Massage Adagio

Love Motels for sale in Toronto ??

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Feed the tuna mayonaise!

Keep thinking Billy Blaz.


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
Innovation and Determination!

Keep searching tbill!
I've never seen one, but you may yet find a motel in central TO!
Walking distance, no driving, subway access, overnite accommodation, not to mention hot and cold running women!
All within the reach of a skinny billfold!
Just keep in mind, Lakeshore West and Kingston Rd. East are a far stretch from central!



Former Slut Pup!
Jul 20, 2002
Far and Away
tbill said:
what you guys think of a motel that is stylishly designed and rooms rent by the hour or day

jacuzzi in some of the rooms

some rooms have 2 suites for parties..the thinking being is that motels are a great place to throw a party and sometimes people don't want to drive home after a night of drinking etc..

the motel would have bouncers/security like a club and have the right to refuse entry to riffraff

free satellite including x-rated movies

motel would have a liquor license

who would patronize the motel if it was properly marketed..hopefully successful people who patronize escorts..the upscale club/yuppy party crowd..couples..some travellers

i figure the motel doesn't have to be in central toronto cause people would be driving there and would have the option to stay overnight

Isn't this place called Niagara Falls?


Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
LOL@gypsys comment! Seriously though, keep thinking tbill one of your schemes will pay off. If you have the wherewithall to pull it off, try it. But it does sound like an easy LE target in T.O. Gypsy was right try Niagara or Welland for a place like that. What you are talking about sounds like the brothels of the days of yore. Sort of one stop sex shopping. A good idea from a John's POV but bound to get you in hot water.


New member
Sep 29, 2001
NIght shift (1982)
Michael Keaton
Henry Winkler
A nebbish of a morgue attendant gets shunted back to the night shift where he is shackled with an obnoxious neophyte partner who dreams of the "one great idea" for success. His life takes a bizarre turn when a prostitute neighbour complains about the loss of her pimp. His partner, upon hearing the situation, suggests that they fill that opening themselves using the morgue at night as their brothel. Against his better judgement, he gets talked into the idea, only to find that it's more than his boss that has objections to this bit of entrepreneurship


Bill: I'm an idea man Chuck, I get ideas, sometimes I get so many ideas that I can't even fight them off!

Bill: So there I was at the Blackjack table with all my wash 'n' dries... did I tell you I had they idea for them first?

Bill: Hold the phone, hold the phone! Edible paper! You eat it, it's gone... you eat it, it's outta there! No more garbage!

Bill: Wait a minute! Why don't they just mix the mayonnaise with the tuna in the can... HOLD THE PHONE! Why don't they just FEED the tuna fish mayonnaise!
[speaks into tape recorder]
Bill: Call Starkist!

Chuck: This is Chuck to remind Bill to SHUT UP!

Bill: We're all adults here - we can talk about this openly...
[writing on chalkboard]
Bill: PROSTITUTION! But what does that mean really? Let's break up the word. First there's Pros... well, that doesn't mean anything really... then there's Tit... we all know what that means... and then there's "shun" to shun is to say No! To push it away! To shun something is, well... it really doesn't belong in this word at all, really.

And the best line from the MOVIE>>>>
Leonard: Oh, that Barney Rubble. What an actor.



Former Slut Pup!
Jul 20, 2002
Far and Away
Sounds good


I can guarantee you my business if you can make this work.



New member
Oct 9, 2001
tbill said:
you'd have to bring in investors for this kinda investment even if you have the dough cause you wanna use other peoples money for anything that isn't a sure thing
lol...I hope that isn't going to be your sales pitch to potential investors

I've read these related threads with amusement, but I have to agree with Willywants and reiterate that this game plan not only sounds illegal, it probably is. I'm sure there are lawyers here on TERB (like Perry Mason) who can offer some legal opinions.

The other issue here is that while your enthusiasm is impressive, I doubt you are doing yourself any favours by giving LE a play-by-play description of your idea and your how-to scenarios.

I would hate to see some well-intentioned (see: Horny), but otherwise uninformed TERBites caught up in a cheap(er) sex plan, only to find out that their legal bills outweigh the short term gains.

I won't be jumping in on the IPO, but to each their of luck with your quest.


New member
Oct 9, 2001
My substantial contributions and/or achievements will ultimately be decided by my kids, but thanks for your uninformed opinion.

As for your business venture, I was merely discussing what I see as the possible downsides. If you're not interested in my opinions, we're offense either ;)

As before, I wish you luck with the inititiative.


tbill said:
remy no offence but there is no fucking way you've done anything substantial in your life, not that i have...

with all the drug use that goes on at government nightclub, i think one reason they stay in business is they hire off duty cops which is one thing i would do in my motel scenario. also, i would make sure i have enough financing to take on anybody in court in case they harass the biz. also might wanna hire a lobbyist

business is tricky, if you're not good at operating a biz you gotta go for the exit strategy; put in no more than 15% (downpayment) for your 30% control position and get your money out before the biz opens for business, and your still left with your 30 share. if ya operate a biz you gotta build a fortress around it, that's why a lot of people say it's good to have a legal background in biz.

one thing 911 and widespread corruption on bay/wall street taught me is you gotta toughen up and protect your interests. there's no fucking around anymore. you hurt my business you better make dam sure your ass is covered, that's how i see it.


Nov 19, 2002
Microsoft started from a garage

Never underestimate ones imagination.

I think there are many 2nd floor property in downtown retail area can be converted and rent is low.

look at Dundas West/College west/Queens west etc.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
Fantasy Motels

Tbills idea is not that far off the mark.
There are motels in the US and south America that cater mostly to couples or anyone wanting to have sex.
They have jacuzzi rooms as well as themed rooms for fantasy role play.
It was actually spoofed on the Simpsons.
Not a bad idea tbill but I think that you are an automatic target for flames due to some of your previous views and posts.

Just thought I would try to end the flame war in this thread



Male - sex all night&day
Oct 4, 2001
Tbills this is a very good idea but it is not a new concept.

There are hotel and motels in the Far EAST,US and south America that caters to this concept, for business purposes and randevous(sex), they call it short time in Thailand, Honkong, Philippines etc.This will work as long as you open it for a legit hotel/motel license, most places I'd been also cater to long stay to keep the police of their back.


New member
Nov 27, 2002
In a trap
How About An Incentive!

Like a reward program, you know, Aeroplan, Travel Miles etc!
Pay full tariff for your first 5 visits and get the 6th one at half price or even free!
Then again, "YMMV"!



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
tbill said:

that sounds more like a brothel
It's more like a shopping at a sex flea market. It's one bar after another all loaded with girls, like going from one booth to the next. All you have to do is find one that you like, negotiate her fee and the bar fine and off you go to wherever you like. Having a hotel in the same complex or right across the street is just convenient.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
Slumber party hotel

tbill, that sounds like an interesting idea but you should get (good) legal advice beforehand. I think it might be possible to operate within the law as long as the patrons are only paying for a room. Any "discussions" with the girls would have to be done in the privacy of the hotel room (i.e., not a public place). Having said that, the police may use the "if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck" argument, that is to say, if it provides the same effective services as a brothel then it is a brothel.
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