Loud music from ipods on buses


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You could...

...get over yourself and get a life that provides enough positive experiences that something like this isn't so fucking important to you.

Just a thought...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Back Burner said:
How about you wave your cane at them and start a conversation saying "back in my day......."

No way is the music THAT damn loud....yes, sometimes you can hear it, but it isn't so loud you can't just IGNORE IT.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
MLAM said:
...delay everyone else because HE had a problem with the music.

Oh and create a potential confrontational clash as well.

What happens if the "douche bag" passenger refused? Then what does the bus driver do?

What happens when a fight breaks out? People may have been annoyed before by the music, but no one was going to be hurt and everyone was getting to where they were going - right? What if someone had gotten SERIOUSLY hurt in the dust up...which start about music???

I am often surprised at how stupid people are...and how such stupidity is often celebrated...
if you have ever been on a bus in mississauga there is sinage that CLEARLY outlines what behaviour is acceptable and what behaviour is unacceptable.
the douche-bag wasn't following the rules and the driver was doing his job.
i'd rather have an over-zealous driver that will be there for you when there is real trouble, than an oblivious driver that will ignore all issues and just drive the bus.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
And I ...

destillat said:
if you have ever been on a bus in mississauga there is sinage that CLEARLY outlines what behaviour is acceptable and what behaviour is unacceptable.
the douche-bag wasn't following the rules and the driver was doing his job.
i'd rather have an over-zealous driver that will be there for you when there is real trouble, than an oblivious driver that will ignore all issues and just drive the bus.

...rather have a driver whose priority is to make sure everyone gets to their destination safely.

The music was neither hindering anyone's travel, nor endangering anyone's safety.

Stopping the bus absolutely did one and created the potential for the other.

It was STUPID....rules or not rules.

The better way to deal with it would have been to either a) call the authorities to have the person removed from the bus if it was such a big fucking egregious rule violation, and thus eliminate the possibility of the matter getting out of control, or, much better still b) just ignore them until they got off the bus.

No justification whatsoever for creation of a confrontational situation without the authorities present to keep things under control.


It's been good to know ya
Yeah the same stupid bus drivers who clearly seen an elderly woman get on a bus. If not how on else did she get on the bus without paying in the first place? Then when the poor old lady asked for a transfer because she had forgotten it when she got on (which was only two stops before) clearly told the lady no way. The little old lady looked next to tears when she said I am on my last 10 dollars and that was my last spending change. The rude bus driver said that is not my problem lady the rules are posted right here. I think it is blantantly rude when people can forget and especially little old ladies. :mad:

The ones who want to be big bosses of the buses they drive will be rude to everyone and enforce every single rule and the ones who are more kind and considerate will ignore minor rules and only enforce major ones that are really troublesome.

Maybe that driver took his take it easy pill in the morning while others clearly do not. Overall however I would say that Mississauga bus drivers are more helpful in giving out directions etc... than Toronto bus drivers. I have encountered them maybe twice in about 5 years and must say getting on a Toronto bus is not first on my to do list.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
rubmeister100 said:
Get your own music and sound isolating earbuds (not the regular ones, get the ones with a rubber seal) and enjoy some music yourself. Get an iPod Shuffle for $75 and buy some eBooks off iTunes and learn something new. Subscribe to podcasts that are free. You can download the news in the morning and listen on the way to work etc.

These type of earphones are the best. I have a pair, and I just bought my son a pair. You can't hear anything other then what is playing on your ipod/MP3 player.

Diode said:
With all due respect.......
Are you guys really that wussy?
If someone is botheing YOU..Tell them, in a firm, yet polite voice.
For Pete's sake...you are men. Act like it!
Its like the DNC list..You don't need other people to "step up" for you, do you?

My thoughts exactly!


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
rubmeister100 said:
There are things worth fighting for, and worth dying for.

Stupid music on a bus isn't one of them.

Get your own music and sound isolating earbuds (not the regular ones, get the ones with a rubber seal) and enjoy some music yourself. Get an iPod Shuffle for $75 and buy some eBooks off iTunes and learn something new. Subscribe to podcasts that are free. You can download the news in the morning and listen on the way to work etc.

But it is not worth confronting an arrogant young offender and gettig into any sort of altercation over.

one day somebody will get tired of this and snap


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Don't need the police
You try to say then
Your voice will seize so peace
Stay off my back
Or I will attack
And you don't want that


Oct 30, 2005
canada-man said:
one day somebody will get tired of this and snap
Maybe someone already did - the guy who got decapitated on the Greyhound bus in Manitoba was listening to headphones...:eek:


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Rylan said:
These type of earphones are the best. I have a pair, and I just bought my son a pair. You can't hear anything other then what is playing on your ipod/MP3 player.

That's good right up until you can't hear the guy screaming "look out" at you, or the car horn, tires squealing......


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
smiley1437 said:
Maybe someone already did - the guy who got decapitated on the Greyhound bus in Manitoba was listening to headphones...:eek:

the man who did the decaptitation allready have some form of mental illness


canada-man said:
the man who did the decaptitation allready have some form of mental illness
Since the province is closing all the provincial run care facilities for mental patients those folks are living all around us. The guy or girl on the bus next to you may just be a psychotic ex-resident from one of them. Not funny.


Oct 30, 2005
canada-man said:
the man who did the decaptitation allready have some form of mental illness
wait a sec...aren't you the guy who started this thread?!?

(backs away slowly and turns off his ipod...)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Just get up in front of them and start dancing to their tunes. They'll get the point quick.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
smiley1437 said:
wait a sec...aren't you the guy who started this thread?!?

(backs away slowly and turns off his ipod...)

getting tired of shit music being forced down your throat is not a mental illness


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
RemyLeBeau said:
I agree with the above poster: ignore it. The person may take it badly and may want to hurt you. Those youngsters are serious about their music. It's not worth the hassle it may cause.

yes they are serious about thier shitty music which losing popularity and sales but are too lazy to vote


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
MLAM said:
...delay everyone else because HE had a problem with the music.

Oh and create a potential confrontational clash as well.

What happens if the "douche bag" passenger refused? Then what does the bus driver do?

What happens when a fight breaks out? People may have been annoyed before by the music, but no one was going to be hurt and everyone was getting to where they were going - right? What if someone had gotten SERIOUSLY hurt in the dust up...which start about music???

I am often surprised at how stupid people are...and how such stupidity is often celebrated...

Spoken like a true pussy.

1) The driver was totally within his right to stop the bus until the passenger complied with the TTC rules and regulations. I guess from pussies like you, we should allow any and all rules to be broken "in case a fight breaks out". Well, thank god you're not in our military else the Azores would invade and you'd be the first to surrender.

2) If the passenger DID become unruly, then they'd be on their way to jail.

In this situation I'd pop one of the earbuds out of the offending person's ear and remind them that with as little as a couple hours listening at that level per day they will (not can) WILL suffer permanant hearing loss.....

I remember back when I had to take the subway bus downtown everyday and while one incident can be overlooked, when it happens everyday it does become more than a one time nusiance.

That's one of the problems in our society, we allow so many to break the rules in fear of "what might happen" that it becomes the norm to bother everyone else instead of trying to get along.

This SO reminds me of the ads for littering: once one person does it another sees it and uses it as kind of "permission". Next thing you know there's a pile of litter a foot deep...same as noisy IPODS, next thing you know everyone is turning theirs up and those that just want some peace and quiet and read their book, can't.
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