Although inquiring minds want to know what is the ultimate end game with said newbie and posse in tow (which I’d imagine would be like herding cats)? Confront the lady who’s scammed you and her Kijiji friend to achieve what? I’ll presume roughing them up is out so that leaves harsh language or the hope she’s sitting on $2400+ and will dole out refunds?
‘Tis an interesting plan but tis not a barn
I’m likely post attributing but it feels like seasoned vets like Maverick and Mando have said in the past you don’t lose only learn and live to hobby another day
Although inquiring minds want to know what is the ultimate end game with said newbie and posse in tow (which I’d imagine would be like herding cats)? Confront the lady who’s scammed you and her Kijiji friend to achieve what? I’ll presume roughing them up is out so that leaves harsh language or the hope she’s sitting on $2400+ and will dole out refunds?
‘Tis an interesting plan but tis not a barn
I’m likely post attributing but it feels like seasoned vets like Maverick and Mando have said in the past you don’t lose only learn and live to hobby another day