Kobe's Accuser is Being Trashed


New member
Jun 24, 2003

I was surfing around. There's all sorts of stuff trashing Kobe's accuser, and there are posts of her picture, and her home address and phone number.

If this girl was raped, she hasn't done anything wrong by pressing charges. This sort of behaviour, of destroying her life, will also make it less likely anyone would press charges after an assault also. I find it totally disgusting. Yes Kobe seems like a nice guy, but if he raped that girl he deserves to rot.



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Mar 19, 2003
Unimatrix Zero
The Los Angeles Times reported that hotel employees saw Bryant talking and flirting with the alleged victim when he checked into the hotel. Employees then say the accuser, after getting off duty at 11 p.m., went to Bryant’s room sometime before midnight.
Her name is ... What?


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
There's a story about her in MSNBC.

She was bragging about his penis one week ago at a party.

Doesn't sound like rape victim behavour if you ask me.



P.S - His wife is easily 10x hotter than her. Why did he bother?
Ah who cares ... I just don't want the Lakers to win next season. :D

OK ok ... just kidding ...

I don't know what to say ...

Some athletes are assholes and think they are god and that every girl in the whole world wanna get laid with them.

Best example : Darryl Strawberry.

As for Kobe ... I dunno ... he seems likea good guy. But when lust and emotions take over, even a priest can cross over the line and do "un-Christian" acts ...

We are only human.

But if it's true ... I feel sorry for the victim having their innocence taken away by a well known athlete who think he can get away with it ...


Active member
Mar 28, 2003
Paul/IT said:
And if he didn't rape her and she's a money hungry vulture who's just after his money? Them what. I'm with Kobe on this one . He slept with a white girl, parents get pissed off, they fabricate a story of rape. He's too smart for that. Any side bets anyone.
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but Paul, you can never say a guy is "too smart for that".

He wouldn't be the first smart guy to make a stupid mistake.

None of us really know him or what he's capable of, just like we don't know what that girl is capable of...

Personally, I'm a cynic, so i tend to believe she's fishing, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out that he actually raped her.

I'm just tired of the public character defense that Kobe has benefited from in the media; yeah, he's a savvy kid who seems to have his shit together, but who really knows what lurks inside someone?

People in North America like to believe we know the celebrities that we prop up. We don't.


Aug 10, 2002
My 2 cents

I agree wholeheartedly with this assesment and would go further

>>And if he didn't rape her and she's a money hungry vulture who's just after his money? Them what. I'm with Kobe on this one . He slept with a white girl, parents get pissed off, they fabricate a story of rape. He's too smart for that. Any side bets anyone.

Think about it Utah.. small town white gal.. in a town with few blacks.. if any [and the reason for that being??..]... meets and willingly sleeps with an international basketball star who happens to be black [she is probably curious if *S*]..

parents and maybe gal feel remorse or more realistically want some money and maybe feel 'degraded'..

you know until the very late 1930's it was common practice in the south of US to castrate and then hang/burn black guys suspected having sex with white gals [white gals often changed their story and said rape]..lynching... . and don't you canucks feel superior.. canada never had a black population [%, number, history] like the US, because if it had.. canucks would behave the same way at that time in world history.

Moreover based on past history of such cases [pro. athlete-gal]... she used gal friendly rape laws.. to sue him.. and the local police.. man.. it must have been their wet dream to sue and hopefully convict a succesful 'nigger' [though they do not have the balls to say so] ..

It is sad that he f**ked her when he has such a hot wife.. or he should have got an escort... hell.. with his money he could have ordered one from toronto.. and none of this would have happened...

The gal seems to be not really 'affected'.. partying, joking about his d**k, and her mental stability, sexual history.. come on .. inspite of the lies shrieked by feminazis.. do you as a rational person believe that a womans sexual history has nothing to do with any rape case that she is involved in??? esp. one in which she went to his room after finishing her shift... and she was an average gal and he was a superstar.. do you really believe that millions of years of evolution is just gonna go away because of some feminazi friendly law..

I have to say though.. if you wanna cheat.. get an SP... much less messier and eventually cheaper.. not to mention more fun.. than a 'unpaid' gal.

Remember kobe bought a 4 million dollar diamond ring for his wife after this... so for one lousy hour of sex with this subconciously black hating white chick.. the bill is already more than 4 million dollars and rising..



Even we 'superior Canucks' know this happened in Colorado not Utah.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Variety is the spice of life...

djk said:
P.S - His wife is easily 10x hotter than her. Why did he bother?
Yes indeed, his wife looks super hot.
I guess daily servings of Prime Rib doesn't stop Kobe's craving for the good old ordinary cheappy McDonald's, except this time ain't gonna be cheap at all...


Member since 2001
Oct 16, 2001
I tried posting a minute ago but I think I was logged out since the post didn't appear ... this link is interesting, the Tucker Carlson story in particular:

False Rape Charges Hurt Real Victims


the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
She's not stable. It said in the paper she tried to kill herself by overdosing on pills, months before she lied about being raped. What are the odds that her being trashed in public, force her to try and kill herself again?


do you as a rational person believe that a womans sexual history has nothing to do with any rape case that she is involved in??? - from lucifer......
SO what exactly are you saying Lucifer? For example are you insinuating that a woman who is an escort cannot be raped? It's scary attitudes like yours that keep many real victims of rape from coming forward in the first place! Rape has nothing to do with sex, everything to do with power- remember that!
As for this specific case I am skeptical only because Kobe stands on record as one of the few stand up guys with a good head on his shoulders. I know, one can say what's so stand up about a guy cheating on his wife? But let's face it among many celebrities and athletes its commonplace as long as you don't get caught, doesn't make it right but it happens. If the girl is falsely accusing him then I hope the facts come to light, and god forbid if she is telling the truth! Her only crime would be using poor judgement. Whatever the truth is let's hope it doesn't get lost in all the hype!Either way it's a sad reflection of society .....

Sara @Select


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
this feels like a flashback of Tyson...

.... girl goes up to athletes room and later says she was raped. We all thought that girl was trying to get rich or famous at first yet Tyson did a few years in the big house. Only diff is Tyson had a thug reputation and Kobe doesnt. Makes you wonder if it was Spreewell instead of Bryant would charges be more believed?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001

Thank you so much for censoring the word "fuck" but still posting the much nicer word "nigger" in full view. Sheesh. I am also disappointed that you have such a narrow view of rape. Personally, I'd rather have overly-strict rape laws than laws that allow real rapists to get away with it. And I am speaking from personal experience with rape victims.

IMO, the best thing to do here, instead of taking sides and wondering who's lying and who's telling the truth, is to let the courts do their job.

And don't believe everything you hear in the media. Most of the reports on this girl come from "friends from high school" and the like. I would hope that if something unfortunate happened to me, my long-lost acquaintances wouldn't come out to the media and start saying stuff like "he was mentally imbalanced" (even if it is true :D)

The bottom line is that anyone has a right to say "No" to sex. Even if the girl went up to his room on her own free will, that does not give him a right to have sex with her if she didn't want that.

True, people have fabricated stories to get financial "rewards". But pro athletes have also fabricated "consensual sex" stories to save their own hides.

I'm going to reserve judgement until the courts have had their say.


Aug 18, 2001
It is unfortunate that so many people are willing to support the accused {Kobe} and yet are quick to suspect the motives of his accuser. In addition, a nationally syndicated radio show host has released her name, address and phone number on his show. This has victimized her a second time, in the event the original accusation is true.

The facts that are known are that the accuser went to Kobe's room and sex occurred. She lodged a complaint of sexual assault, which was investigated by the sheriff, including a physical examination of the alleged victim, and the sheriff felt there was enough evidence to lay charges.

The fact that she went to Kobe's room could be in her professional capacity as a hotel employee, rather than as a desire to have sex with Kobe. Some have suggested that there may be racial motivations for the accusations and charges, though there seems to be no objective evidence of any such motivation. It is quite possible that Kobe's defence team may use this defence, similar to the defence of O.J. Simpson. Others have suggested that the motivation may have been financial. If this were true, would it not be much easier to approach Kobe privately after the act and suggest that a financial settlement could save his reputation and the happiness of his marriage. By bringing forward charges, the accuser has nothing to gain financially, and may in fact lose financially if she is sued by Kobe in the event he is acquitted.

When this story first broke, Kobe said virtually nothing to the press for several days. I'm sure that by now he has retained some impressive legal resources in order to win this case. In fact, the trashing of the accusers reputation in the press could be a part of the defence strategy. Overall, I admire the courage of this woman to come forward, assuming she believes she was sexually assaulted, when the person she is accusing has such a reputation and the financial resources to make life very difficult for her.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
Well said gamesman.....


Aug 10, 2002

>>Thank you so much for censoring the word "fuck" but still posting the much nicer word "nigger" in full view. Sheesh.

I do have to clarify that when I used the word 'nigger' it was to reflect the attitude/mentality of the police of a predominantly white police department in the US.

If you believe people that do not use that word.. but treat blacks like c**p are better than those who use that word to illustrate another person's view that is upto you.

I feel that in some way people who say that they are not racist, but see every black guy as a criminal/rapist etc.. are much worser and dangerous than people who are openly biased.. at least you and they know what they are thinking.. it is out in the open

A lot of black people in the US do not get a fair chance.. even if they are rich and famous...

>> I am also disappointed that you have such a narrow view of rape. Personally, I'd rather have overly-strict rape laws than laws that allow real rapists to get away with it. And I am speaking from personal experience with rape victims.

I think that the jurisprudence on which the US and hopefully the canadian system is based on says that people are innocent until proven otherwise [beyond a reasonable doubt]... what is so special about rape... is it worse than murder?? I don't think so... a crime is a crime.. having a p***y does not make one more truthful/nicer/ a better human/more deserving of justice than if you have a d**k.

I do have issues with woman friendly rape laws... and I will say that openly
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