Kanye West is falling fast


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
He only went to get help/ rehab when he was with kim kardashian because she threatened to leave him if he didnt. In the end she ended up leaving him anyway because she couldnt handle his breakdowns and the tweets he was sending out about her family.

Kanye west has been able to control his disorder until recently. At some point ; one has to wonder, is he really having a breakdown or is he doing it for attention? Maybe to keep him relevant?

Im sorry about your uncle. That is very unfortunate :(

I lost someone very close to me to suicide to. It is the worst feeling ever. My condolences.

He has?
He has kept his mental health issues very private, and did not speak publicly about them until fairly recently. And he has gone and sought treatment for it on many occasions. He was in treatment near the end of his marriage to Kim.
And Bi-polar is not always manageable. It depends on the severity of the disorder the person has.
It was not manageable for my Uncle I can tell you that. It controlled his life for years no matter what treatment or medication he was put on until it caused him to take his life. So in that end, yes, maybe he found a final way to manage it.
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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
extreme narcissism....is it a mental illness, a personality disorder or a character flaw?...all i know is that he is a vile anti semite


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
extreme narcissism....is it a mental illness, a personality disorder or a character flaw?...all i know is that he is a vile anti semite
NPD is a very real disorder. And one that usually can’t be treated because the person truly never believes or can’t believe they do anything wrong.

West as narcissistic personality traits but not NPD. He would never publicly admit he has a mental illness if he had NPD.
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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
NPD is a very real disorder. And one that usually can’t be treated because the person truly never believes or can’t believe they do anything wrong.

West as narcissistic personality traits but not NPD. He would never publicly admit he has a mental illness if he had NPD.
some acronyms i get...this one i dont ..NPD?
yours truly..old and not very hip


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
i actually said it...and still didnt catch on..lol......back to the music threads ..lol..
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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
What guy here wouldn't go a little squirrel-y if his wife left him for Pete Davidson?

View attachment 182645 View attachment 182646

he was acting out way before Kim got with Pete.

This is just another lame excuse people try to use to justify Kanye west's behavior.

Also, many celebrity ladies have said it themselves. Pete is actually a nice stand-up guy and that's why the women in Hollywood date him.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I feel bad for the children of NPD attention whores, they don’t stand a chance unless someone steps in to shield them.


Aug 23, 2001
NPD is a very real disorder. And one that usually can’t be treated because the person truly never believes or can’t believe they do anything wrong.

West as narcissistic personality traits but not NPD. He would never publicly admit he has a mental illness if he had NPD.
Unless he also had a martyr complex.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
extreme narcissism....is it a mental illness, a personality disorder or a character flaw?...all i know is that he is a vile anti semite
Ye and Olivia Wilde should hook up, they are both screaming narcissists, better they hook up than to hurt others. Ms Wilde did her best to sabotage her own film due to "her needs". Florence Pugh saved the film from hanious failure. Due to the mayhem Wilde caused - she was supposed to be the director - FloPew hates her guts. She refused to do any promos with her. One of the actors that got burned on that project is Shia LoBeouf - he was replaced by Harry Styles (???) whom Ms Wilde wanted to pork with.

When Ms Wylde attempted to throw LoBeouf under a bus, his reply was classy. Shia has been sober for almost two years, he now has a baby daughter. He still does silly things - just not stupid ones anymore. The mother of his child is Mia Goth, a huge talent. I'm part of a group pushing to get her nominated for Pearl . Maybe the ghost of Tom Cheek spoke to Shia, "smarten up Shia, you're never going to get a better partner in your life".

Being part Canadian, Ms Goth understands black comedy.
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
he was acting out way before Kim got with Pete.

This is just another lame excuse people try to use to justify Kanye west's behavior.

Also, many celebrity ladies have said it themselves. Pete is actually a nice stand-up guy and that's why the women in Hollywood date him.


Jul 3, 2020
From wikipedia: [Kanye West]" ... is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential hip hop musicians and producers of all time".

To me, that's sort of like having the biggest tits in kindergarten, or the biggest dick in North Korea.
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece

Instead of watching clips I watched the entirety of this podcast.

First off he mentions Hitler 4 times that I could count and all were in context. He didn't praise him at all as CNN was espousing he has in the past.

His continual message here is that Jewish people control the media. He equates the Holocaust with aborted black babies.

Lex tries to reason with him that he should be calling out the individuals by name that he has problems with and not blaming their ethnic group. Ethnic group is my wording not his.

Kanye is unapologetic for any of his beliefs and likes to remind Lex of the fact that he is a billionaire. He did this several times. Lex says in the end how rich you are doesn't mean anything. Kanye isn't buying it though.

YE is not a fan of BLM. Thinks they exploited the death of one man for political motives. Lex agrees but is quick to point out that he believes that Floyd died as a result of Chauvins kneeling on his neck not as a result of fentanyl as Candace Owens is saying. By Ye's demeanor I assume Ye sides with Owen on this one.

Kanye sees himself as a prophet. He said this here. He's big fan of engineering. Thinks that's the only thing kids should taught in school. Thinks history is a waste of time.

I'll say one thing for him he speaks his mind. Dude has no filter. Comes right at you. There's no guessing what he's thinking. Oh ya and he doesn't give a flying fidoo who he offends.....He's said this podcast was his exodus from the media. I find that hard to believe.

Let's see if he gets buried or he survives this......
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wiskey bravo

Active member
Jul 14, 2017
Here is my issue. When you know you have a mental illness, you have a responsibility to yourself and to society and the people around you to get the treatment that you need to maintain your illness because your symptoms often impact others negatively unlike any other illness. Cancer negatively impacts people - yes but not like someone having a manic episode.

So he knows he has one and instead of getting help, he uses it as a crutch to “get away” with shit. He said just the other week that he can say the “R” word because he has a mental illness. The guy is getting everything he deserves in my opinion.
Responsibility to society? How so? Because he's in the public eye? At the end of the day mandatory responsibility applies to your family. The rest is your choice. Any service provider who makes cash money
is responsible to declare all earnings to revenue canada. That would fall under being responsible to society right? I'm sure most don/t.

I'm confused on your cancer comment. So is cancer a better place to be in as suppose to mental illness? Is it more tolerable?
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