Seduction Spa
Toronto Escorts

Las Vegas Strip


New member
Feb 23, 2006
So a few weeks ago I had my first trip to Vegas. I'm not a big gambler or anything, but some friends were going down, so I figured it would be a great time regardless. For some reason I thought the girls here would be decent in terms of pricing, isn't this "sin city"? But boy was I wrong. I felt completely ripped off, and here's why:

Girl 1:

Advertised rate was $200, so I'm thinking great deal since the pics were hot and prices were inline with Toronto. So she comes in (she was stunning btw) and immediately starts giving some BS spiel about how the agency takes a huge cut and the $200 was basically just to get to the door. She asked for an extra $300, I told her that was way too much, but we settled on an extra $200. At that point I already knew I was overpaying, but I just didn't feel like haggling, it really ruins my mood and I just wanted to get things done. So we get down to business and she tells me she forgot a condom, right away I'm thinking "oh great, here's the rest of her scam, tell the customer you forgot condoms so you won't have to go through with the deal". Well me being a guy who doesn't like to escalate conflicts, I basically just told her not to worry about it. So in the end I paid $400 for a HJ. Rip off! But whatever, I just discounted it as a bad experience. The girl even had the nerve to ask what she could have done to make the experience better before she left, just like in many customer service questionnaires. I couldn't believe it. She even asked for my number before she left, which I politely declined to give her. I was pretty confused, did she think I actually enjoyed the experience? She must have thought I was the biggest push over and absolutely ripe for the picking.

Girl 2:

Advertised rate was $275. Because of the last bad experience I asked what exactly that includes, I was told "all inclusive". I figured I could read in between the lines and knew exactly what that meant, so I accepted. But again, I was wrong. First of all the girl that came to the room looked completely different than the pictures advertised, she was definitely not the type of girl you would be paying for. Anyways, I was pretty drunk and horny, so I just gave her the money and figured at least she'd give me better service than the first chick. So I'm getting a BJ and about 5 min. into it, she asked if she can f**k me, I'm like ya I'm ready. All of a sudden she tells me that it's an extra $200. So I bring up the fact that she told me it was "all inclusive" on the phone, but she basically dodged the question and was persistent in trying to squeeze another $200 off me. In the end, I gave in (can't think straight when you're drunk and hard) and paid the extra $200. So I basically paid $475 for a chick that I wouldn't even be hitting on in a normal situation. Needless to say, I felt ripped off, and pretty much disgusted. But I blame myself more than anything.

After the first girl, I thought I just had a rare bad experience, and decided to give it another shot. After the second girl, I told myself "never again".

The only thing I can conclude is that the strip is not where you want to be if you expect some type of value. Toronto definitely kills Las Vegas in terms of service. I have no clue why Las Vegas has such a big reputation for escorts and strip clubs. It's nothing but a rip off, especially when you factor in the currency exchange for Canadians (holy crap I just realized how bad I was ripped off). I really doubt I'll ever be going back. Anyone else with similar experiences, or did I just get very unlucky?


New member
May 6, 2005
da246 - I agree Vegas is a rip off.....I would never go back.....was there 7-8months ago and found similar pricing... meet an SP hanging around the bar we struck up conversation one thing leads to another and we are up in my room.

$250 All in was what she said - I agree get a CBJ for like 5minutes and then I'm told an extra 200 for FS. After I told her that is not what you said originally, she gave the same bull about the agency taking 50% so finally she agrees at $120 - we get down to it I blow after a couple min..later to find MSOG is extra. My tab was $370 for total of 25min...only upside to the story is good thing exchange rate was @ par then.


May 15, 2008
Thats pretty much Vegas. You are much better off hobbying in Canada...or find cashino girls/street walkers instead of going through agencies/phone services.


New member
Mar 30, 2006
That is Vegas to a TEE. Also LA, Orange County, NYC and most other US cities. There are a few good places to hobby. San Francisco, Dallas, Florida. But far too many rip-offs just as you described abound in the US.

As I have said countless your money for Toronto or Montreal.


Dec 22, 2003

Ya roger that.....a buddy of mine had luck bringing in a couple girls off Craiglist....without getting killed pricewise....otherwise you better off spending time with tourist brods and taking your chances


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
When I was there I saw lots of hot girls working the casino bars late at night.
Maybe they'd be better and negoetiable.


Seattle lurker...
Oct 17, 2005
Seattle, USA
If you go to Vegas, it's better to plan ahead and do research from one of the boards to setup something up for when u get there. It will give you some sort of an idea of who you should avoid:

I usually stay away from the agencies or phonebooks or handout's on the streets, you'll be better off gambling it away. The casino girls are hit or miss, the agencies send them in there late at night to 'troll' for clients. Also sometimes the LE does stings in the casinos, so you have to be careful.

Sometimes the strip clubs can be a good place to 'troll', gotta go in late at night around the time of the shift changes (like 2 am or so). If a girl says she has a bad night, ask if she will do a 'take out'. She will either slap you or act dumb or ask what hotel your staying at...

Like gambling in Vegas, pooning can be a hit or miss. But there are still some good ladies in Vegas.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
Of course!!!

seattlecruiser said:
If you go to Vegas, it's better to plan ahead and do research....
If you are looking for a cheap piece of ass, then Vegas isn't for you. Like anything else you have to do your research. LOTS of hot SP's in Vegas with excellent GFE and PSE's experiences. If you are looking for champagne on a beer budget then forget it.

"I really doubt I'll ever be going back." Again, don't go to Vegas for a cheap piece of ass from Craigslist. And if you can't have fun in Vegas, then maybe you should stay away.

I love Vegas!!!
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Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Whenever i go to Vegas, i save my unloading for the range.

Great value and always as advertised.

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