Toronto Passions

Liberals mail $250 heating rebate cheques to criminals in prison


New member
Dec 3, 2005

Wow ONLY THE LIEBERALS!! now ask yourself why the justice system in Canada is a joke!!!

Liberals mail $250 heating rebate cheques to criminals in prison
Is this the Liberal idea of getting "tough on crime"?!

Today, federal prisoners received $250 heating rebate cheques from the federal Liberal government! Not only are taxpayers paying the cost of heating their jail cells (along with paying for cable TV and pizza parties) but now the Liberals are stuffing their wallets with rebates designed to help people who have to pay their own heating bills.


Jan 18, 2005
First it's an unnamed source, they just named him a correctional officer

second thing sure those 4 individuals are in jail, what are their crimes, how long have they been in jail

third thing if they were recently been jailed and the gas/electricity bill is under their name and they paid taxes last year, why should they be excluded from receiving rebates?


New member
Dec 3, 2005
benn said:
First it's an unnamed source, they just named him a correctional officer

second thing sure those 4 individuals are in jail, what are their crimes, how long have they been in jail

third thing if they were recently been jailed and the gas/electricity bill is under their name and they paid taxes last year, why should they be excluded from receiving rebates?

They're criminals!! they shouldn't even have the right to vote!!

How LOW this lieberal thieves can go just to get Votes????

The Brus

Nov 30, 2004
I have to know the answer to a few questions that have been bothering me for a few weeks.

Do the prisoners vote for the candidate in the riding where they are incarcerated, or do they vote for the candidate in their home riding?

Do the prisoners vote tomorrow or have they already voted in advanced polls so that the Liberals can add them to whatever poll they need to shore up?

Do prisoners usually vote Liberal?

Do any prisoners actually take the time to vote?

Do any prisoners believe in the new anti-crime platforms brought forth in the election rhetoric? I guess they would tend toward the Liberal or NDP slant on crime.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
The Brus said:
I have to know the answer to a few questions that have been bothering me for a few weeks.

Do the prisoners vote for the candidate in the riding where they are incarcerated, or do they vote for the candidate in their home riding?
Home riding.

The Brus said:
Do the prisoners vote tomorrow or have they already voted in advanced polls so that the Liberals can add them to whatever poll they need to shore up?
They have already voted but I don’t’ see how that means “the Liberals can add them to whatever poll they need to shore up”

The Brus said:
Do prisoners usually vote Liberal?
One being interviewed on the TV news claimed support for the liberal party was strong in prison but with a secret ballet, I don’t see how you can know for sure.

The Brus said:
Do any prisoners actually take the time to vote?
I heard somewhere they have a ¼ turnout but don’t quote me on that.


New member
Dec 3, 2005
The Brus said:
Do prisoners usually vote Liberal?

Of course! what other party protect the criminals instead of the victims??

Prisoners fear the Tories want to make life in prison harsher by taking away comforts such as televisions and stereos, he says. They also believe the Conservatives want to strip them of their right to vote.

"We live in a volatile environment and if they start taking these things away from us, it will just create more problems and tensions."


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
souljax33 said:

Wow ONLY THE LIEBERALS!! now ask yourself why the justice system in Canada is a joke!!!

Liberals mail $250 heating rebate cheques to criminals in prison
Is this the Liberal idea of getting "tough on crime"?!

Today, federal prisoners received $250 heating rebate cheques from the federal Liberal government! Not only are taxpayers paying the cost of heating their jail cells (along with paying for cable TV and pizza parties) but now the Liberals are stuffing their wallets with rebates designed to help people who have to pay their own heating bills.
That what I call, "BUYING VOTES"

2004 was the fist year that inmates could vote, and a recent TV story suggests most will vote Liberal. They committed a crime against society, and get better treatment than people in poverty. They should have to make a sacrafice for committing a crime, and at least lose their voting privilege, along with steaks, TV etc. Plain pancakes for breakfast, spicey mush for lunch, and spicier mush for supper. Take away their weightrooms, and give them exercycles hooked up to generaters to pay for their electricity consumption. They want heated cells, then feed them beans.

I am a man.... But I can change.... If I have to.... I guess


an inmate is still a citizen.

how far does your criminals shouldn't vote philosphy go?
is a criminal one who is incarcerated or one with a record?

a guy in barrie who is a paraplegic who cannot live on his disability cheque went to jail a couple weeks ago for stealing a small amount of food. what other voice does he have to effect change in this country?

most in canadian jail haven't committed violent crimes.

many unconvicted are held in jail pending trial.

making a mistake shouldn't prevent one from voting or from getting their massive $250 cheque.

& perfect people lets not forget that some people who are found quilty didn't do the crime.


New member
Mar 20, 2005
souljax33 said:
They're criminals!! they shouldn't even have the right to vote!!

How LOW this lieberal thieves can go just to get Votes????
Then Dany Heatley shouldn`t be allowed to vote either.

There`s lots of people in prison who weren`t responsible for somebody`s death like he was.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts