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Lamora or Bodybasics


New member
Jun 8, 2007
I figure I'm halfway between the two. I've never been to either.. Given time I'll try both, but it's xmas and I'm low on cash.

Assuming I find myself in need of relaxation this weekend, which would be the best use of my hard-earned cash, in your opinion?


New member
Jul 14, 2007
Depends what your tastes in girls are.

At Lamora's I have seen Ava (Eva ?); slim Somali looking girl (very nice) with nice breasts and gives an AMAZING tease and release. $ 90 total for topless (and worth it).

Also at Lamora's is Alex. White, with slim small-ish breasts; super friendly girl as well. A little tease with a pretty good ending; what's cool about her is when she's doing the finish she is pretty vocal; not the fake thing either. She becomes sort of dom-ish. If you are into that, very cool. $90 for topless release.

At Body Basics I've seen Julie. Beautiful, beautiful girl and (last time I saw her) had straight dark hair with streaks down to her breasts. She's short and has some of the most beautiful firm tits I have seen in a long time. Fairly nice person (except when she is complaining about the job; bit of a turn off). Decent topless release for $80.

And again at Body Basics I have seen ---. Can't remember her name (sorry) but she has been there a long time and seems to be good friends with Julie. Also her name isn't a traditional basic name; not as plain as Julie. Anyway, average height, blonde hair down to shoulders maybe a bit longer. Gives a decent massage, with a pleasant finish. What's nice though is when I ask for topless she'll many times take everything off and is not shy about touching. Paid anywhere from $70-$90.

Also saw another short blonde girl at BB; can't remember her name but she was probably the worst I have ever had. A way to differentiate between the one with the description above and this one is the good one is very talkative. So you can ask for the blonde slim girl who has been there a while, works/is friends with Julie and talks quite a bit. They should know who you are talking about then.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
If you opt for BB, avoid a latin-american girl who is blonde (I forgot the name) if she is still there; she asks for a lot of $ for a mere topless and she is not very friendly. I hope the owner got rid of her.


New member
Sep 2, 2004


Also avoid Tracey at Body Basics. She is all about the money and a horrible massage.


New member
Feb 1, 2007
Alexis at Lamora

Had a session at Lamora with Alexis, nothing very special exept a lot of teasing right at the begining. Was not like the other sessions I had previously with the ''greek goddess'' that were more sensual. Maybe it was only a bad day for her, she was having a cold, sneezing all the time, etc. And the time was more like 15 shorter than supposed. Is the the greek goddess still work there??? I think that next time I should try CMJ with all the good comments I see on it!!!!


New member
Jun 8, 2007

Shoot I forgot I started this thread...

I never made it to BodyBasics. I did discover Lamora's wonders and I do love it there. :)

Anything you might find reviewed about Eva I will second, and vote double, what a beauty she is. And the release is incredible, she's an artist at this job and should be getting grants!!
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