La Villa Spa

Kobe's Accuser is Being Trashed

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
My sister said something very interesting to me about this case.

It may not be the end all or 100% but she said........ I would like to find out if he used a condom. Because if he did it leans more to consent. And if he didn't it leans more to rape.

Agian, it's not 100% right or wrong but a very interesting thought.

Back Burner


New member
Apr 4, 2002
In the corner
He is just like all the others, risen to heights he can't deal with and wants to F%@* anything that moves.

Lady Sarah

New member
Jun 10, 2003
Lucifer has issues with women. Period. Your vitriol-laced diatribes do NOT endear.
All I think, is that this girl has so much to lose by coming forward. SO much. As was opined in an earlier post, if money were the sole motivation she could've asked to settle. No, she's airing it out.

I think Lucifer wasn't breast fed as a baby, that or his mama beat whatever shit was left in him after he spread his own excrement all over the bathroom walls at two and he's scarred for life.



Aug 10, 2002
My take

>>Lucifer has issues with women. Period. Your vitriol-laced diatribes do NOT endear.

My issues stem from personal experience..

>>All I think, is that this girl has so much to lose by coming forward. SO much. As was opined in an earlier post, if money were the sole motivation she could've asked to settle. No, she's airing it out.

Look here .. the rape laws are very woman friendly... infact they often toss jurisprudence in the waste paper basket

>>I think Lucifer wasn't breast fed as a baby, that or his. mama beat whatever shit was left in him after he spread his own excrement all over the bathroom walls at two and he's scarred for life.

Sorry.. wrong on all counts.. I had a very nice childhood..
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