2009
Yeah, you are now all of a sudden concerned with the rights of citizens and or culture and society when it comes to privacy!

And it has nothing to do with your police sycophancy?

I'll bet that citizens would LOVE police to be equipped with personal video recorders.

That's what you read from that, wow. Having lived a worked in true police states, not the fantasy worlds of some on here who make that claim of Canada, I've always been concerned about the rights of the citizens against the state and made that quite clear often here on TERB. As far police sycophancy, not so, as I have said when they deserve they should be held responsible. The RCMP activities in BC and Alberta ios a perfect example that i've never defended. Compare that to the cries of 'put him in General Population and let them deal with him' cries you get on here, which all normal minds would know that would be a death sentence. my support comes on strong or as often simply to balance out this rabid idiotic lynch mob mentality. As some other on here have said, you hate them and think they're pigs until you need them.

It's citizens who have raised some of the concerns about the camera, not just police. Why don't you run a poll and see what they think?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
That's what you read from that, wow. Having lived a worked in true police states, not the fantasy worlds of some on here who make that claim of Canada, I've always been concerned about the rights of the citizens against the state and made that quite clear often here on TERB. As far police sycophancy, not so, as I have said when they deserve they should be held responsible. The RCMP activities in BC and Alberta ios a perfect example that i've never defended
But dont you see that police wearing body cameras will solve (and prevent) a lot of police brutality claims?? Its win/win for both sides, civilians as well as cops


Mar 15, 2012
I think every cop should be equipped with a live video/audio recorder that they must wear every day on the job. This should cut down on the corruption somewhat.

And cops better not object. After all (to use one of their favourite lines) if you got nothing to hide, then you got nothing to worry about :D
Yeah right...

these guys hate cameras more than doing actual work.


Jun 6, 2009
Says more about your bias'.

Of course I was referring to ALL citizens. Even taking your logic where would that go?

1. That might suggest that TERBies would not want police camera's because we are engaged in a shadowy, socially unpalatable activities we do not want to risk video evidence of police encounters?

So that means TERBies would NOT want cameras?

2. That for some reason you think that TERBies WOULD want police cameras by virtue of or shared interest in P4P?


Phil C. beat me to posting the poll but the results will speak for themselves. Many citizens are concerned about police lying, malfeasance and misconduct. Even if it is not as common as you insistently bleat, it is common enough when YOU are the victim of it.

I just saw a YouTube video of a guy who reminded me exactly of you arguing on TERB! LOL! (Actually your arguing reminds me a LOT of many videos I see on YouTube... all ending up with a faceplant!)

He straps himself onto the belly of an airplane and is really stoked to get the pilot to get going!

Then his carefully (or so he thinks!) engineered strap lets go.

He holds on as long as he can with his hands but finally drops to his death.

The video closes with his narrator friend trying to make him a hero for his "accomplishment"!

Except you are your own narrator!

I gotta find it again!
What are yo babbling on about?

I know you meant all citizens, not just TERBland, but Phil doesn't and figured a similar poll of TERB will be a true reflection of our great city feelings. i wasn't talking about the members of TERB, but you knew that, yet just could resist posting this.
There have been enough polls on TERB that shows the demographics represented here are not reflective. Age, gender, income, religion and nationality are all skewed. The fact that most on here hobby is the most common denominators so it does matter but not the sole character.

The fact that you pulled another family video out and try a say it reminds you of me, is of no consequence, as I would not strap myself under a plane to begin with and it goes downhill from there. Where exactly did I say I felt TERBIES would want cameras? Hint, nowhere.

You are so desperate to make points, you'll post anything to try an d score them.
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