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Madrid bombings carry al-Qaida hallmark


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Why must civilians pay for Aznar and ETA?

Well, "their" land was taken by force if you're referring to the Muslim and protected Jewish minority population, and not to el kaida or whatever it's called. The local population at the time was foribly converted to Christianity as usual, of course the Jews were treated more harshly, and of course the Inquisition also targeted "heretics". Interesting that I didn't see a detailed piece on ETA last night despite that being the group most likely to have done the deed, the media seemed compelled to pin this on someone else. Anyway, Bin Laid denied responsibility for the NY attacks, although he was only too happy before that to claim anything that was remotely linked to him. It seems that the chain of conspirators may have left the big boss out of the loop at the time. So I don't care if ETA denies it, they're still the prime suspects. A very cowardly thing to do targeting innocent working stiffs this way. Why must they do this? Bastards.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Re: Why must civilians pay for Aznar and ETA?

countstudly said:
Well, "their" land was taken by force if you're referring to the Muslim and protected Jewish minority population, and not to el kaida or whatever it's called. The local population at the time was foribly converted to Christianity as usual, of course the Jews were treated more harshly, and of course the Inquisition also targeted "heretics". Interesting that I didn't see a detailed piece on ETA last night despite that being the group most likely to have done the deed, the media seemed compelled to pin this on someone else. Anyway, Bin Laid denied responsibility for the NY attacks, although he was only too happy before that to claim anything that was remotely linked to him. It seems that the chain of conspirators may have left the big boss out of the loop at the time. So I don't care if ETA denies it, they're still the prime suspects. A very cowardly thing to do targeting innocent working stiffs this way. Why must they do this? Bastards.
The Muslims were also invading Europe at the time of the crusades....
If you are ever captured or held hostage by muslim fanatics then make sure you say the following:

"Allah Akhbar".....Allah Akhbar".

This means "God is Great" and when they hear this they will think you are a convert and are less likely to kill you. It saved a lot of russian POW's during the Afghan war of the 80's.


rhythmic member
johnnyhandsome said:
If you are ever captured or held hostage by muslim fanatics then make sure you say the following:

"Allah Akhbar".....Allah Akhbar".
Thanks for the tip johnnyhandsome! But personally I'm gonna stay the FUCK away from these bastards.

What do you guys think of the Al-Qaeda splinter group in London who claimed responsibility and also said that an attack on the US was 90% ready ("Black death"). Mind you these freaks also claimed responsibility for the black out last summer. Maybe they broke off the tree branch in Ohio. :eek:


New member
Jan 22, 2003
johnnyhandsome said:
The muslims are still pissed about the freaking crusades which was hundreds of years ago. I mean get real people. Let it go.



New member
Feb 22, 2004
Not only were the Madrid bombings on the 11th of the month again, but they happened exactly 911 days after 9/11.
That fact alone would point to Al Qaeda. Combine that with the emails that were sent to the newspapers and the abandoned van with the tapes of Koran verses, and it definitely suggest
Al Qaeda is responsible.
...and another thing. I'd have to agree with Chivas - we're vulnerable to a terrorist attack right here in Toronto. Don't doubt it with a guy like Abdurahman Khadr, a man trained in an Al Qaeda camp to be a suicide bomber, walking freely around the city!
Not a matter of if but a matter of when.
I got my FAC and my rifles are nicely oiled up, thank you very much.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Vladimir said:
A couple of quick thoughts that went through my mind when I heard the news.

First, I have been to Toronto and have taken the Go train... a bit scary if you think about it. Second, Canada opposed the war in Iraq, Spain didn't.
But the majority of Spaniards were against the war. That is what it is scary.

Anyway it doesn't take much to tick off terriorists. France, which has been among the most vocal anti-war countries, was called out by Osama because of the head-scarf banning. He called out USA and France in that tape even though it is pretty clear one has done more to attract the ire of muslims than the other.
Spanish Intelligence Reportedly Blames Muslims for Bombs

jackhammer99 said:
All this discussion seems pointless. Why not allow the investigators determine who was responsible? I'm sure they are in a better position than we are.

If you remember the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building, there were a lot of accusations flying around. From what I read, Paul Harvey had accused the Serbians of committing the deed on national radio (due to US intervention in Bosnia). Turns out it was Tim McVeigh and company. Did Paul Harvey apologize for his statements? .. no.

I'm not Serbian, Spanish, or Muslim, but before we start pointing fingers, let those whose job it is, determine who is responsible.
No need to aimlessly point fingers anymore. The Spanish authorities are 99% certain that it is muslims who were behind the bombings. See link:|top|03-13-2004::12:09|reuters.html
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