The Porn Dude



New member
Jan 14, 2004
Hi I will be in Kingston next weekend can you help me with some good recomendations.


Aug 15, 2010
you wont go wrong with Rachelle


New member
A note about harborsmoke. He has booked and cancelled on almost
every girl in town. To my knowledge he has obly seen two girls in kingston. With me he couldn't even remember what story he had told me the next time he tried to book. Apparently this was common practice with Jim put east as well. He seems to have found a girl that is willing to deal with his bull, ( note this is not an attack on Serena, she is beautiful and seems very nice). U will notice that he ia the ONLY reviewer of this new girl, although I'm sure she provides great service.

My point is taking advice from a guy that moat girl will not even consider seeing is not where I would get my info.

Let me say this again tho. Serena is very hot and seems like a sweetheart, I can only assume she puts up with his nonsense because she is very "green" just my .0.02$

I wish Serena nothing but the best! I wish harboursmoke would learn how to treat us with honesty and respect! And most importantly I hope that WANDER has an amazing session this weekend with whomever he chooses!


Jan 5, 2011
How does my recommendation of Serena warrant that kind of post Rachelle ?

If you have a problem with me then take it to me, as you have, at length! But to post that in this thread just makes you look jealous that someone else in Kingston is recommended besides you.

I have never met you so I cant recommend you but I have met Serena, twice, so as per the originators request I gave him a possibility. But you posting that is just sad.

To others:

Did I cancel on Rachelle ? Yes I did. More than once ? Yes I did.

How that has anything to do with my recommendation of Serena is beyond me.


New member
Actually is is warranted as u have been kites as a liar byyself and others. Not only did u cancel on me but did so 15 minutes before and sniff sniff for a funeral. U really had me going and feeling bad for u. Then when u rebook u have zero idea what Iean when I pass on my condolences about the funeral. u then claimed ur work had been the reason u cancelled 15 min before. Me being stupid I rebook and u pull the same bull.

So them I start chatting with other local sp's and it seems u have done it to us all once if not twice or more.

Relevance how can u post about what's available here, u don't know cause u cancel on everyone.

I'll admit thisay not have been the venue but I DID decide it HAD to BE posted here as u encourage him to pm u, who knows what bullsfit wrb of lies u will spue, i don't want this poor guy taking advice from a serial liar.

PS: haurbor u Pming me saying I should ask Serena how u are, as thinwould change my tune. I do know someone that has seen u. Yes u way overpay and leave quickly. Your throwing money around does not shut me up or impress me or any girl u have screwed over here.

OP- sorry to have highjacked ur thread, just had to say it.



Jan 5, 2011
Ok I cant really understand your first paragraph as its pretty poorly written. I suspect your using an iphone or similar device of some sort.

I don't cancel on everyone, I canceled on you and Alexa Cummings. You because your not my type and her because she didn't get great write ups on here.

Should I not have tried to book again, your probably right, but there is a lack of talent in this town and for a moment I was "confused".

I encourage you to call an engineer, build a bridge and get over this great travesty that seems to have beset you. I don't assume my lack attendance is really effecting you that much, but the fact you care so much about it perplexes me.

Why do you care if I overpaid and left quickly ? What does that have to do, again, with my recommendation of Serena ? How does disqualify my recommendation ?

I really don't care what your tune is or what you think about me. I'm willing to be criticized for canceling on you, because your right it was a bum move. But the fact your using it as a nearly transparent veil to cover your jealousy over someone else getting a recommendation in your kingdom of Kingston is what I find sad. If you want to blast me go ahead, I have big shoulders I can take it, but don't stoop to this level you just come off looking bad.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
this is all rather in bad taste..and of course reflects not too favourably on the scratch fever i dare say


New member
Harboursmoke u are Blacklisted for Alot of reasons. Not simply for canceling on two girls and if I'm not ur type Don't book. But we both know it was alot more then Alexa and I. U did the same shot out east!

Terbites- the whole point of my initial post regarding HS is to show u all to take what he says with a grain of salt, it has nothing to do with trying to book wander, he asked me to pm him and I Sid not as my weekend is busy already

Which is why I'm on my iPhone I'm working and don't have time to sit online all day waiting to read whatever bullshit HS says next.

I'm saying what All ktown girls and eastern Canadian girls are thinking and saying about HS. they just don't have the balls to say it.

And whitewaterguy, catch scratch fever, rolling my eyes. U are another one that is blacklisted among some of Kingston already due to the same bull. U 2 should hang out.

Wander I hope u had a great time, and I'm sorry again but this was the first chance I saw to call him out!


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Harboursmoke u are Blacklisted for Alot of reasons. Not simply for canceling on two girls and if I'm not ur type Don't book. But we both know it was alot more then Alexa and I. U did the same shot out east!

Terbites- the whole point of my initial post regarding HS is to show u all to take what he says with a grain of salt, it has nothing to do with trying to book wander, he asked me to pm him and I Sid not as my weekend is busy already

Which is why I'm on my iPhone I'm working and don't have time to sit online all day waiting to read whatever bullshit HS says next.

I'm saying what All ktown girls and eastern Canadian girls are thinking and saying about HS. they just don't have the balls to say it.

And whitewaterguy, catch scratch fever, rolling my eyes. U are another one that is blacklisted among some of Kingston already due to the same bull. U 2 should hang out.

Wander I hope u had a great time, and I'm sorry again but this was the first chance I saw to call him out!
you must be talking about the last time we planned to get together at 10 in the morning whereafter you texted me and stated you just had a short visit to the doctors to deal with and would text me as soon as you were done..then never called back after that?? keep swinging at every ball that comes your way honey.

as for being blacklisted in kingston...thats a bit of a joke...blacklisted with whom?? there are essentially NO escorts in kingston to speak of that i care to see other than the visiting SP's from montreal and ottawa and they seem quite happy, with smiling faces and open arms, to see me whenever they are in town and i care to have a visit.

Time to quit your drivelling attacks. Making yourself look very unprofessional. If i were scouting out new talent in kingston on this board, and read your lunatic posts, i'd be staying away from someone doing this much trash talking.......



New member
No that was the u cold called me and I said I'd call back IF I couldZ no WWG I'm referring to the numerous time u have booked and cancelled or didn't even take the time to cancel, hence I wasn't rushing to meet with a serial no show that morning. oh and as far as being blacklisted it only takes ONE girl to tell others what a time waster u are for u to be blacklisted either thru discussion or on an actual list.

You have a respect issue when it comes to escorts and our time. U book and book and never come thru. And as far as you attacking me and saying MY attitude will scare potential new clients away, hmmm
It might scare a few but it will gain my more as men respects woman that speaks up for herself and those in her line of work
You and HS both have this disease where u think we sit by our phones all day praying u will call. Yes we do have phones bit QE are not sorting with our thumbs up our ass waiting for time wasting drips like u to call. U seem to think that me speaking up against a guy or two who waste or time and money is going to harm me in sone way...... The men I want to meet respect that our time is money, that we are mothers, sand our kids soccer coaches, have stuff to bake for the school bake sale and that the bullshit u pull takes us away from these responsibilities and and costa us money. During some of your no shows and definitely HS I used a hotel as needed if u booked and didn't have the decency to ccanxel or dis so 15 min before you ate literally taking money from is and showing us that u zero respect for us as business woman or lovers

You sir are not a pooner or a gentleman. You treat us like common street prostitutes and that makes you my dear a TRICK.

Why don't u keep visiting all these girls in various cities that I'm sure welcome u with open pockets not open arms. This had zero to do with.

Oh and any new member that searches my name will come across 5O or so reviews saying how welcoming and kind I am but I'm kind to those that are kind to me.

you must be talking about the last time we planned to get together at 10 in the morning whereafter you texted me and stated you just had a short visit to the doctors to deal with and would text me as soon as you were done..then never called back after that?? keep swinging at every ball that comes your way honey.

as for being blacklisted in kingston...thats a bit of a joke...blacklisted with whom?? there are essentially NO escorts in kingston to speak of that i care to see other than the visiting SP's from montreal and ottawa and they seem quite happy, with smiling faces and open arms, to see me whenever they are in town and i care to have a visit.

Time to quit your drivelling attacks. Making yourself look very unprofessional. If i were scouting out new talent in kingston on this board, and read your lunatic posts, i'd be staying away from someone doing this much trash talking.......



New member
You know what waseant as a comment has been taken way beyond that. This is a waste of my time. I've said what I think. Sorry for the drama this Sunday to those that sat and read this all say.

It's just about respecting us as business woman and woman. But the point has gotten so lost. I'm done. Go ahead WWG say whatever u will it's not worth anymore thought I've made my point.

Happy vibes terbites!


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
zero respect for us as business woman or lovers

Why don't u keep visiting all these girls in various cities that I'm sure welcome u with open pockets not open arms. This had zero to do with.

Oh and any new member that searches my name will come across 5O or so reviews saying how welcoming and kind I am but I'm kind to those that are kind to me.
like i said. plenty of great talent coming to Kingston from ottawa and montreal these need to travel to those various cities or be limited to one of the locals.
i have no doubt you provide great service. The only thing that you've proven in this thread however, is that you can take the girl out of the trailer park..but you can' know the rest of the story


New member
Jan 14, 2004
Thanks for the help. LOL

But I did have a good time with a nice lady called Autumn well worth the money that she charged.
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