Club Dynasty
Toronto Escorts

Kill the ex-boss at Christmas Party for being fired.


New member
Jul 27, 2004
Don said:
No you are not. You have some issues. Most people get sad, depressed and angry but most do not wish physical harm.
Don I will have too disagree with that >> Most people want too cause harm if fired .. especially if they feel it is unjustified ..
The law and going too jail stops most people from completing the act.
I may have issues too :: But I believe in the REAL world >>> if you fire enough people you will get retaliation .. It may be the very first person or maybe over a hundred people before some one does something .. BUT to think a boss is going too fire people forever without getting some form of backlash is just plain not living in the real world.
People get killed for a few dollars .. What would make you think some one is not going too kill for a loss of income .. Loss of house because of that ect .


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
Another example of the decline of the news media.

The fifth estate indeed.

When every sentence becomes a paragraph.

Blackberry journalists.

Texting their stories.

Fact checkers fired decades ago.

English grammar, readability.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Don said:
No you are not. You have some issues. Most people get sad, depressed and angry but most do not wish physical harm.

I do not agree with that.
Most people have at one time or another had toughts about telling a boss off, getting revenge and perhaps even beating them silly.
There are a ton of very poor excuses for bosses in the world

Most rational people are able to quickly recognize these toughts if translated into action have dire concisenesses and are not socially or legally acceptable. Therefore most rational people do not act on them, quickly realize they need to move onto more positive and productive thoughts.

If a person "has issues" for thinking about social or legally unacceptable behavior but does not act on them , then please show me a person "without issues" and I will show you a lier


Active member
Jan 19, 2006
The Cunning Linguist said:
Not excuse for what this guy did, but let me tell this story.

One of the middle management where I currently still work told me they fired a female subordinate once, and made her cry. Then he tells me her husband confronted him in the parking lot as he was leaving work the same day.

He was proud of it.

The sad truth is that this attitude is commonplace now. Middle management dweebs who got where they are by kissing ass, and covering their own ass at the expense of others. By making sure they can always shift responsibility of a problem to someone else, or, being first to line up when their is praise being handed out. We all know the type, and they are toxic in every workplace.

You are correct. Dismissal is never a pleasant event. The manager must always remember to treat the employee with respect during and after dismissal. Especially when no fault of their own.

It goes a long way when the former employees must learn to look to the future.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Heh, poet laureate of Terbland

Ha Ha Ha

antaeus said:
Another example of the decline of the news media.

The fifth estate indeed.

When every sentence becomes a paragraph.

Blackberry journalists.

Texting their stories.

Fact checkers fired decades ago.

English grammar, readability.

Toronto Escorts