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Life of a millennial. Lol!

This guy must be quite the cool, sexy motherfucker to have had girlfriend(s) and get away with all this.
What can I say, good looks run in the family.

As for the rest, there's always going to be women like my mother and his current girlfriend who enable. My mom has low self esteem and therefore needs validation from men, putting them ahead of herself. My brother's biological father was an alcoholic and his dad (raised him) was an alcoholic. His ex would have ditched his sorry butt much sooner but they have a child together so she tried to make it work for the boys sake. Apparently his drinking and self pity/issues got worse as the years passed. His current girlfriend is a sweet woman but a complete mess with her two sons moving in and out of her place, her ex's place, her mother's place, etc. Hardly behaviour to condone or admire!


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
millennials don't care who invented the computer , internet and smartphone. We were after all the last generation to play outside on the streets till the street lights came on. I cant speak for everybody but I speak for myself and this guy is an embarrassment to those of us millennials who do not need to live with our parents.

I think they are forgetting which generation invented the computer, internet and the smartphone.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
THIS. this is exactly spot on. Yes many parents were overprotective including mine. However I quickly put a stop to that when I started working at 14. when I was 18 going on 19 I started doing sex work while I was in college. Moved out of my moms house before I was 25 - quite the accomplishment if you ask me considering the fact that everyone doubted me. When I was growing up I may have been "sheltered" but I was also taught valuable life lessons such as how to manage money, independence, self worth , to always work hard for what you want and to not worry about what everyone thinks/ expects of you and do what you think is best for you . At the end of the day I guess I'm saying we shouldn't group all millennials into the same group just because of this one guy. Not to mention this is someone from the states not Canada so I think Canadians and Americans have different expectations when it comes to how we were raised,
when we move out etc.

Some parents of millennials are overprotective. There are some things that kids have to learn on their own. I delivered papers, did five years of forming work (including St Maxamillian Kolbe on Cawthra and 401) and ran a livery business, all before 30. You can't develop a work ethics if the parents give you everything.
millennials don't care who invented the computer , internet and smartphone. We were after all the last generation to play outside on the streets till the street lights came on. I cant speak for everybody but I speak for myself and this guy is an embarrassment to those of us millennials who do not need to live with our parents.
Agree and my brother is an embarrassment to those of us Gen Xers that don't need to live with our parent(s). It has nothing to do with age. Some people don't want to grow up and never will. Kudos to his parents for no longer enabling him. Hopefully it forces him to become an adult but like my brother he'll probably just find someone else to mooch off of.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
exactly. Those parents who allowed him to live there till he was thirty are to blame. My parents were always joking about when I was going to move out LOL .

Agree and my brother is an embarrassment to those of us Gen Xers that don't need to live with our parent(s). It has nothing to do with age. Some people don't want to grow up and never will. Kudos to his parents for no longer enabling him. Hopefully it forces him to become an adult but like my brother he'll probably just find someone else to mooch off of.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I think they are forgetting which generation invented the computer, internet and the smartphone.
Wasn't the internet a military app? Of the four main developers of computing only one (Marc Andressen - Web Browser) is a Gen X. John Walker is BB Prime and Gates and Jobs were both born in 1955. Alan Turing was born in 1912.


Apr 12, 2010
my son will be 27 in September, he is a millennial. at the age of 13 he got his first part time job working weekends. at 14 he bought himself an ATV with the $$ he had made, paid cash. at 15 he bought his first vehicle, a pickup and proceeded to get it ready for the road for when he could legally drive, always paid his insurance, gas and repairs. when he was finished high school, he got signed up for his apprenticeship. always paid his Mother room and board while working, tho Mom allowed him to skip the room and board while he was at trade school, 3 trips to trade school at 8 weeks each time. a year after he was finished his apprenticeship, he bought his own home at the ripe age of 21. today he has 100K in equity in his home.....NOT ALL millennials are lazy pukes. some of them have their priorties in life figured out.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
I have a couple of millennial subordinates at work, both are dog fuckers, poor punctuality, believe they are the most important persons in the workplace, always on iPhone for social media.

Self entitled cry babies!!!
my son will be 27 in September, he is a millennial. at the age of 13 he got his first part time job working weekends. at 14 he bought himself an ATV with the $$ he had made, paid cash. at 15 he bought his first vehicle, a pickup and proceeded to get it ready for the road for when he could legally drive, always paid his insurance, gas and repairs. when he was finished high school, he got signed up for his apprenticeship. always paid his Mother room and board while working, tho Mom allowed him to skip the room and board while he was at trade school, 3 trips to trade school at 8 weeks each time. a year after he was finished his apprenticeship, he bought his own home at the ripe age of 21. today he has 100K in equity in his home.....NOT ALL millennials are lazy pukes. some of them have their priorties in life figured out.
Sounds like you actually parented him. There are a lot of "not my Johnny" type parents out there today, which results in problematic persons.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sounds like you actually parented him. There are a lot of "not my Johnny" type parents out there today, which results in problematic persons.
Note the chosen profession. He will always have work.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
Amazing, good for him. This proves that not all millennials are the same.
my son will be 27 in September, he is a millennial. at the age of 13 he got his first part time job working weekends. at 14 he bought himself an ATV with the $$ he had made, paid cash. at 15 he bought his first vehicle, a pickup and proceeded to get it ready for the road for when he could legally drive, always paid his insurance, gas and repairs. when he was finished high school, he got signed up for his apprenticeship. always paid his Mother room and board while working, tho Mom allowed him to skip the room and board while he was at trade school, 3 trips to trade school at 8 weeks each time. a year after he was finished his apprenticeship, he bought his own home at the ripe age of 21. today he has 100K in equity in his home.....NOT ALL millennials are lazy pukes. some of them have their priorties in life figured out.
Exactly. I wanted to get out of my moms house as fast I could. I was working and paying rent - then I went to school and stopped paying rent. When I was done I was paying rent again & then moved out as soon as I could ( before 25) and my moms and I relationship has never been better.
Not what a millennial is really like .. most vacate the family residence as soon as they can
Millennials are entitled little crybabies

Thailover - how about u elaborate since you love bashing us millennials so much. Please tell me how this one millennial could possibly show how all of us are.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Why would old people blame millenials for being "triggerd snowflakes" (as stated by someone who obviously listens to alt-right propaganda) when its the parents fault for raising there children that way?

You want to complain about entitled millenials, look in the mirror.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
+100000 !!! right on the money. There is no one to blame for this guys actions except for his parents. As ive said - not all of us are like this guy

Why would old people blame millenials for being "triggerd snowflakes" (as stated by someone who obviously listens to alt-right propaganda) when its the parents fault for raising there children that way?

You want to complain about entitled millenials, look in the mirror.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2013
Why would old people blame millenials for being "triggerd snowflakes" (as stated by someone who obviously listens to alt-right propaganda) when its the parents fault for raising there children that way?

You want to complain about entitled millenials, look in the mirror.

So what you are really saying is that Millenials lack the ability to make there own decisions and deal with the consequences. At what age are they actually responsible for their own actions?


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
I want to know how you got that far... his post does not say anything close to that. I think what he is trying to say is that the parents allowed him to live there till he was thirty.
So what you are really saying is that Millenials lack the ability to make there own decisions and deal with the consequences. At what age are they actually responsible for their own actions?


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2013
I want to know how you got that far... his post does not say anything close to that. I think what he is trying to say is that the parents allowed him to live there till he was thirty.
He mentions "raising their children that way". He is transfering blame to the parents. Implying that it is their fault the 30 year old kid is a lazy ass.

I originally posted this because I thought it was funny. Every generation gets picked on. Some are just a little more thick skinned than others.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
LOL ! the parents are to blame. Yes the child is to blame for not working but however the parents enabled that behaviour by allowing him to live at home for so long. IMO it doesn't matter what generation you were born in - you either have thick skin or you don't.
He mentions "raising their children that way". He is transfering blame to the parents. Implying that it is their fault the 30 year old kid is a lazy ass.

I originally posted this because I thought it was funny. Every generation gets picked on. Some are just a little more thick skinned than others.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2013
LOL ! the parents are to blame. Yes the child is to blame for not working but however the parents enabled that behaviour by allowing him to live at home for so long. IMO it doesn't matter what generation you were born in - you either have thick skin or you don't.
There is not enough information in the article to judge their parenting skills. You are basing it on the fact that they let him live at home until he was 30.

His parents will not be around to blame for ever. I'm sure he'll blame society for his issues later in life. Lol!

My point is simple. People need to take responsibility of their own lives. No one owes you anything.
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