Ashley Madison

Kitted Up Cars, Are the Owners Losers?



Re: Re: Re: Boys and their Toys

Emma22 said:
You are comfortable with your sexuality and don't need to try yo outwardly display it. LOL

BTW, for all the people who were offended I do apologize, I expected it to get a few laughs not turn into such a heated discussion. The above reply was the type I expected. Sorry to anyone I may have offended but as I said it was all meant in good fun.

But you saying the men who drive nice cars all have small penises is like me saying that you driving an suv means you have a huge pussy. Cmon.......wheres the humour in that? So if you and you're friend still think this way then all i can say is that you're very judgemental.

...........and for your info.........i drive a vette convertible and i don't have a small penis................its tiny.........tee hee.(okay i'm lyin)


Aug 18, 2001
I think the major problem is that the media (from commericials to movies) have created this problem. It's cool to have a powerful car. What is not cool is some yahoo who has smacked into the back of a school bus at 200+, in a 50 zone, while drag racing another twit.

Also the manufacturers should not be building cars that have the capacity to go beyond the highest posted speed limit in the country it's being sold in.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Trelew said:
Also the manufacturers should not be building cars that have the capacity to go beyond the highest posted speed limit in the country it's being sold in.
Wash your mouth out with soap!


senior member
Aug 18, 2001

I used to have a couple of muscle cars when I was in my late teens early 20's(68 Z28,68 Chevelle).
We never raced on the highways, we always found a secluded straight away in some industrial area late at night or out in the sticks but even that's very dangerous. I had another friend who was killed racing. He lost control and hit a tree.
dead at 22 :(

so even when trying to race safe it's very dangerous.
even racing on the track!
Greg Moore,Dale Earndhart, and that other kart driver? Senna? just to name a few.

these kids nowadays need to realize they are putting peoples lives in danger. at least if they take it to the track or a secluded area they are only putting themselves in danger.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Just to clarify, I am in no way, shape or form condoning illegal road racing. All I meant is that if I had a car who's top speed was limited to 100 km/h, well, you know, I think I'd just have to kill myself.

Thank you.


Active member
Mar 28, 2003
The X3 is junk. To be honest, the very existence of the SUV market is beyond me. Truly an homage to the effectiveness of marketing.

Who'd have thunk that poor-handling, gas-guzzling "4x4"s (how many SUV owners hit the dirt?) without the suburban functionality of a minivan would become so popular!

One of the saddest things I saw this past winter was a Lexus RX300 flopping side to side on icy conditions near Don Mills & Eglinton while other cars were carefully navigating the slight incline in a straight line. What a menace.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Zorba said:
One of the saddest things I saw this past winter was a Lexus RX300 flopping side to side on icy conditions near Don Mills & Eglinton while other cars were carefully navigating the slight incline in a straight line. What a menace.
While I do agree with you Zorba, it must be said that the majority of people that drive these SUV's drive them as if they were cars. THIS IS WRONG! They make very little "correct" use of their four wheel drive vehicle. Over steering is a common occurrence to correct sliding. Coupled with a high centre of gravity produces the type of driving you are referring to. Just because you can afford an SUV doesn't mean you know how to drive one properly.

And just because you can afford a sports car doesn't mean you know how to drive it.


New member
Apr 9, 2002
2 points:

1st: these guys are losers for ruining a perfectly engineered automibile... not to mention the fact that they choose to hang out at a Tim Hortons parking lot. Its basically every Tim Hortons in the West End.

2: Whoever said that manufacturers should not build cars to go over the speed limit is on crack. Tell me honestly you've never gone over... even once


senior member
Aug 18, 2001
Tell me honestly you've never gone over... even once
Sure we all speed now and then but there is a difference between speeding a little and racing and weaving in and out of traffic cutting people off like these silly little boys do.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
well, here's an idea for you: If a manufacturer makes a high performance vehicle, geared towards handling, acceleration etc etc then how about the good ol government insuring that someone knows how to handle a performance car? Say make them take the RACE (I think that's what its called) course out at shannonville.

That way they know how to avoid hitting those gosh darn guardrails when they oversteer!!

Plus it may teach them a little more respect for the speeds in which the newer vehicles can travel.

When I bought my 600R Ninja I should have taken the motorcycle version at shannonville. I think back to the days when I raced porsches up bathurst street and feeling the front wheel lifting at times. Difference being if the porsche spun out, he'd have a few flat spots on his rubber. If I spun out, I'd have a few flat spots hehehe.
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