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Kingston Review - Daisy of Sweet Treat


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Called ST and asked who was on, had them send over Daisy. 21, blonde, 5'3, 110 lbs. Showed up on time. Very pretty face but with some acne. I thought she might be about 3-4 months pregnant at first, as she has a slightly bloated tummy, but the overall package was very fine so I had no trouble inviting her in for an hour. Very smooth, soft skin, alabaster white. Perfect butt, nice little A's, bikini-worty legs. Cute gal, very relaxed, very comfortable with what she does, easy to talk to. Fully shaved. Does crack or crystal meth, though ( I don't know the difference), which probably accounts for her easygoing nature and of course, for her being in the business.

We made out on the couch for a while (lfk, digits), then she said she should get out of her clothes, so she did. At her request we showered together ( I got the sense she wanted to clean herself up, to be honest, although she smelled clean enough to me). Shower included a bbbj and multiple positions (covered). It was lots of fun. Dried off, went back to the couch for some more positions, then finished off in bed. She was extremely compliant and willingly/happily switched positions over and over and over. I sensed that she was a pleaser so I took advantage and experimented with some unique positions, and she was comfortable in all of them. She pretty much did what she was told without complaint. I should have taken a second hour.

Greek was extra, and she said that DATY was "probably not a good idea". MSOG was allowed. I will repeat. I might even take her for an overnighter.

$120/half, $160 full. 546-5649. YMMV though. She thought I was quite handsome, and when I asked if she ever had some ugly clients, she said "oh yeah!". So, if you're not at least as handsome as me, she might not be as willing to please!! :cool:

Hey come on, it's not every day a 21 year old says she thinks I'm cute!


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
"has acne, 3-4 months pregnant, does crack or crystal meth, and says 'DATY is probably not a good idea'.......ummm, anyone else thinking YIKES!


New member
Mar 28, 2004
FunJay said:
"has acne, 3-4 months pregnant, does crack or crystal meth, and says 'DATY is probably not a good idea'.......ummm, anyone else thinking YIKES!
Don't thing "yikes". She's a cute 21 year old who is worth the cash.

Do you really care if she does drugs? Do you really think other SP's you'be been with don't do drugs? At least she's smoking her hit instead of injecting it.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
In my opinion it's a big problem;

If she's working as an SP because she enjoys the work that's one thing, if she's working because she's desperate for money and wrapped up in a hard core drug addiction thats a completely different thing.

Desperate people make desperate choices. On top a basic concern for another human being, and not wanting to feed into a self destructive cycle, I would be extremely concerned about other desperate choices she might make and the risks she would expose clients to.

She's four months pregnant, still doing drugs ( in front of you, or just telling you about it ? ) and seeing clients. If that doesn't spell desperation I don't know what does. Do you thing she would stop working as an SP if she thought she had an STD ? More likely she could justify the risk to your health the same way she justifies the risks to her own and her child's, what ever form that justification takes in her mind.

Scary stuff if you ask me.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
twizzler2 said:
In my opinion it's a big problem;

If she's working as an SP because she enjoys the work that's one thing, if she's working because she's desperate for money and wrapped up in a hard core drug addiction thats a completely different thing.

Desperate people make desperate choices. On top a basic concern for another human being, and not wanting to feed into a self destructive cycle, I would be extremely concerned about other desperate choices she might make and the risks she would expose clients to.

She's four months pregnant, still doing drugs ( in front of you, or just telling you about it ? ) and seeing clients. If that doesn't spell desperation I don't know what does. Do you thing she would stop working as an SP if she thought she had an STD ? More likely she could justify the risk to your health the same way she justifies the risks to her own and her child's, what ever form that justification takes in her mind.

Scary stuff if you ask me.
Yip, she's got a problem in that sense. Fucking strangers to pay for a little white rock. That said, I don't think too many 21 year old SP's are in the business because they enjoy screwing 40 year olds - they've all got a demon of some kind that's pushing them into the biz. Some guys don't care, though, and area happy to indulge the young ladies' cash needs. Apparently I'm one of those guys. Oh well.

ps. she's not pregnant, just looked a bit bloated that night, as I said in my review.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
twizzler2 said:
In my opinion it's a big problem;

If she's working as an SP because she enjoys the work that's one thing, .


Your seriously delusional if you genuinely believe anyone is in this line of work because they enjoy the work..that and/or easily fooled.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
not many girl do escorting because they like their job > Pays much better than flipping burgers and from my exsperience in k-town most escorts are 30 something crack girls so I quess buddy found one a little younger .I have never seen this girl so will not pass judgement on her .If in fact she did the drugs right there in front of client then that is wrong. If it added to the energy she was putting into the act then i see where he enjoyed it. Again telent in K-town is very limited to say the least.
Hard to find a regular in this town as girls come and go so fast .BUT overall Sweet treat has been good to me .
I am going to try to hook up with Maddison in the near future and see how that works out


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Your seriously delusional if you genuinely believe anyone is in this line of work because they enjoy the work..that and/or easily fooled.
Is that really so hard for you to believe ?

I'm not saying that earning a living and getting paid isn't part of the equation for SP's, of course it is. Just like any of us would probably stop going to work if they stopped paying us.

Given that all of us have a basic need to earn a living, and a basic desire to make a little more rather than a little less lets discount the idea that SP's are only in it for the money simply because they are being paid.

Now, If things were reversed and men could make money being escorts, do you think that there would be men who would choose that vocation over another. Given the equal opportunity to say, work a 9 - 5 job in an office building working for someone else or make the same money, be there own boss, and be a service provider to women, can you imagine that you know men who might choose that ?

My guess is that the answer is yes. If so, why do you find it hard to believe there are women who might enjoy this too ? Of course I realize we're all taught to believe that women don't like sex, take no enjoyment in seduction, or pleasure in pleasing a man. We were also taught to believe in Santa Clause, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy, Luckily those fantasies were not constantly reinforced throughout our life times so most of us can see the folly in the logic.

The whole notion that women don't like sex and would only choose a profession in which they provide sexual services because they had no other option is just as ridiculous.

Again, not all fall into this category but, there are a few here who participate on this board. It is clear from their intelligence, passion and interest that they have a personal desire to perform this kind of service and could make a comfortable living in other professions if they so choose.


Sep 3, 2004
Just a quick comment.....

I'm in Toronto and I have been seeing escorts for years. There are lots of women that hate what they do and it usually shows. Others simply do it for the money, come to terms with their profession and let it go at that. However, I have met many over the years who really enjoy the experience. One notable lady that is frequently reviewed on TERB told me once that she loved having sex and she would be having it daily anyway so why not get paid for it. I have also dated an escort who gave me some very interesting insights into the business. She would agree with my assertion that some ladies enjoy what they do.


New member
I agree. I love what I do, and I don't need to do what I do to support any kind of habit or addiction (unless you count spa days and cookbook collecting as an addiction.) I do this work because I really love what I do - I love meeting new people, learning new things, and generally making people happy. I feel good at the end of the day when I can say that I directly made the lives of others a little happier that day.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
hodderbk said:
I agree. I love what I do, and I don't need to do what I do to support any kind of habit or addiction (unless you count spa days and cookbook collecting as an addiction.) I do this work because I really love what I do - I love meeting new people, learning new things, and generally making people happy. I feel good at the end of the day when I can say that I directly made the lives of others a little happier that day.
And do you work in k-town :))Ok I was dreaming again::: Does not seen like a lot of the girls here like their job:; I say this because you pay for an hour and they would like to leave in ten minutes if they can get you off that fast . LOL
A few girls have offered the MSOG thingy but MOST are in :: get you off :: then they just get up and start getting dressed . and are calling the ride with the cell .I would repeat with a girl that was into giving you your full time as this is a RARE happening in k-town.


New member
Feb 9, 2006
I don't mean to be judmental but ... I would be somewhat warry of the 'overnighter'. Someone who is addited to 'crack or crystal meth' may not be the best overnight guest at any time. I speak from experience with familly. Not to mention the pregancy or the STDs. Sorry.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
twizzler2 said:
Now, If things were reversed and men could make money being escorts,
You dream again.

What the heck stop you from post an escort ad in the newspaper to sell your body? Why don't you do it and tell us how much money you make.

Please stop pass your moral judgement on other johns,OK. You're just another john like us. Nothing makes you special to the ladies unless you pay big tips.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
twizzler2 said:
The whole notion that women don't like sex and would only choose a profession in which they provide sexual services because they had no other option is just as ridiculous.

Gee, I guess women fall on their knees to give you BJ. Why the fuck you're on a escort board?

Can't get enough sex from women who love sex so much? you f#(($ing idiot.


Jan 31, 2006
Chill dude

This is a board to express opinions, share experiences and have insightful dialog, not to hurl insults at one another. I personally agree with Twiz' analysis on this one.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005

You dream again.

What the heck stop you from post an escort ad in the newspaper to sell your body? Why don't you do it and tell us how much money you make.

Please stop pass your moral judgement on other johns,OK. You're just another john like us. Nothing makes you special to the ladies unless you pay big tips.
If you re-read my post you will find that it says

now, If things were reversed and men could make money being escorts, do you think that there would be men who would choose that vocation over another. Given the equal opportunity to say, work a 9 - 5 job in an office building working for someone else or make the same money, be there own boss, and be a service provider to women, can you imagine that you know men who might choose that ?
What is meant by that is that you probably know men who would choose to be escorts if they could make a living doing it. Right ?

Now what if those same men had other choices for a job ? ( stay with me here) I bet some of them would still choose to be escorts. Now, if you can imagine that ( take a minute if you need to, this post will wait for you ) Imagine that there are women who would make the same choices.

( feel free to take another break if you need one )

The idea that women don't/can't/won't enjoy physical pleasure is one that society (that's us as a whole, you, you're neighbour, the guy across the street...etc) perpetuate (keep repeating) the idea. Guess what, it's not true.

women like sex too

If you re-read the post again, this time looking for a place where I suggest that I could/would/should make money as an escort, you won't find it. This was intentional ( I meant it this way) on my part.

Gee, I guess women fall on their knees to give you BJ. Why the fuck you're on a escort board?

Can't get enough sex from women who love sex so much? you f#(($ing idiot.
Insults squarely aimed without care, thought, or ammunition have very little chance of having the desired effect.

In all of this re-reading you've been doing I hope that the second sentence (those collections of words separated by periods (".")) has caught you attention. To recap;

I'm not saying that earning a living and getting paid isn't part of the equation for Sp's, of course it is. Just like any of us would probably stop going to work if they stopped paying us.
You see here I'm suggesting that Sp's getting paid for their work is an equitable (fair) and normal situation.

What you won't find is a place where I suggest that I get such services for free.
Last edited:


New member
Jun 6, 2005
FunJay said:
"has acne, 3-4 months pregnant, does crack or crystal meth, and says 'DATY is probably not a good idea'.......ummm, anyone else thinking YIKES!
i would think yikes.. then say "get the fuck out of my house"


New member
Aug 21, 2004
twizzler2 said:
women like sex too
So what's your point. I like sex too. But it doesn't mean I want to have sex with every woman walk into my room with $200.

What is your point? My man. Aren't you paying for the pussy? What "women like sex too" got to do with you paying for the pussy that you can't pick up in a bar? What is your point? Tell me.


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
Destroying The English Language

I hate to have to say this, Guys, but some of the grammar, spelling, sentence structure and swear words used in TERB postings are dismal and dismaying in the extreme. If you cannot express yourselves in a concise, understandable and courteous manner I would respectfully suggest that your time and SP money would be better spent by enrolling in an English language course at a local college -- and you might even meet some attractive ladies there .... !
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