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Leafs. 2013 Short Season


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Makes no sense at all. Same could be said for the other 29 NHL teams. The Stanley cup is not won on the regular season, it's won in the playoffs and the playoffs have not been shortened, all series are best of seven. Who ever wins the Stanley Cup this year would just be as good as any other season.
Hey, you guys need not waste your breath on irrelevant posts :D. Just look at the Stanley Cup banner on MANY arenas roofs, does it matter if the Cup won when that team played in the league which ORIGINALLY had only 6 teams? What a bunch of killjoys!

All they forgot about is this condensed (yah, excellent choice of word) regular season of 48 games is the QUALIFYING round for teams and they all have the same chance to qualify for the real thing. Do they forget too that to win the Cup, 16 wins must be fought for and that's as REAL as any other year :frusty:

I guess when one talks about something ones knows NOTHING about, it comes out like FARTS. How could players like Lupul came back playing after a few games nursing his C'ed head, if he did not care to help qualifying the team for this "meaningless" Cup? Talk like that makes me think DD had the concussion himself, or did he? Just look at the way teams like the Islanders, the Jets, the Rangers... play these last few games with tooth and nails, and you can still can say such things?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
I believe that the point is that a regular NHL season has always been 82 games. This is simple fact. Therefore this season is not a real, actual season. The NHL is just doing damage control because if they did the right thing and properly scrap the season after the lockout, they would lose millions of $$$. Greed rules and is totally dependent upon all the fans who said: "Screw the NHL!" during the lockout but like a Pavlovian dog, suddenly they forgot everything they said. It was the perfect moment to send Bettman and the disgraced former Sports League known as the NHL the message that fans wanted to send. Now that opportunity is gone and the fans pissed it away themselves.

Even the most diehard fans of NHL hockey, good friends of mine, who respect and value the tradition of a proper hockey season agree this season is 'partial' at best. It should never have been played. They're still paying attention out of the corner of their eyes but aren't sitting down to watch any games and don't take it seriously at all. They're waiting for the next proper full season.

To think that they would hand out the Stanley Cup this year is reprehensible. That action will slap in the face every single team that ever played a full season to rightfully earn it. In the future, any player from the winning team this year will get a condescending pat on the shoulder meaning: "You won the Stanley Cup in 2013? The Lockout year without a proper full season for the league? Sure. Right. Good for you." How could any player want that asterisk (*) to follow him for the rest of his life!? Blech!!

There's no telling what would have happened to any team if they played the proper 82 games. There never will be because this is not a real season. Making the playoffs in a league that allows 16 (!!!!) teams to make the playoffs is no sort of accomplishment anyway.

It's like winning the "World's Tallest Midget" contest.

Pat in the shoulder (or head): "Sure. Right. Good for you."
Sorry sweetheart, but there is no asterisk next to the New Jersey Devils 1994-95 Stanley Cup.


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Players are playing these last few games with gusto, all out hockey until the very end of last game: Boston-Ottawa... Perhaps people who do not understand this passion should know: players in the playoffs will not get paid, almost, just a token compared to the regular season pay.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
I believe that the point is that a regular NHL season has always been 82 games. This is simple fact. Therefore this season is not a real, actual season. The NHL is just doing damage control because if they did the right thing and properly scrap the season after the lockout, they would lose millions of $$$. Greed rules and is totally dependent upon all the fans who said: "Screw the NHL!" during the lockout but like a Pavlovian dog, suddenly they forgot everything they said. It was the perfect moment to send Bettman and the disgraced former Sports League known as the NHL the message that fans wanted to send. Now that opportunity is gone and the fans pissed it away themselves.

Even the most diehard fans of NHL hockey, good friends of mine, who respect and value the tradition of a proper hockey season agree this season is 'partial' at best. It should never have been played. They're still paying attention out of the corner of their eyes but aren't sitting down to watch any games and don't take it seriously at all. They're waiting for the next proper full season.

To think that they would hand out the Stanley Cup this year is reprehensible. That action will slap in the face every single team that ever played a full season to rightfully earn it. In the future, any player from the winning team this year will get a condescending pat on the shoulder meaning: "You won the Stanley Cup in 2013? The Lockout year without a proper full season for the league? Sure. Right. Good for you." How could any player want that asterisk (*) to follow him for the rest of his life!? Blech!!

There's no telling what would have happened to any team if they played the proper 82 games. There never will be because this is not a real season. Making the playoffs in a league that allows 16 (!!!!) teams to make the playoffs is no sort of accomplishment anyway.

It's like winning the "World's Tallest Midget" contest.

Pat in the shoulder (or head): "Sure. Right. Good for you."

These idiots you speak of, who call themselves hockey fans, have they ever been inside an arena ?


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
That has to be one of the best 4 letter posts ever. Thanks for doing some digging.

I doubt if any of these know-it-alls will be man enough to step up and admit that they know much less than they think they do and spout off about.

As for Mr. Draper, I think all of his posts on the topic of hockey are nothing but negative, from the Leafs, to the league, to Don Cherry and now to the playoffs and the fact that the Leafs did very well in a competition that was equal for all teams. All this negativity on anything hockey related indicates somebody whose posts on this particular topic (I enjoy most of his other articulate posts) are meant to be ignored. He's better off discussing his views with his particular brand of "diehard hockey respecting friends" instead of bringing nothing but negativity to TERB hockey discussions. I seem to recall some kind of saying regarding "if you have nothing nice to say". How did that one go again?
I highly doubt that Don Draper has any 'diehard' hockey fans. Considering the visceral hatred he seems to have for the sport, the organization and the fanbase, I have no idea how he could have any hockey fans as friends.
All the Maple Leafs I know are over the moon happy that this team finally put it together and is poised to make a playoff run. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of hockey or the Leafs, I'm a little excited about this. I don't think the Leafs will make it past the second round at best, but there's nothing like the excitement of a home playoff hockey game in Toronto. The atmosphere will be insane, however short or long the playoff run goes on.

I wish baseball would get back to the level that it was at during the early 90s, and while I have very little respect for what the Raptors front office has done for the last 5+ years, it would be nice if the Raptors became competitive. However, I think what will be clear over the next couple weeks is how much Toronto is a hockey town first and foremost. If the Leafs can make a serious run, the city will be electric I think. Sure, there'll be lots of fair-weather fans, but the crowds will still be amazing. And I guarantee that noone, not the players, not the pundits, not the fans, will be placing any kind of asterisk beside this season if the Leafs somehow win the Cup. To suggest so, is an insult to the sport and the people who participate in it.

I think it's clear from his posts that this playoff run, and the enthusiasm that will accompany it, will cause Don Draper a hilarious amount of frustration and actual anger. For that, I am amused and grateful. Just the fact that he is so angry that he types long bitter screeds against the plebeian sport of hockey, in bold font no less, shows that he is deeply annoyed in fantastic way. Perhaps the 19-year Chinese immigrants he lures with his cognac and cufflinks persona will be safe for the playoff season?
DD is a soccer fan. Maybe in the true sense of the sport he apparently likes, soccer, we can bribe him to go away.
I will start with $5.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
The Leafs could finish as high as 4th or as low as 8th by the end of the regular season.
The Leafs have an outside shot at second. Not likely, but still a mathematical possiblity.

Actually it may be more possible then one may think.
Price is not playing well for Montreal right now and Boston's tough schedule could take it's toll on them.


New member
Mar 22, 2013
Hey, you guys need not waste your breath on irrelevant posts :D. Just look at the Stanley Cup banner on MANY arenas roofs, does it matter if the Cup won when that team played in the league which ORIGINALLY had only 6 teams? What a bunch of killjoys!

All they forgot about is this condensed (yah, excellent choice of word) regular season of 48 games is the QUALIFYING round for teams and they all have the same chance to qualify for the real thing. Do they forget too that to win the Cup, 16 wins must be fought for and that's as REAL as any other year :frusty:

I guess when one talks about something ones knows NOTHING about, it comes out like FARTS. How could players like Lupul came back playing after a few games nursing his C'ed head, if he did not care to help qualifying the team for this "meaningless" Cup? Talk like that makes me think DD had the concussion himself, or did he? Just look at the way teams like the Islanders, the Jets, the Rangers... play these last few games with tooth and nails, and you can still can say such things?
Well said. I agree! Gooooo Leafs!


Sep 30, 2008
It's not just a shortened season, it's a condensed season , they may be playing less games , but they are also getting far less rest between those games.
Yes, many 4 games per week and many 3 games in 4 nights and many back to back games. So this 48 game season is just a hard as a full 82 game season, just minus the inter-conference play.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Haven't dropped in on this thread in a bit so I thought I'd peruse it for it's present state.

Nothing special here. Only replies that were expected and even woefully predicted. Just the same pathological pleading for some kind of acceptance and validation of a marginal league at best. The same one everyone cursed during the Lockout is now everyone's "Rah Rah'. It's just so common.

The fact is simple: 82 does not equal 48. If any teams this season would have played a full, proper 82 game schedule (as it was last season and will be next season, not this one) there is no telling what the standings would be. There is no way to spin that fact into anything else. It's not a real season, playoffs or otherwise. The NHL is once again taking it's public for fools. From the beginning of the Lockout to the hollow trophy that will be shamefully and inevitably handed out. It's beyond me why they buy this dreck from the owners and GM's who must just chuckle to themselves as they sip their booze and smoke their cigars from the VIP box.

Reminds me of that great line from "American Beauty":

"Never underestimate the power of denial"​

No wonder it won the Best Picture Oscar. An astute and accurate study of societal conditioning and how certain people see only what they want to see.



Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Nothing special here. Only replies that were expected and even woefully predicted.
What a coincidence that is exactly what I was thinking about you.

Will you take a dollar bribe to go back to soccer threads. Talk about pathetic.

Just the same pathological pleading for some kind of acceptance and validation of a marginal league at best.
And you bother to drop in at all because .... ?
The need to make yourself feel superior ? :crazy: lol You are so pathetic.

The fact is simple: 82 does not equal 48.
Well you can add and subtract at least, that is something.

Cut him some slack people he is showing off the his math skills.
Bravo Don ! :thumb:


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008


Apr 28, 2008
Haven't dropped in on this thread in a bit so I thought I'd peruse it for it's present state.

Nothing special here. Only replies that were expected and even woefully predicted. Just the same pathological pleading for some kind of acceptance and validation of a marginal league at best. The same one everyone cursed during the Lockout is now everyone's "Rah Rah'. It's just so common.

The fact is simple: 82 does not equal 48. If any teams this season would have played a full, proper 82 game schedule (as it was last season and will be next season, not this one) there is no telling what the standings would be. There is no way to spin that fact into anything else. It's not a real season, playoffs or otherwise. The NHL is once again taking it's public for fools. From the beginning of the Lockout to the hollow trophy that will be shamefully and inevitably handed out. It's beyond me why they buy this dreck from the owners and GM's who must just chuckle to themselves as they sip their booze and smoke their cigars from the VIP box.

Reminds me of that great line from "American Beauty":

"Never underestimate the power of denial"​

No wonder it won the Best Picture Oscar. An astute and accurate study of societal conditioning and how certain people see only what they want to see.

Why should it matter 48 games or 82 games when it's the playoffs that determines the Champion ... Give or take one or two teams and you will see everyone who was expected to be in the playoffs is there .. Now if the playoff format was changed cause of the lock out then maybe I can see your point ...

Celebrate we are going to finally see NHL playoff actions instead of seeing the glass half empty .. Also there was a time when the league only played 50 games and had six teams ... Should we question those Champions ?
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