Luxe Mulvari (613) 617-xxxx

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Dec 16, 2017
This thread has just come to my attention a couple of days ago. First, I’d like to say that all the photos in this thread were taken on the same day at the same photo shoot, check the rings and nails. I’m athletic, I work out and I dance. I am who I am and I like who I am and how I’m built! I love how my body looks and feels; muscular, well built and strong. Yes, I’ve made some changes to my business model and they are all good, positive moves that support my commitment to being an ethical, caring and professional provider.

After doing some research, I know who black panther is and I’ve seen him several times. This review makes no sense; he knew what I looked like as he’s seen me before. Before my price increase that is. I will say that “serial fingerer” is an understatement and he consistently tried (aggressively, no ask, no notice, no lube, unclipped fingernails that tore skin) knowing it was out of bounds. Given how many boundary pushers have surfaced since C36, I tried to be patient with him but now I see that grace was in vain. I’ve only started verifying clients recently so I had not checked into him before now. He was never an easy client, nonsense middle of the night calls/text for appointments then cancelling etc. I have screen shots of all our communications but I won’t post it here to respect his privacy even tho he obviously doesn’t respect me or mine.

Also, the number he posted for Bliss has no online presence, no one ever answers but I get regular texts from it asking for 15 min appointments . Too bad she won’t book a real playtime, her pics are hot! I don’t know if there is a connection but the fact he is the common denominator is curious. I just find that it’s odd that she only ever posted one ad ever, and it was posted in December 2017, the same time he posted his review. Perhaps she retired after her experience with him? To me, this whole situation has a bad smell to it.

This review intended to make me look unethical under false pretenses which when simply examined cannot hold weight (VirginJon thanks for the critical thinking skills ;)) It makes me think twice about belonging to community that

1) keeps and supports ADMITTED sexual predators in their midst
2) encourages and supports sexually aggressive behavior
3) takes the word over some anonymous person over an established and ethical businesswoman.

This incident has shown me how vulnerable I have made myself by making access to me easy. As a result of this thread, I’ve decided that this summer I’m removing phone/text access and I’m adding a full booking form and screening more vigorously. Boundaries are important and boundary pushers aren’t welcome. This has been an eye opening experience.
This is too funny Luxe. It looks like my review has struck a nerve on you. You really don't know who I am. Actually, you have no clue who I am. But from your writing it seems that my honest review has bothered you. Wow I honestly can't believe an SP is seriously trying to make fake assumptions about me and for what? I've never even said anything demeaning about you..You got butt hurt because I didn't recommend you for the price. So I'm not allowed to express my feelings here? You can't be that low can you? Going back to a previous review about Bliss I made, trying to make me look bad. That's low of you. All this that you wrote is complete utter lie.. And why are SPs contacting Bliss? So they can find out who I am? Wow I come to terb to write honest reviews and this is the shit storm I get.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
You can say what you want to say, but you and I both know I know who you are, and that's all I need to say. I'm going to continue respecting your privacy but please know, you BD threads (note plural) are extremely informative.


Dec 16, 2017
You can say what you want to say, but you and I both know I know who you are, and that's all I need to say. I'm going to continue respecting your privacy but please know, you BD threads (note plural) are extremely informative.
Right, because that's literally all you can possibly say about me to make me look bad here. But it's evident here what your true nature is, your true color shines here. A classless women who can't take any form of criticism, and so she tries to falsely accuse reviewers and even goes so low to contact a former SP to get information about me.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Sorry but I gotta jump in here.

BP - you know damn well ain't no one contacting SPs to find you out.

That is BS to deflect that you are indeed a self-admitted boundary pusher on SPs in this industry. And not just one SP.

You don't listen to the rules at the beginning and try for shit you have already been told is off the menu. You have admitted this in more then one review. You write this stuff. Not anyone else. No one is making up stuff under your handle. That is you.

Twice you wrote how a lady said no to anal digits at the beginning of the session and twice you went for it anyway during the session. Twice you had to be repeatedly told no to that service. What do you want people to do? Not read that part? Not make the judgments they have??? Come one. You can't seriously be that naive.

I am the only person who contacted Bliss. I left her a single message with an offer of support to links and resources available to new SPs. She was never asked a single thing about you because no one spoke to her. I didn't even speak to her. Just offered the options of resources like TERB, like Lyla, etc. And I told you I was going to do before I even it did. No hidden agendas and no BS, tracking down your info. LOL. So again, Stop lying to deflect.

I don't know you or Luxe. I have no bone in this fight. But I will say it is funny how you go on about real pics here with the higher priced Luxe who you have now been priced out of, and your newest review where you knew the pics where fake but that is ok. It is just those things that make you go ....hmmmm????


Dec 16, 2017
Sorry but I gotta jump in here.

BP - you know damn well ain't no one contacting SPs to find you out.

That is BS to deflect that you are indeed a self-admitted boundary pusher on SPs in this industry. And not just one SP.

You don't listen to the rules at the beginning and try for shit you have already been told is off the menu. You have admitted this in more then one review. You write this stuff. Not anyone else. No one is making up stuff under your handle. That is you.

Twice you wrote how a lady said no to anal digits at the beginning of the session and twice you went for it anyway during the session. Twice you had to be repeatedly told no to that service. What do you want people to do? Not read that part? Not make the judgments they have??? Come one. You can't seriously be that naive.

I am the only person who contacted Bliss. I left her a single message with an offer of support to links and resources available to new SPs. She was never asked a single thing about you because no one spoke to her. I didn't even speak to her. Just offered the options of resources like TERB, like Lyla, etc. And I told you I was going to do before I even it did. No hidden agendas and no BS, tracking down your info. LOL. So again, Stop lying to deflect.

I don't know you or Luxe. I have no bone in this fight. But I will say it is funny how you go on about real pics here with the higher priced Luxe who you have now been priced out of, and your newest review where you knew the pics where fake but that is ok. It is just those things that make you go ....hmmmm????
Funny how I knew you would show up. You sure you didn't leave details begging Bliss to reveal about me? You and Luxe both giving me a creepy stalker vibe.

2nd Ranger

New member
Jul 10, 2017
here's another case of he said she said. I have never seen Luxe. A lot of of known quality providers have professional photos done. Knowing that you have to be naive to think that you will get a picture perfect copy of the lady you are looking at. I always go in with tamed expectations and most of time i am pleasantly surprised. If you go in with a set idea based on professionally done pictures and imagine some specific facial features, well you may not get the high bar you put up in your mind.

I went to see Karissa at CMJ, now i had never seen her full face, only the bottom half and i had sort of made up in my mind the kind of look these pictures made me build inside my skull. When i saw her it was nothing like i imagined. Don't get me wrong, she is extremely beautiful and i had no beef but it just convinced me once more not to rely too much on photos, remain open minded and not construct some kind of imaginary person in my mind. Body wise i always allow some leeway.

As for Luxe, she has good reviews and a lot seem to enjoy their sessions with her and think she is great looking so what's the problem here??? Personally based on what i see i surmise she is a fairly beautiful lady.

Edit: her rates and services is at her convenience. If you don't like it, then don't go.


Dec 16, 2017
here's another case of he said she said. I have never seen Luxe. A lot of of known quality providers have professional photos done. Knowing that you have to be naive to think that you will get a picture perfect copy of the lady you are looking at. I always go in with tamed expectations and most of time i am pleasantly surprised. If you go in with a set idea based on professionally done pictures and imagine some specific facial features, well you may not get the high bar you put up in your mind.

I went to see Karissa at CMJ, now i had never seen her full face, only the bottom half and i had sort of made up in my mind the kind of look these pictures made me build inside my skull. When i saw her it was nothing like i imagined. Don't get me wrong, she is extremely beautiful and i had no beef but it just convinced me once more not to rely too much on photos, remain open minded and not construct some kind of imaginary person in my mind. Body wise i always allow some leeway.

As for Luxe, she has good reviews and a lot seem to enjoy their sessions with her and think she is great looking so what's the problem here??? Personally based on what i see i surmise she is a fairly beautiful lady.

Edit: her rates and services is at her convenience. If you don't like it, then don't go.
There is no problem lol that's what is so funny. Luxe just got bitter for the fact that I didn't praise her enough and how I didn't recommend her for her price. I bet if I gave her a 10 across the board she wouldn't comment here. If you read my review, you can clearly see I said positive things about her, just said it wasn't worth the price in my opinion.

So she got butthurt and thought, "hey why don't I play the victim card and pretend he is abusive, after all this is the internet and people will believe me. I'll make Blackpanther look like the perpetrator, even though he didn't say any demeaning things about me."

Ya good one, Luxe. Way to go. This only brings out your true sadistic nature.

2nd Ranger

New member
Jul 10, 2017
0 everybody says who knows...maybe some have better experiences with her and others not so much. It's no different than with most SP's. I saw some well reviewed SP some months ago based on comment made on here from very respected elders and it turned out to be one of the less memorable and worse encounter i've ever had...

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
you can clearly see I said positive things about her, just said it wasn't worth the price in my opinion.

We all know the truth now. It's all good

Glad you admitted your issue was really about price and so much about the pics like she said. It is good when people come back to admit the real things. So thanks.

And yes - pretty darn sure I know what I sent Bliss. LOL. I don't want your info. I promise. Only pointing ladies to resources available. Just like I do here. Why would I have told you in your review of her that I sent her text. I am open about things I do. I have nothing to hide.

Now that this is all cleared up - Have a great weekend BP.


Dec 16, 2017
We all know the truth now. It's all good

Glad you admitted your issue was really about price and so much about the pics like she said. It is good when people come back to admit the real things. So thanks.

And yes - pretty darn sure I know what I sent Bliss. LOL. I don't want your info. I promise. Only pointing ladies to resources available. Just like I do here. Why would I have told you in your review of her that I sent her text. I am open about things I do. I have nothing to hide.

Now that this is all cleared up - Have a great weekend BP.
Ok Jessica, I believe you. Have a good night.


Jan 13, 2018
You did nothing wrong here blackpanther. If you ask me most SPs I find look to be slightly different from thier pictures off the website. Nothing for Miss Mulvari to grudge over. I also dug through this infamous Bliss review, and although I don't condone with what you did I also don't think you deserve to be burned at the stake like some witch hunt some people make it out to be. You owned up to it and showed proof of contact with Bliss that tells me she was very happy to be with you. Unfortunately this will forever be a bad stain on your hand that SPs like Jessica Rain and others will keep referring to put you down. Jessica claimed that she doesn't come to the Ottawa thread much and "someone" had brought it to her attention but I bet she reads through every thread here. She is very active and has allot of time on her hands. I would advise you blackpanther to ignore the comments and just leave your honest opinions here. I quit reviewing awhile back. Better yet, perhaps quit reviewing altogether. I don't think people appreciate your reviews on terb. Just too many white knights and too many SPs jumping around trying to take control of this website. Freedom of speech doesn't count here.


This is just a hobby
May 1, 2002
GTA everybody says who knows...maybe some have better experiences with her and others not so much. It's no different than with most SP's. I saw some well reviewed SP some months ago based on comment made on here from very respected elders and it turned out to be one of the less memorable and worse encounter i've ever had...
BINGO! As always it's ymmv. BP was upfront to say that the lady was nice but he didn't feel the price of admission was warranted based on the services he received . Ok so that's how he felt and it's legitimate. I read all these other comments about BP trying to reach out of bounds? Seriously? I've not heard once when someone said no and he did not stop. When I see a lady for the first time how do I know the limits? I don't know and so I work with her to find what we are both comfortable with and we go from there. That's exactly what this hobby is all about. We are all out there exploring our sexuality and our limits. I've only been a hobbyist for a couple decades so sure I haven't seen it all but one thing for sure, if you aren't ready to test your limits them this game is not for you!!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Blackpanther stated that Luxe is too expensive. That's his opinion and frankly it is mine too! If you don't like that opinion, well that's just too bad because it is FREEDOM OF SPEECH here whether you like it or not!
You have no freedom of speech on a private web forum.


May 30, 2017
In the Matrix
You have no freedom of speech on a private web forum.
Ola, ola, ola.... be careful here!
Which private forum are you referring too? I hope you are not referring of Terb as a "private" forum, because Terb is not a "private" forum.

Private forums are not for everyone. In a private forum, it's not like whoever wants to sign up is in. Private forums are for "selected" individuals.
"Selected" because they were chosen by an administrator who say yes or no they can join his forum for what ever reason.
They join because they pay some fees or they share a common view on a subject.

Nobody had been "selected" to join Terb. You join and that's it.
The only reason why you need to join is if you want to contribute to a conversation or if you want to search something faster.
Otherwise, you don't even need to join and can stay a lurker of Terb for ever.
It's been ask to be nice and polite, otherwise MOD can remove the access to your username or your IP number.
The mentality on Terb is to be nice, polite and to not lie, otherwise other members will call you out.

But Terb is not a "private" forum and yes, there is a principle that is FREEDOM OF SPEECH that we go with on Terb.
You can say what you want, as long as it is politely said, it's ok. Maybe some people will not like what you said and that is their right to express it too, but the freedom of speech stands because it is not a "private" forum here.

Just saying...


The Big "O"
Dec 25, 2017
This is not a private forum, it's public.
It does not have complete freedom of speech either as there are certain things we cannot discuss like Sugar Dating, BBFS, specific services MAs may or may not provide, racism, calling someone names, third hand information and a few other things.
So though it is public true freedom of speech is not permitted, it has limits.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Do explain please?
Freedom of speech only has meaning in reference to state control of public expression. This is a privately run forum - the moderators can and will delete posts, kill threads and ban users for whatever arbitrary reasons they see fit to use. They could ban you because there are three bs in your username and you would have zero recourse. So to be accurate, you actually have whatever "freedom of speech" the site's administrators allow you to have.

2nd Ranger

New member
Jul 10, 2017
Freedom? who has complete freedom? There are rules in society so yeah you have freedom within reasonable limits. The same applies here, you can say whatever you want as long as it is within the boundaries of rules set by the mods.

faveone - I think that anyone should always ask the SP what is allowed and never 'push' the limits of what she will accept without permission. Everyone has the opportunity to clearly state what they want beforehand. Just as well, the provider will outline what her services are when you ask her for the rates and services. IF you want something that she didn't mention then just ask. It will allow for better understanding and maybe avoid some unpleasantness that could spoil your session. Remember that these girls are not just 'providers'. Sticking your finder up her ass if she said no greek might not be the smartest thing to do.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Okay you're right. Let me restate my statement:

Blackpanther stated that Luxe is too expensive. That's his opinion and frankly it is mine too! If you don't like that opinion, well that's just too bad because it is FREEDOM OF SPEECH here (within the Mod's moderations) whether you like it or not!

Terb is a PUBLIC forum. It is NOT a private forum.
It's a privately run forum. The administrators have chosen to allow anyone to create an account and immediately have posting rights to most forums, but that's an admin decision. They could lock it down to whatever extent they want to. That's why "freedom of speech" isn't the right term - it implies that it's a right, and none of us have any rights here.
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