London: Train Blew Up...


New member
Aug 20, 2003
solitaria said:
The propaganda that suggests the war in Iraq is about terrorism and that fighting in Iraq decreases the chances of terrorist attacks at home.

In reality the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism (but don't feel bad most people fall for propaganda hook, line and sinker like you obviously have) and increases the chances of a terrorist attack at home if your government is part of the red, white and blue sham because of the hatred it produces.

Well I am not sure the war in Iraq is about terroism but considering that 9/11 occured before Iraq was invaded what do you think the U.S should have done just sit back and do nothing after people killed over 300 innocent people. What is your solution ? The idea was that terroism originates in the Middle east so fight it there , is that too hard for you to understand.
I am not sure how you fight people willing to blow themselves up unless you threaten to blow up a country unless they themselves take care of the terrorists since they know who they are.


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
booboobear said:
Well I am not sure the war in Iraq is about terroism but considering that 9/11 occured before Iraq was invaded what do you think the U.S should have done just sit back and do nothing after people killed over 300 innocent people. What is your solution ?

the US did something already after 911, they invaded Afghanistan(remember) but couldn't find Osama. The US invading Iraq is the equivalent of Canada invading Cuba - no apparent reason except to liberate Cubans from Castro

while 3000 americans died(I think) in 911, how many innocent Afghans and Iraqi children and women died from american 'smart bombs'


New member
Jun 1, 2005
booboobear said:
Well I am not sure the war in Iraq is about terroism but considering that 9/11 occured before Iraq was invaded what do you think the U.S should have done just sit back and do nothing after people killed over 300 innocent people. What is your solution ?
Attack Afghanistan only where Al-Qaeda had its headquarters and place of operation.

booboobear said:
The idea was that terroism originates in the Middle east so fight it there , is that too hard for you to understand.
That's kind of like saying the US should have attacked China for Pearl Harbor. I mean, wtf, close enough, right?

booboobear said:
I am not sure how you fight people willing to blow themselves up unless you threaten to blow up a country unless they themselves take care of the terrorists since they know who they are.
Well the obvious answer is not to give them a reason to hate you and in effect paint a target sign on your back.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Fatume said:
It is about time that the United States joins the rest of the "uncivilized" world a.k.a (Middle East) and starts to retalliate in kind. Perhaps if they had the balls to carpet bomb the entire region and eliminate all traces of "humanity" in the area then, and only then, may we be rid of this terrorist bullshit. One thing is for sure since 9/11, I for one look at so called "terrorist" looking individuals differently. I know what I'm saying is not politically correct, but I think it is high time we took our heads out of our asses and call a spade a spade. For all you bleeding heart liberals out there u must realize that there is indeed a "New World Order" and peace as you see it is not on the agenda.
Wow. Didn't take long for the morons to come out.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
booboobear said:
what do you think the U.S should have done just sit back and do nothing after people killed over 300 innocent people.
Perhaps by, say, going after the terrorists?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
solitaria said:
The propaganda that suggests the war in Iraq is about terrorism and that fighting in Iraq decreases the chances of terrorist attacks at home.

In reality the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism (but don't feel bad most people fall for propaganda hook, line and sinker like you obviously have) and increases the chances of a terrorist attack at home if your government is part of the red, white and blue sham because of the hatred it produces.

Can you give me specific examples of all these "terrorist" groups you refer to commiting acts of terrorism on us? I didn't think so. When Rage song the song "bullet in the head" he was referring to dumbasses like you that will believe anything if the propoganda appeals to their sense of fear. You are like a chicken running around with its head cut off for fuck sake.

You have no idea who I am or where I have been in my life so you might want to think twice before calling me a dumb ass. Also I'm not calling you such names just because you have a different belief system then I do. But go ahead flame away if you want to. I am not so insecure in myself like some people on here to start getting into that kind of back and forth immature BS. Also I don't need to come up with concrete examples to please ignorant naive people who think there are no terrorists in Canada. Even though I could if I took the time to do a little research. I have more important things to do right now though. I know they are here because I have met some of these people F2F. I have installed satellite dishes in their houses. I have had them in my car when I was a driver. I have listen to them talk about how stupid, ignorant, naive, and soft we Canadians are. All the while laughing their heads off. They talk down about us like we are so much lower then them and how fun it is to take advantage of us. Then they are the fastest most vocal etc and play the race card or whatever card they can if they think it will be to their advantage if anything we do even seems like it is even remotely prejudice (which most times it's not). You see… like I said earlier… I have lived the hard and fast life first hand… been there, done that so to speak. I am not bragging or anything nor am I proud of it. I have turned around and live a clean and productive lifestyle now. In some ways though I am glad I went through what I did to get me where I am today. I see things the way they really are. I’m a realist not an idealist.

Having said… I am in no way shape or form saying that all, most or a majority of Middle Eastern people who come here are as I describe above. I am not prejudice and am not calling all of them criminals and terrorist. Proof in the pudding is that (as a lot on here know) the #1 woman that I love very much in my life right now is Egyptian. I am simply saying that I think we are in denial and not having open enough minds to realize that there is more of an element here then we care to admit to. I.E. There sure are a lot more here then we care to admit to. And even when we do find them out, IMO we do not deal with them appropriately.

Over and out.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
This is why I stopped posting in here for so long.
You can talk and talk and talk ..... and some people still won't be able to get things through their thick skulls.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
TheNiteHwk said:
You have no idea who I am or where I have been in my life so you might want to think twice before calling me a dumb ass. Also I'm not calling you such names just because you have a different belief system then I do. But go ahead flame away if you want to. I am not so insecure in myself like some people on here to start getting into that kind of back and forth immature BS. Also I don't need to come up with concrete examples to please ignorant naive people who think there are no terrorists in Canada. Even though I could if I took the time to do a little research. I have more important things to do right now though. I know they are here because I have met some of these people F2F. I have installed satellite dishes in their houses. I have had them in my car when I was a driver. I have listen to them talk about how stupid, ignorant, naive, and soft we Canadians are. All the while laughing their heads off. They talk down about us like we are so much lower then them and how fun it is to take advantage of us. Then they are the fastest most vocal etc and play the race card or whatever card they can if they think it will be to their advantage if anything we do even seems like it is even remotely prejudice (which most times it's not). You see… like I said earlier… I have lived the hard and fast life first hand… been there, done that so to speak. I am not bragging or anything nor am I proud of it. I have turned around and live a clean and productive lifestyle now. In some ways though I am glad I went through what I did to get me where I am today. I see things the way they really are. I’m a realist not an idealist.

Having said… I am in no way shape or form saying that all, most or a majority of Middle Eastern people who come here are as I describe above. I am not prejudice and am not calling all of them criminals and terrorist. Proof in the pudding is that (as a lot on here know) the #1 woman that I love very much in my life right now is Egyptian. I am simply saying that I think we are in denial and not having open enough minds to realize that there is more of an element here then we care to admit to. I.E. There sure are a lot more here then we care to admit to. And even when we do find them out, IMO we do not deal with them appropriately.

Over and out.
You say a lot of borderline racist shit about what "they" are like and what "they" will do to "us" if "we" don't change our soft ways but you don't really get much more specific than that. I'm sure the CIA could use your services in gaining undercover information with all the satelite TV installations and driving you do for "the terrorists" along with you having an Egyptian girlfriend. The CIA needs more people on the ground infiltrating all the Canadian terrorist networks so maybe you should apply.

I knew you couldn't give me one real life example of this big-time terrorist problem we have here in Canada because it only exists as a figment of your overactive imagination. Yes based on what you have said, maybe more bombs in Iraq should be dropped so we don't appear soft on terrorism because there's nothing worse than being a softie on terrorism. Man you've really let the propaganda alter your perception of reality in a big-time way.


New member
Jan 24, 2005

I had a client who is a firefighter tell me that last night at his firehall they watched a video on how the Toronto Fire Services wants them to deal with a suicide bomber attack...... THAT WAS ONLY HOURS BEFORE THIS HAPPENED! He seemed to think that "somebody " may have known something was going to happen , they just didn't know where......


Mar 6, 2005
holden said:
while 3000 americans died(I think) in 911, how many innocent Afghans and Iraqi children and women died from american 'smart bombs'

They might be innocent at a young age, but they will grow up to be terrorists so why not nip it in the bud and get rid of them. This is unlike any war the world has ever seen, so draconian measures must be taken. We as Canadians have to get over our santimonious attitude of being "peace keepers" and see what is really going on in the world. The only way peace will ever be achieved is the toal extermination of these terrroist groups by whatever means necessary. You naive bleeding hearts will no doubt misconstrue this as rascist, but rest assured it is not. It is called survival. There is a saying that you don't take a knife to a gun fight so why are we inthe western world not fighting fire with fire. The total and complete extermination of these islamic extremists is absolutely necessary. If innocent people suffer so be it, but we are fooling ourselves if we think talking things out and trying to compromise with these people is going to accomplish anything. They are laughing right in our faces. Today at my office I had a Pakistani co-worker tell me England got what it had coming to it. It was all I could do to stop myself from kicking this bastard in the nuts. Let us all wake up people and see what is really going on around us. They are in our midst here in Canada and it is only a matter of time before something happens here as well. Let us all act in unisona and try to stop these bastards.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Fatume said:
They might be innocent at a young age, but they will grow up to be terrorists so why not nip it in the bud and get rid of them. This is unlike any war the world has ever seen, so draconian measures must be taken. We as Canadians have to get over our santimonious attitude of being "peace keepers" and see what is really going on in the world. The only way peace will ever be achieved is the toal extermination of these terrroist groups by whatever means necessary. You naive bleeding hearts will no doubt misconstrue this as rascist, but rest assured it is not. It is called survival. There is a saying that you don't take a knife to a gun fight so why are we inthe western world not fighting fire with fire. The total and complete extermination of these islamic extremists is absolutely necessary. If innocent people suffer so be it, but we are fooling ourselves if we think talking things out and trying to compromise with these people is going to accomplish anything. They are laughing right in our faces. Today at my office I had a Pakistani co-worker tell me England got what it had coming to it. It was all I could do to stop myself from kicking this bastard in the nuts. Let us all wake up people and see what is really going on around us. They are in our midst here in Canada and it is only a matter of time before something happens here as well. Let us all act in unisona and try to stop these bastards.
You need meds, BADLY. A few bombs go off in London and you panic and think it is WW3. Get a grip.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
solitaria said:
You need meds, BADLY. A few bombs go off in London and you panic and think it is WW3. Get a grip.
It may very well be the start of WW3.
Some people believe that WW3 started after 9/11


New member
Mar 20, 2005
Fatume said:
One thing is for sure since 9/11, I for one look at so called "terrorist" looking individuals differently. I know what I'm saying is not politically correct, but I think it is high time we took our heads out of our asses and call a spade a spade.
I know what you mean. I haven`t looked at white people the same since Timothy McVeigh murdered all those innocents in Oklahoma.

It was sarcasm to show how stupid your point of view is just in case you didn`t realize it.

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Rule Britannia!

"Britons never, never, never will be slaves".


Jan 18, 2004

solitaria said:
I knew you couldn't give me one real life example of this big-time terrorist problem we have here in Canada because it only exists as a figment of your overactive imagination. Yes based on what you have said, maybe more bombs in Iraq should be dropped so we don't appear soft on terrorism because there's nothing worse than being a softie on terrorism. Man you've really let the propaganda alter your perception of reality in a big-time way.
My "Propaganda" come from the CSIS website the following is a summary of terrorist activities in Canada.

By way of example, the following terrorist or front groups acting on their behalf have or had supporters in Canada: Hizballah and other Shiite Islamic terrorist organizations; Hamas; the Egyptian Al Jihad and various other Sunni Islamic extremist groups from across the Middle East and Maghreb; the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA), the Tamil Tigers (LTTE), the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), and all the world’s major Sikh terrorist groups. Some supporters of the international Islamic Jihad cause are also present in Canada, with a few of them possibly linked to Al Qaida.

Most terrorist activities in Canada are in support of actions elsewhere linked to homeland conflicts. These activities include providing a convenient base for terrorist supporters and may involve using the refugee stream to enter Canada, or immigrant smuggling. In recent years, terrorists from different international terrorist organizations have come to Canada posing as refugees. Other activities include:

lobbying through front organizations;
providing support for terrorist operations in Canada or abroad;
procuring weapons and materiel;
coercing and manipulating immigrant communities;
facilitating transit to and from the United States and other countries; and
other illegal activities.

But don't take my word for it go see for yourself


Mar 6, 2005
ottawasub said:
I know what you mean. I haven`t looked at white people the same since Timothy McVeigh murdered all those innocents in Oklahoma.

It was sarcasm to show how stupid your point of view is just in case you didn`t realize it.

U may consider my point of view stupid, but with the exception of McVeigh caqn u name one other terrorist action since 9/11 that is not of islamic extremist origin. Get your head out of your ass and smell the coffee!


Mar 6, 2005
solitaria said:
You need meds, BADLY. A few bombs go off in London and you panic and think it is WW3. Get a grip.

What do you call 9/11, the train bombings in Spain, and now London? If this isn't war then I don't know what is. It looks like it will take some terrorist act here in Canada before people such as yourself will see the light. Personally being a Canadian I am ashamed that our government allows these terrorist groups to operate in our country with impunity. In all liklihood they haven't struck on our soil because they don't want to put the heat on themselves here, but eventually that will come to an end as well.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
solitaria said:
In reality the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism (but don't feel bad most people fall for propaganda hook, line and sinker like you obviously have) and increases the chances of a terrorist attack at home if your government is part of the red, white and blue sham because of the hatred it produces.

Can you give me specific examples of all these "terrorist" groups you refer to commiting acts of terrorism on us? I didn't think so. When Rage song the song "bullet in the head" he was referring to dumbasses like you that will believe anything if the propoganda appeals to their sense of fear. You are like a chicken running around with its head cut off for fuck sake.
Wow...this was obviously written by someone who is not conflicted about their own self-worth. Nice to be so convinced you have all the answers.

Nearly 40 killed and hundreds of wounded , yet many news stories focused on the quick return to "normality" in London . The resiliency of the British is admirable.
Toronto Escorts