to peterxxx: For the Facebook, users are not clients, but commodities. Similarly, regular users here are just a commodity. This site receives its profits mostly from large agency advertising (and individual SPs at a smaller degree), so, it is in the site owners' benefit to have as many users as possible. Regular "contributors" are just volunteers who work for this site as free lance journalist without pay and they do so because they like it. Anyone who contributes can receive almost the same information as any lurker - it is called "free riding". The elimination of the "sugar baby" topic that can really hurt SPs business just confirms this point. I guess, it is OK to have "private" chat ("reviews") for low-cost SPs or even for most of the indies, but it will never be allowed for large agency reviews.
to WIR: Agree, "Thanks, BTW, at which ALO location is she" would be better than just "which location", but maybe the guy is not much into typing? "Thank you" is always in order, however, the fact that the topic starter has only 4 posts and was on the board for 10 years has nothing to do with it. If he would have had 10,000 posts, the same "thank you" would have been in order. And the fact that you pointed out that the topic starter was 10-year lurker is really out of order and simply wrong.
to bobbiz: I am not a "review" guy. Almost never do it for anything, but I do rely on them a lot. I do say "Thank you" though... However, I do not think that not saying "thank you" by a lurker is a larger offence then not saying "thank you" by a regular contributor. And I have seen many times how a question from a lurker gets a response like "you are XXX years on the board and you only ask questions, no contributions". If "regular" contributors do not want to answer lurkers' questions, it is OK, but, please, do so quietly, without saying "I do not want to answer you because you are a 10-year lurker" If you want to bite your tongue - bite it, do not say "I want to bite my tongue". Regarding "50% business" I do not think there are many people in Ottawa/Toronto who went to SPs at least 2 times and do not know about TERB or another board. Noone is banned from google and googling "escort review" gives TERB right away. Now days, nobody buys anything, stay in any hotel, or go anywhere before looking for review first. So, I guess, TERB and the other board brings at least 90% of business who advertise here.
Sorry, I am just in the arguing mood today and reading some of the topics (beside session details) are pretty entertaining, so, "regular contributors", please, write as much as you can, we really like to free ride on your experience and desire to go public with it

But, please, do not develop the superiority complex over us, lurkers. Without us this board would not have existed and you would have had to make your own group on the Facebook or find another private platform
