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What are people’s thoughts about kissing in a session? Slow, long, deep… building in passion. Like when you were a teenager?

I recently had an incredible session with a wonderful lady, and I have never had anything like this before with an escort. My reading of reviews suggests that DFK is rare but valued by some men.



Cunning Linguist
Oct 28, 2001
I've been at that point once with an escort. It was our second time together, and I have to admit that I got kinda freaked by it. I was lost in "the moment" at first (damn she was good) but, then I realized where I "really" was, and thought..."wait, do I really want to continue with this?"...I feel that kissing is really very personal. Of course this is my own POV, but I don't think I like mixing that with "business"...for lack of a better word.

Frequent Flier

New member
Sep 5, 2001
Not a deal breaker but....

Kissing is a real plus for me. The three ladies that come immediately to mind: Jenn_angel, Sheila (Deadly Curves) and Jessica ( Others have gone halfway but not enough to really make that electrifying connection. It would be hard to think of a session as "lovemaking" without some serious spit swapping.

Having said that, I have still managed to have many extremely passionate sessions where the kissing was more restrained.

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New member
Aug 17, 2001
Mmm, mmm good

This is my first post in the lounge after being a spectator for quite a while. Here's my 2 cents:

Kissing is one of the greatest things in the world. When it comes to kissing during sex, like Lyla, I can't imagine one without the other. Kissing is intimate and an integral part of lovemaking. It's amazing what a kiss can do, whether it be a passionate peck on the lips or DFK, it gives me such an adrenaline rush, such a feeling of closeness, honeslty, it can be even better than an orgasm (and speed up that process too)!

I have yet to plunge into the Escort scene in Toronto (since I've only frequented MPs), but if I were to, I would definitely make sure kissing was available.
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New member
Sep 14, 2001
Lyla....I couldnt of said it any thoughts exactly

Kisses and passionate ones to all....
its so easy to loose control with that one passionate kiss ...its such a turn on for me...l get so excited it

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New member
Aug 22, 2001
Kissing does make it go much, much, MUCH better, as long as the other person doesn't smoke. Nothing turns me off more than yellow teeth and bad breath. Although I guess you don't have to smoke to have yellow teeth and bad breath, but I still wouldn't want to kiss them. Overall, I do prefer clients who kiss.
Any idea where I can find some of those? ;)


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
mmmmmmmmmm Kissing....

I think that it is one of those things where it really is... to each ... their own. I think that passion can be portrayed through ones eyes but lips speak a thousand thoughts without any words... in the course of a single kiss. I think that some people find it too personal, while others find it is not personal enough without that contact.

To kiss or not to kiss... lol (pun intended).

I personally like... to kiss.


New member
Feb 4, 2002
When I kiss I guess I could say I'm more lips, less tongue. Kissing to me seems almost an involuntary reaction. You really don't think about it, you're compelled to it. It's almost instinctive when you're with a person with whom you're enjoying their company...altho different than enjoying your uncle's company on a fishing trip. I truly love to kiss, and since this is anonymous, I have been complemented many times. Having said that I was spurned last night. Not at a MP but by an MPA with whom I thought I had some degree of closeness to say the least. It was at my place...not an outcall...a date. I had brushed my teeth and had a wad of fresh mint gum in my mouth...tucked discreetly between cheek and gum...and got the turn away as if I was a client. In fact she spoke to me in the same way that she has told me that she has dealt with rude, cheap and intrusive clients. And I was none of the aforementioned. Is this an occupational hazard, ala, lawyers cross-examining their SO's, or your daughter taking Psych 101?


New member
Feb 4, 2002
Sorry to go on, and this is just a bit outside the forum, but 3 or 4 years ago I was with a woman I really tumbled for. One morning on my couch we just spontaneously started kissing. From where I was positioned I glanced out the window at the commencement of the event. It was a quarter to eleven. The next time I looked up it was 1pm. The kissing was not only the journey but the destination. No sex, just kissing...and just as gratifying.


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
kissing tips ...

in a perfect world, passionate mindblowing kissing would be ideal, but please, please, please ... this may seem basic tips to most of you ... but you would be surprised!

~ please have fresh breath ... do a mouthwash rinse or brush before a session ...

~ do not use your teeth when kissing ... ow. this is not sexy. i have had a swollen upper lip after some sessions because the client kept inadvertantly biting me ...

~ do not drool ... watch the saliva production... it can be a real turn off to be slobbered on ... ick!

~ do not chew gum during a session - really!

~ try to follow the lead of your partner ... is she a long, slow sensual kisser ... ? is she trying to keep your tongue out of her mouth?

~ use your lips ... my preference is soft, firm kissing ... not having my face mashed ... but that's just me!

~finally, i believe a little tongue exploring is fine, but i hate having someone's tongue forced halfway down my throat ...


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Average Joe

Re: kissing tips ...

syndy said:

...a little tongue exploring is fine, but i hate having someone's tongue forced halfway down my throat ...

Well put. I once had a girlfriend that shoved her tongue so far down my throat that I thought she was trying to give me a rectal exam. I got used to it in the beginning but as the relationship went on I had to "re-train" her. She ended up becoming an amazing kisser, sensual and teasing. Then she dumped me. C'est la vie.
Re: Re: Re: kissing tips ...

Originally posted by Average Joe
I once had a girlfriend that shoved her tongue so far down my throat that I thought she was trying to give me a rectal exam. I got used to it in the beginning but as the relationship went on I had to "re-train" her. She ended up becoming an amazing kisser, sensual and teasing. Then she dumped me. C'est la vie.

Lyla said:

I wept when I read this.


Lyla, we have to find this girl, kidnap her, and deprogram her; return her to what she was....


New member
Mar 13, 2002
There's an SP whom I really want to see (who'll be my first in Toronto), but I'm a little concerned when I heard "no kissing". Kinda makes me wonder if I will enjoy. That said I had a dancer shove her tongue in my mouth once which surprised the hell out of me.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in

If kissing is your thing, you may be better off booking an appointment with a lady for whom such a request is not an issue. As mentioned previously, kissing can be/is a very personal experience for many, if not all people.

I have been with escorts who are adamant about the "no kissing rule" and I have also seen others who simply couldn't get enough of it! I still get all tingly when I think of them. :)


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
I'm with Lyla and others ...

Intimacy sans kissing just ain't the same. I'm still only seeing one particular SP right now; part of the reason I'm doing this is the kissing!

BUT ... can't stand the taste of a smoker. (I'm a non-smoker.) And that peculiar but revolting combo of coffee & smokes is just a deep no-no in my books. But I guess this just falls into the general cleanliness category. i.e. Keep your breath just as clean & presentable as the rest of you!


New member
Feb 25, 2002
That Is Most Important

I enjoy kissing with the right lady who gives fresh breath. To me,
even it is a business, I prefer everything to be done naturally
and affectionately. Without kissing, I don't feel that it is a
pleasurable encounter.



Jan 20, 2002
re kissing

I'm with Lyla on this one...
can't imagine being intimate without kissing
doesn't have to be big tonge DFK but soft warm open mouth type,
long passionate.....are a must. but for me clean mouths are as improtant as I'm sure they are for the ladies here. Nothing is more of a turn off than a lady who tastes like an ashtray, and is not as orally clean as she would expect me to be.....
just my opinion

I've been with women who don't kiss and its just not the same...
tonsil hockey doesn't necessarily improve things either but warm moist lips can get the juices flowing faster than anything


New member
Mar 13, 2002
Met said kissing. She said, "For some people kissing is very personal". I felt like saying, "For some people so is f***ing".


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
It really depends on the lady. Some are really into kissing, some aren't, as they reserve that for their personal relationships, but you have to respect their wishes. To each their own.
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