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LSD - Is It Still Around?


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
I often watch/read about stories of drug use and abuse relating to coke, crack, meth, ecstasy, etc.

Is LSD still a common drug? You never seem to hear about it anymore.

A few years back LSD used to be quite the experimental drug. At one point you could either get it in the form of a mic (purple mic, orange mic, etc.) or as a piece of a blotter (too numerous to mention). My favourite was "White Clinical". Even the name was kinda twisted.

The standard price was $4 a hit. One hit was a smooth high, two hits got pretty freaky and 3 or more could be rather enlightning or frightening, depending on how clean the stuff was.

Is it still around or has it been replaced by a more convenient pharmaceutical rush?


Jan 6, 2005
Toronto... sigh...
LSD is ecstacy, no? It causes small amounts of brain damage after every use.


Ref said:
I often watch/read about stories of drug use and abuse relating to coke, crack, meth, ecstasy, etc.

Is LSD still a common drug? You never seem to hear about it anymore.

A few years back LSD used to be quite the experimental drug. At one point you could either get it in the form of a mic (purple mic, orange mic, etc.) or as a piece of a blotter (too numerous to mention). My favourite was "White Clinical". Even the name was kinda twisted.

The standard price was $4 a hit. One hit was a smooth high, two hits got pretty freaky and 3 or more could be rather enlightning or frightening, depending on how clean the stuff was.

Is it still around or has it been replaced by a more convenient pharmaceutical rush?


Feb 25, 2004
CappinStabbin said:
LSD is ecstacy, no? It causes small amounts of brain damage after every use.

No. LSD = Lysergic Acid Diethylamide aka 'Acid'.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001

Ref said:
My favourite was "White Clinical". Even the name was kinda twisted.
windowpane was a lotta fun.

Then there was all those cool blotters with teddy bears and god knows what at Dead concerts.

man, what a nugget of nostalgia.

Just don't take a few hits, then puke a short time later due to previous days fun, and take another few thinking the other ones won't effect ya. Also don't talk with a mini mic on your tongue, you may not know if you lost it or not and end up taking another just to be safe. Gotta be safe, right ?

Amazing how we never suffered brain damage huh Ref ...


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
pool said:
windowpane was a lotta fun.

Amazing how we never suffered brain damage huh Ref ...
Windowpane...Hehehehe, I think I just had a flashback at that term.

Yeah it's srprisng we never hed brain dmage. Durgs!

One of my more memorable LSD trips was the time I dropped two hits of purple mic after classes at high school. I went home and was welding for about an hour or so for my dad. When I stopped for dinner the acid started kicking in. Wow. I couldn't even eat. The plate was a sea of colours and I was smiling like a lunatic (I remember cracking jokes just so I could laugh and smile). I wolfed down what was on my plate and split to my buddy's house. While walking my father stopped to give me a ride there. I remember the road signs doing the "Tracing" effect. Pretty fucking wild it was. Anyhow, at my friends we were playing road hockey and he got hit in the eye with a sponge puck. I remember him freaking out at the time. Little did I realize that he almost lost his eye.

I think it was a Tuesday...


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Cid..... I don't.. remember taking any, but I remember scoring some with some friends at a BC bus terminal. Led Zep was king , that's how long ago it was .....

Ref , you were tripping and took a ride with your old man ? Dude you were brave .


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
So was his old man ... although he didn't know it.

PS why this thread only has 132 views [so far] and 'Toronto is such a shitty city' got 3,019 is beyond me ... no, actually it makes sense : )


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
CappinStabbin said:
LSD is ecstacy, no? It causes small amounts of brain damage after every use.


Are you speaking from experience or did you just read this somewhere?

I mean how do you really know this for sure?


New member
Dec 6, 2002
I did it around three years ago in T.O., it's floating around

I love LSD...great high for 5 bux!

It's nothing like ecstacy, not even in the same category.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
hornydawg said:
I did it around three years ago in T.O., it's floating around

I love LSD...great high for 5 bux!

It's nothing like ecstacy, not even in the same category.

I did coke for 15 years every way i.v. etc now stopped .

was at a cottage 2 weeeks ago in Parry Sound 2 strippers came by
i wasn't expecting them , they brought lines , I thought what a waste all that money for a shitty 10 minute high. I 've had my fill of drugs , still drink in spite of those who say you can't and stay off drugs.
All coke did for me was cost me $ 175.000 easily .
To those that do coke or other hard drugs I can't preach after what I did , I am no better or worse than anyone I just know there's nothing in coke that compares to riding a snowmobile at 120 k on a lake.

The highs of coke were not worth the lows . To those that still do drugs , rock on , I just hope you don't waste 15 years like I did . It doesn't get better. Had to get that off my chest.


New member
May 1, 2002
7 hits of purple microdot on New Years Eve 1977. The party was in an apartment on the seventh floor. There was another apartment building close by, which I knew I could fly to...

Since I knew I could fly to it, there was no use doing it, as I was having FAR too much fun at the party to leave...

Thank goodness for small miracles...


Jul 30, 2003
TheNiteHwk said:
Are you speaking from experience or did you just read this somewhere?

I mean how do you really know this for sure?

Ecstacy does indeed cause small amounts of brain damage with each use.
This I do know for a fact since for years and currently continue to read The Americian Medical Journal & Psychology Today

Do you remember a few years ago in the U.S, when there was that 'bad batch' of ecstacy going around that was killing so many teenagers? After that whole aftermath the U.S government immediately setup a special team of scientists to began doing research on ecstacy. There findings were beyond anything they, the public and me could have ever imagined.
From that moment on, when I meet or know someone who is doing ecstacy I tell them the risks they are taking because many people don't know how much serious damage it does.

Each time a person does ecstacy some brain cells die, and brain cells do not 'grow back' (reproduce). The drug also increases the heart rate and raises the blood pressure. Various complications may and do occur, in particular, heartstroke due to prolonged dancing without replacing fluids lost by sweating. Heartstroke can lead to muscle breakdown, kidney failure, problems with the blood clotting mechanism, convulsions, and DEATH. In some cases there may be low sodium levels and brain swelling due to excessive intake of fluids in the absence of sufficient exertion to sweat it off. These people may experience vomiting, headaches, and drowsiness. Liver damage and stroke have also accured.

There is increasing evidence that ecstasy can reduce memory, In addition psychiatric illnesses have been reported such as schizophrenia, depression, sleep disturbances.

There is an increased likelihood of developing schizophrenia, depression and anxiety even years after stopping the drug.

When I tell people that I know are doing ecstacy all this information and they still do it (IMHO) it's plain stupidity at that point. I can only educate. I can't be there everytime someone is about to drop a pill and slap it out of their hand and shake some sense into them. But I wish I could.

Last edited:


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Very few people who have an inclination toward "self medication", rebelling, trying to "fit in" or just casual "experimentation" care about whether it may have any long term side effects. I'm not so sure it makes them "stupid". It's just their mindset at the time. Some don't care about the future or even the present that much, or the apparent immediate "benefits" outweigh any possible risks. Besides, many of us are indestructible, don't you know.

You remember the fried egg commercial/add .... this is your brain .. THIS is your brain on DRUGS .... I always thought it was a hoot ... wtf my brain is an egg ? .... Not so funny in retrospect.

just a few passing thoughts ...


New member
Aug 20, 2003
pool said:
Very few people who have an inclination toward "self medication", rebelling, trying to "fit in" or just casual "experimentation" care about whether it may have any long term side effects. I'm not so sure it makes them "stupid". It's just their mindset at the time.

just a few passing thoughts ...

I agree although looking back at myself I now think I was or should I say acted stupidly. After 15 years I FINALLY realized things were never going
to improve taking coke. I would never tell someone to stop , no one could tell me. Coke sells a lie that things are better with it , definitely not but everyone must find out themselves.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
booboobear said:
I did coke for 15 years every way i.v. etc now stopped .

I just know there's nothing in coke that compares to riding a snowmobile at 120 k on a lake.
You obviously haven't kicked the snow habit.


senior member
Aug 18, 2001
I did all types of cid in my younger years

the trip I'll always remember best was taking 3 blotters "four leaf clovers" with half of my H.S football team, timing it right that by the time the game started we were just starting to peak.

long story short.......we won that game 53-0 :p

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
I had the best times of my life on acid and the worst come downs. Usually I would take it on a weekend night, start to trip at about 11:00 pm, come down at about 7:00 am the next day and pray for sleep for the next 16 hours. Even as a kid I had problems staying awake for 40 hours. I would love to do it again, but I'm way to scared now, besides I have no time now and can't afford to waste a day of my life. I solely attribute my 2 finger typing skills to this drug and not being able to find the letter :confused: ...................Q. Oh yeah, there it is.
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