The One Spa

Keyra - new girl


Nov 12, 2008

calloway said:
Welcome to Terb Nathis8 and your first post.

No... I don't consider this a shill. I found it informative and helpful.

As far as knowing the terminology... maybe he reads Terb 24/7... but has never acted out his fantasy. :p

If it is a shill... at least it was well written.

I have to agree it was well written lol. Lets continue the vote

I still say shill but a cleaver one at that


New member
Nov 19, 2008
I may have joined terb in November, but guys, do you really think this is the only place that uses the terminology? It's not like it's hard to pick up, and I wrote my first post with the list of terms that are posted here in another tab so I could refer back to it. I actually figured if I didn't use them people would assume I didn't know what I was talking about.

I mean, I don't mind if people think I'm a shill, but it is kind of funny. If I do go to another girl (and damn, but reading up on things at terb certainly makes me want to) I'll certainly write another review.

I'm guessing if the next guy to go has a good time, people will think I'm telling the truth. If they don't (whether or not it's their fault), people will decide I'm definitely a shill. Oh well. Not much I can do about it...

Thanks, calloway. I appreciate the welcome.


Oct 4, 2006
hmmm well i got her pics today and i have to say i honestly wasnt impressed. i mean to each their own of course and she sounds like a great girl (unless it was a shill review then who knows) but for 200 an hour in this area i was expecting a knockout. i think there are a lot better options here in KW for less... once again to each their own but i think at 180 p/h sophia or some of KW's other great looking ladies are far more attractive.. just my 2 cents


Nov 3, 2008
I really hate drama ...

Wow, only my 3rd day here on terb and already there's drama.

I'm going to be honest, this whole "controversy" really pisses me off. I have tried to do everything by the book, and have tried to please everyone to the best of my ability (yes, I know it's not possible to please everyone all of the time, but I've done my best), and now as soon as I get my first (thankfully positive) review from a hobbyist, I'm instantly accused of making it up? Come on!!

I'm going to restrain myself from posting a severe flame, but believe me, I'm tempted to! No, instead I'm simply going to say that Nathis is a *real freaking man* who came and saw me on my first day. And when he writes that I wasn't nearly as nervous as he was, it shows just how well I was able to hide it - because I was! I did my damndest to give him a happy ending, and frankly after he left I felt like shit because I hadn't. Still, he was happy when he left and promised me that he'd write me a good review. I looked forward to getting it, and the second it's up it gets jumped on as fake? Now I know why SPs end up getting so jaded so fast!

Calloway, just for your info (and everyone's, for that matter), my e-mail refers to the fact that I offer Domme services to those men who are interested. It doesn't mean that I'm a raging bitch or feminazi or anything like that. *lol* In fact, Calloway, unless you specifically ask for it (and pay for it), you don't get the "angrygirl101" treatment. All the rest of the time I'm a real pussycat. :)

Tianjn, I honestly don't know why you felt the need to start this whole drama ... but rest assured that I'm one person, and Nathis is another one. I don't know what else to say. If there's some way to prove that I didn't write that post, I'll be happy to do it. If anyone has a suggestion please give it, as I have nothing to hide.

p.s. Chris, I don't take any offense to what you wrote, like you said to each their own, right? I'm obviously not going to be every single guy's cup of tea, but if you'll give me a chance I'd be happy to show you exactly why I'm worth the two hundred for an unrushed hour. ;)


Oct 4, 2006

i have to say after that response i just may. very classy response, i think you'll do very well in this business.
best of luck


Nov 12, 2008

Keyra said:
Wow, only my 3rd day here on terb and already there's drama.

I'm going to be honest, this whole "controversy" really pisses me off. I have tried to do everything by the book, and have tried to please everyone to the best of my ability (yes, I know it's not possible to please everyone all of the time, but I've done my best), and now as soon as I get my first (thankfully positive) review from a hobbyist, I'm instantly accused of making it up? Come on!!

I'm going to restrain myself from posting a severe flame, but believe me, I'm tempted to! No, instead I'm simply going to say that Nathis is a *real freaking man* who came and saw me on my first day. And when he writes that I wasn't nearly as nervous as he was, it shows just how well I was able to hide it - because I was! I did my damndest to give him a happy ending, and frankly after he left I felt like shit because I hadn't. Still, he was happy when he left and promised me that he'd write me a good review. I looked forward to getting it, and the second it's up it gets jumped on as fake? Now I know why SPs end up getting so jaded so fast!

Calloway, just for your info (and everyone's, for that matter), my e-mail refers to the fact that I offer Domme services to those men who are interested. It doesn't mean that I'm a raging bitch or feminazi or anything like that. *lol* In fact, Calloway, unless you specifically ask for it (and pay for it), you don't get the "angrygirl101" treatment. All the rest of the time I'm a real pussycat. :)

Tianjn, I honestly don't know why you felt the need to start this whole drama ... but rest assured that I'm one person, and Nathis is another one. I don't know what else to say. If there's some way to prove that I didn't write that post, I'll be happy to do it. If anyone has a suggestion please give it, as I have nothing to hide.

p.s. Chris, I don't take any offense to what you wrote, like you said to each their own, right? I'm obviously not going to be every single guy's cup of tea, but if you'll give me a chance I'd be happy to show you exactly why I'm worth the two hundred for an unrushed hour. ;)
I always wonder why people say "I'm going to be honest"
Does that mean that they normally are not honest? lol

Anyways I will be the first one to say maybe I was a little hard on her. Now I say lets give her the benefit of the doubt and let her prove herself.


Jan 17, 2004
Wecome aboard, Keyra. You certainly seem to be a feisty bugger, I like my women with a little feisty side. Don't take any shit from Calloway, he can be difficult to deal with. lmfao.


Been here too long
Jul 18, 2008
Lost in a daydream of beautiful women.
Not that any of my posts on this board have ever been considered as controversial, but I think I might piss some people off with this one....

I still consider myself new to this board (I can only dream to be a real legend one day, like Cal and his 10,000+ posts ;-)), but will say that it aggravates the hell out of me when people yell out shill if someone's first post is a positive review about someone relatively new or otherwise poorly reviewed. If nathis' first review had been about about RJ or Jersey or Sophia and it had been positive, nobody would say anything. Since this is about someone new, people call shill. What bullshit. Everyone who chooses to post, needs to start at 1, right? Maybe, nathis, you should have hit the lounge first and played some word games to pad your post count and people wouldn't have questioned your motives...who knows.

Tianjn, you joined the board 7 days before nathis and you were posting frequently in this and another thread that you were going to TOFTT and get to us all with your review. You have never posted a review here before (you half-ass mentioned making an appointment at Misty's) and about 92% of your posts on here so far have been about Keyra or this shill witch hunt. If you had been the first to see Keyra and had posted a positive review about her, would you expect people to call shill on you? What would make it any different, your 7 says of seniority that you have on nathis? richone, your 3rd post was a post about Sophia and how can vouch for her being legit...shill?

Come on...get over it. It's great that everyone is trying to police things on here and keep the reviews "honest", but let's leave that work to the mods. They can realize when someone is posting with two different handles from the same PC...leave it up to them to handle the shill calling. The people looking for info here should be grown up and able to handle sorting through the bullshit on their own, without needing people yelling shill at every opportunity that they get! It reminds me of the retarded kid in school that used to try to say the cool thing, just so he could fit in.

If people weren't so quickly attacked for their honest opinions on here, probably people would post more reviews (good or bad) and more SPs/MPAs would take part in conversations on here.

Oh..and for the record...I vote no shill...but who gives a shit, really?


Nov 12, 2008
futurelegend said:
Not that any of my posts on this board have ever been considered as controversial, but I think I might piss some people off with this one....

I still consider myself new to this board (I can only dream to be a real legend one day, like Cal and his 10,000+ posts ;-)), but will say that it aggravates the hell out of me when people yell out shill if someone's first post is a positive review about someone relatively new or otherwise poorly reviewed. If nathis' first review had been about about RJ or Jersey or Sophia and it had been positive, nobody would say anything. Since this is about someone new, people call shill. What bullshit. Everyone who chooses to post, needs to start at 1, right? Maybe, nathis, you should have hit the lounge first and played some word games to pad your post count and people wouldn't have questioned your motives...who knows.

Tianjn, you joined the board 7 days before nathis and you were posting frequently in this and another thread that you were going to TOFTT and get to us all with your review. You have never posted a review here before (you half-ass mentioned making an appointment at Misty's) and about 92% of your posts on here so far have been about Keyra or this shill witch hunt. If you had been the first to see Keyra and had posted a positive review about her, would you expect people to call shill on you? What would make it any different, your 7 says of seniority that you have on nathis? richone, your 3rd post was a post about Sophia and how can vouch for her being legit...shill?

Come on...get over it. It's great that everyone is trying to police things on here and keep the reviews "honest", but let's leave that work to the mods. They can realize when someone is posting with two different handles from the same PC...leave it up to them to handle the shill calling. The people looking for info here should be grown up and able to handle sorting through the bullshit on their own, without needing people yelling shill at every opportunity that they get! It reminds me of the retarded kid in school that used to try to say the cool thing, just so he could fit in.

If people weren't so quickly attacked for their honest opinions on here, probably people would post more reviews (good or bad) and more SPs/MPAs would take part in conversations on here.

Oh..and for the record...I vote no shill...but who gives a shit, really?

I am not going to get in a pissing contest with you Mr July 2008. I said i was
goona give her the benefit of the doubt.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
This will all be solved when a second review comes through... everyone take a deep breath.

On second thought.. maybe everyone should just go get laid (or is that layed?) :p
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