Lulus 4 U


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
pretty messed...


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Maybe she can't handle the big shlong on the brothers! ;). All kidding aside, it's unfortunate that in this day and age, we still find people with this type of attitude. Disappointing.

John Gilbunni

New member
Jul 8, 2012
She's doing some of us a favor by being up front about her "preference". Spend the cash on the 99% of the other ladies that don't give a rats bum how much pigment is in your skin.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
she can pick and choose who she want to see...
as we could do the same thing...
dont like her ads? (i Dont.) then dont see her, theres got to be an sp out there thats hotter and wilder than her. nuff said.
and if you argue there's no sp out there hotter than her... then you are living under a rock.


New member
Nov 23, 2006
Uh... Guys. I think she is saying she wants guys with white and straight teeth... Not white guys with straight teeth.

Edit: with her latest ad I stand corrected.
Last edited:


Uh... Guys. I think she is saying she wants guys with white and straight teeth... Not white guys with straight teeth.

Edit: with her latest ad I stand corrected.
Are you sure she isn't asking for straight guys with white teeth? :D


Her ad from last night said she was looking for a "white guy" to have fun with. Lulu had an ad Thursday night that said "Caucasian only please", so it is not about white teeth.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
And I read an ad on CL where a white woman wanted a black man or men. Does that make her racist? Sorry, but sexual preference and what is attractive (or unattractive) is not racial. There are a lot of cultures that frown on dating/marrying outside of that culture. Retrictive? Yes. Racist? No.

Can looking for a blonde give rise to the brunettes taking to the streets in protest?

Am I racist if I pass by an ad for a black woman?

Sorry people, I just don't get your point (of course, I did chuckle at the various translations of what was meant!).

Why the lengthy thread just because one is being honest about what works for her? To each their own.

Enjoy your evening!


Aug 1, 2006
Hey, she's not serving you at a lunch counter. This is something pretty intimate she's offering and she has a right to pick and choose, even though it sounds a bit odd.


Active member
Nov 17, 2008
As said by withpassion, it is really her call. I have seen ads by sp's and ma's before that stated Caucasian men only. This doesn't make it right and it doesn't make it wrong, I don't agree with it, but it is always up to the service provider. Personally I don't care about race or religion, if the woman is hot...I'll fuck her!!!

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Godwin's Law

It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches.

In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler and the Nazis.


Reductio ad Hitlerum is an informal fallacy that consists of trying to refute an opponent's view by comparing it to a view that would be held by Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
As for CH mentions about race, by pointing out that 'caucasian only please', it is not much better single out or exclude other races. Please call it as it is. There are no confusions in her ad. Would it made worst if she change to 'no blacks' nor 'no asians' ? I don't think so... same shiet. I just hope she does not carry this attitude when she gets a real job. An educated person that is racist is much worst than an person that is not educated. If you don't agree with my comments, please see history thru the eyes of the Germans.
Oh please! Really? You are mentioning the Germans here? Look it, let's forget about the escort business for a moment. If a Black girl chooses to go out only with Black men, is she a racist? If a Korean girl chooses to go out with Koreans, is she racist? In fact she could be a double racist...not only does she stick with Asians, but only a certain type of Asian!

My point is that in general society of course no one should take notice of or react differently based on race, creed or colour. But, if anyone dares to call anyone else a racist (or fascist) because of sexual preference, well, I think that goes beyond any reasonable discussion. What if you were a fat man who is refused by an escort due to your size? Yes, yes, I know it is not the same thing, but the point is the same. You CANNOT judge someone based on their sexual preferences. Period.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
I've been writing back and forth with Lulu for months now trying to figure out a time and hotel. She's always been very cool to me. However I just saw this thread and pm'd her asking her if she'd refuse me because I'm Asian and I got a reply: "sorry, lol".

Wow, even after all our PMs, all that goodwill's been flushed down the drain.

I have read and understand the arguments here. I have my personal sexual preferences too. However I feel if you are in this industry you've got to give up your personal hangups. If you can't you cannot be a true service provider IMHO.

It's unprofessional.
Well put, after all that getting to know each other - everything got flushed away. Seemed shallow to me.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Absolutely, they need to be upfront about that. I once was intrigued by someone on CL, but then as I read the ad, she was looking for a larger, teddy-bear type (not an SP, but the same principle applies), which I am not.

All I thought was that it was good of her to put that out there up front. I didn't become aggrevated because I don't fit the bill (and NO, I am not implying that anyone else is doing so). But, if I had of spent time and effort only to find that out later, then yes, that would be very annoying.

If they put that out there, what could be the problem? It is what it is gentlemen. It is an intimate business so why would anyone care if one seeks a selective clientele? That is, of course, just my own opinion, but I say this because I'd rather just move on and put my time to better uses.


Dec 6, 2003
Good one Sinnister, let me add my thoughts too....

As individuals, we all have different preferences in life, whether it is sexual or non sexual, we learn to respect these "Personal" preferences, however, when it is a business transaction, then it is difficult for a willing customer to understand the exclusion.

It's like opening up a candy store, load it with beautiful candies then tell a little girl you will not sell her any or let her in the door, it really does not matter why, it's simply not right, if you are open for business, then it should be open to ALL.

CH's known preference is pale skin ladies, because he is a customer, he can act on his "Personal" preferences and choose, it's like going to different candy stores to choose your favourite candies or like choosing a girl in Amsterdam's red light district through the windows, there is no hard feeling for the girls who are not chosen, it is just business, can you imagine one of those windows with signs saying "must have all front teeth" or "no cockeyed dudes".

If my favourite Escorts/MAs exercise their personal preferences in look, age, personality and "size", I know I will not even come close to making their acquaintances, but because they honour the meaning of "open for business", they grace me with their beauty, services & company, of course, they get a reward for putting up with me, hence, a business transaction.

IMHO, stating the exclusion in ads does not make it better, regardless of what the exclusion is, in fact, I think it shows a bit of ignorance and arrogance.

I understand exclusions based on safety concerns & improper etiquette but I do believe all other exclusions has no place in business, but then again, everyone's mind works differently and the sense of wrong or right does not necessarily correlate with race, sex, wealth or education. Entrepreneurs run business differently, that's why some fail and some succeed, I will leave it at that.

Let's turn the page and enjoy the willing and beautiful ladies out there !!

Happy Holidays to ALL !!


Jan 31, 2006
IMHO, stating the exclusion in ads does not make it better, regardless of what the exclusion is, in fact, I think it shows a bit of ignorance and arrogance.

I understand exclusions based on safety concerns & improper etiquette but I do believe all other exclusions has no place in business, but then again, everyone's mind works differently and the sense of wrong or right does not necessarily correlate with race, sex, wealth or education. Entrepreneurs run business differently, that's why some fail and some succeed, I will leave it at that.

Let's turn the page and enjoy the willing and beautiful ladies out there !!

Happy Holidays to ALL !!
Very well put does smack of ignorance and arrogance...both of which are buzz kill qualities for me for an SP encounter. I think she knows she is in high demand, she charges a premium ($260), so she likely afford to be whatever type of person she wants to be and she will still likely get business, since she is a) hot and b) apparently an amazing shag. For me I like to spend my hard earned dough on a more complete end to end experience, someone that I want to be with both for what they look like, act like and for what is inside...even if it only for one hour at a time. Arrogance is huge turn off for matter how hot the woman is...

I did want to voice my opinion on the touchy subject of racism, which was brought up earlier in thie thread, and this is my opinion...But if you operate a business of any kind, I do happen to think it is racist to only serve a single race, or to exclude any race. I am speaking of course in general terms. If I were to open a restaurant and state "whites only", there would be outrage no? When you run a business you generally do not have the right to refuse service to any race - full stop. Now I know the SP business is not like a restaurant...but it is still a business, so I can see how restricting the services you provide to a certain race as...well...racist. In my opinion, she is in the wrong business if she has skin colour issues. opinion...please don't flame me.
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