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mud shark

New member
Sep 27, 2004
I booked an appointment with Kandi and was very dissapointed. I called her around 1230 pm and made an appointment for four.I explained to her at that time that I did not know Kitchener very well and that i would need directions to her location.I said I would call before I leave to make sure all was well .
When i called she said something had come up and would i mind coming for 430 . No problem as it was only a half hour later,at this time I asked if she was confident there would be no more delays.She assured me there wouldnt be. I also explained that i had a forty minute drive each way and was again assured everything would be fine.
So i drive to highway 401 and highway 8 and wait for her to send me directions.
Well as you can guesse 430 came and went . I tried calling and texting neither of which got a response. I waited till 5 and then went home.
This girl has great reviews and I have no doubt she is very good at what she does.I just cant understand why she would conduct her business in this manner.
I understand shit happens,but at least she could have sent a text or made a phone call. Both of which i had asked her to do should anything come up.
My time is also valuable.I do not waste providers time and respect the fact they have a business to run. On the very odd occasion that I have had to cancel an appointment I have always let them know as soon as I know.
I dont think it is to much to ask for a little respect for my time as well.


Jun 25, 2010
Maybe something came up that she was unable to respond back to you??? Given the reviews...give her a chance!! I know it has happened to me once or twice...Shit happens...Give her a chance is all I am saying!!


New member
Jun 2, 2006
i agree shit happens
but the guy called, confirmed and told her he was coming from out of town
if shit was happening, she should have been honest and told him there could be a problem
either you are professional and open for business or you are not

sort of like going thru the drive thru at McDonalds ordering a Big Mac
and when you drive up to the window to pay ... no one is there .....

enough said
mud should give her a chance to make it up to him ..... after all he is out the mileage .... and still got "stiffed" or .. still had his stiffy ...or ... whatever


mud shark

New member
Sep 27, 2004
As I had stated I understand shit happens,but i still dont think it is to much to ask for a little notification that she cant keep her appointment.Even something as small a text saying "cant make it sorry"would have only taken 30 seconds.
A couple of hours after i got home I sent a calmly written text explaining my displeasure in the way things were handled and have yet to recieve any kind of response.
Shauna I have seen you about four times and have never had an issue. I suspect if one were to come up that you are proffesional enough to give as much notice as possible and if it were not possible at that time you would give an explanation at a later time when asked for it.
I am really not trying to slander kandi .Just trying to make the point that respect is a two way street. As frustrating as it is for you ladies to have no shows and no call backs. It is just as frustrating for us to have the same experience.My time as well as yours is valuable.I believe some ladies as wel as clients need to begin to understand this.


New member
Sep 28, 2005
This is why God invented cell phones. In reality, and in my humble opinion there are only a handful of good reasons to be relying on cells and other technology, and this is one of them. 30 seconds to txt. or lv a phone message..."Sorry...something has come up?" or along those lines!

Maybe something came up that she was unable to respond back to you??? Given the reviews...give her a chance!! I know it has happened to me once or twice...Shit happens...Give her a chance is all I am saying!!


New member
Dec 17, 2007
WOW!! I had ignored Kandi Khaos threads because I thought her and CL Kandi were one in the same...

Looks like I need to book some time with Ms. Khaos!

mud shark

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Sorry about the confusion.It was kandi of Kandigirls. I have expressed my frustrations.
Thanks for your responses. It is nice to know I am not the only one who finds this very frustrating.
I have had my two cents worth and hold no hard feelings toward Kandi,perhaps it was just an off day for her.
Last edited:


Jun 30, 2002
Sorry about the confusion.It was kandi of Kandigirls. I have expressed my frustrations.
Thanks for your responses. It is nice to know I am not the only one who finds this very frustrating.
I have had my two cents worth and hold no hard feelings toward Kandi,perhaps it was just an off day for her.
this is my review of this lady.... your experience prob be the same if you did hook up with her....
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