Pickering Angels

Just curious - What's the most popular escort hotel in Burlington?

What's the most popular hooker hotel in Burlington would you say? The one where the most ladies work out of? I'm in the area, and just thought it might be nice to be staying in a hotel where I might get to see some working girls using the pool or working out in the gym.

Any thoughts?


Aug 23, 2003
Your question might not be helpful to the ladies who would rather that kind of specific info be kept quiet.
I've stayed in a popular hotel in Mississauga where it wasn't unusual at all to see beautiful working girls hanging outside their room having a smoke, or walking in pairs to the local Tim Hortons to get a coffee or a burger at Wendys, or even just walking the halls as they head back to their room for some reason. It's just a nice treat to see a beautiful girl, and know you can look her up on backpage and maybe spend an hour with her.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
Any thoughts?
Your question might not be helpful to the ladies who would rather that kind of specific info be kept quiet.
Or it may be helpful to the girls who I will patronize when I am there. It's not exactly a caramel secret that needs keeping
LOL, seems only agreeable thoughts are welcome here :)

Well, SP's do this for money so it seems unlikely they want to freeloaders ogling or chatting them up during their personal time at the gym or pool. If they're looking for business, they will advertise.
Once again, no good deed goes unpunished here on TERB. I never said I wanted to chat the girls up, and I never said I wanted to leer at them. But perhaps having them in the same building when I want to visit one would make life a bit easier.

It never amazes me how quickly the TERB membership is to go in and jump on someone. Sadly, what people say about this board gets proven out time and time again.

I might also add that anyone who thinks that LE doesn't already know exactly which hotels are hot with escorts is a complete fool. They know better than anyone. And as far as the hotels go, the ones that are escort friendly don't just happen to be that way by accident. There are hotels that fight it, and there are hotel owners that look the other way. And again, if you don't think that LE already knows which hotels those are, you are completely clueless with regards to what the vice squad is up to in the city.

Thanks for making a regular contributor feel like shit. It seems to be what you all are good at.


Oct 21, 2007
I would say popular depends on who you see. Most Burlington girls like to stay close to the qew, so any hotel you can see from the qew you could consider popular. Some girls bounce around some girls stay in the same place. I know one girl pretty much lives in her room. if she's staying at Canada's Best Value Inn, go see someone else.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
I've stayed in a popular hotel in Mississauga where it wasn't unusual at all to see beautiful working girls hanging outside their room having a smoke, or walking in pairs to the local Tim Hortons to get a coffee or a burger at Wendys, or even just walking the halls as they head back to their room for some reason. It's just a nice treat to see a beautiful girl, and know you can look her up on backpage and maybe spend an hour with her.
And of course you knew these women were escorts. Seems like your little fantasy

And of course you knew these women were escorts.
I knew they were escorts by the way they carried themselves, and by the fact that they were beautiful young women with no logical reason to be staying at such a hotel. It doesn't take a genius to recognize a working girl, especially when the hotel is notorious for working girls working there. But to address your snide little point, I knew for a fact they were escorts when I looked them up on backpage, found their ads and then had them blow me for hh. Is that enough proof for you, or would you like more details about it?

And that wasn't dissimilar to what I did last night at the Admiral Inn. As soon as I checked in there were two beautiful girls with manicured nails, sparkly iPhone cases, expensive shoes and other tell tale signs of a young girls with far too much disposable income, waiting by the front desk. Easily found them on bp and had them back to my hotel room before the end of the night.

Seems like your little fantasy
Maybe my lifestyle seems like a fantasy to someone like you, but what seems like fantasy to a guy like you is a daily reality to me. I guess that's the difference between a guy like me and a guy like you.

Again, Celticman, thanks for maintaining the a**hole reputation of TERB members by bringing in negativity that does nothing to promote positive discussion. It's often wondered why there aren't more posts in these forums, or why there's such a lack of new threads and interesting discussion. From my experience, I'd say it has a great deal to do with members like you who do nothing but troll new members who make new posts, and others of your ilk who just piss over every post a new member makes until those new, energetic members decide it's not worth contributing, and just remain lurkers.
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Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
I knew for a fact they were escorts when I looked them up on backpage, found their ads and then had them blow me for hh. Is that enough proof for you, or would you like more details about it?
this makes no sense. explain how the ad matched the girls you saw? let me guess, the ad showed their face? what were the odds! lol cool story bro
this makes no sense. explain how the ad matched the girls you saw? let me guess, the ad showed their face? what were the odds! lol cool story bro
So, the girl had a great body, beautiful fake nails, and distinctive fire-engine red hair - so much so that I'd call it a bad dye job, although the girl was smoking hot otherwise. I just searched "Burlington" and "Walkers Line" on bp and a picture of a girl with crazy fire engine red hair came up very quickly. Why does that seem like such an outlandish occurrence to make you feel the need to make the negative comment that you made? It seems pretty straight forward to me.

let me guess, the ad showed their face?
Actually, the hair was all I was looking for. But wouldn't you know it, her ad actually *DID* have her face. Please, do a bp search yourself, find her, and then prove to yourself just how much of a snide little troll you are. Then please come back and either delete your post, or apologize to me - that would be the proper and respectful thing to do.

I guess a certain degree of intelligence is needed to do these things, and it seems like using google, bp and your memory is a tall order for some on here. I guess I understand why there are so many haters just begging for an opportunity to troll a member who is trying to contribute to the board. People with extremely low intelligence are intimidated by those who are much smarter than them.

In York, I saw an amazing, tiny little spinner with thick brown hair having a smoke on the patio next to mine, and the car parked in front of her room had quebec plates. I searched York and found two ads for French girls, one of which showed an amazing sexy spinner at a hotel in my area with incredibly thick hair. Guess what, it was her, and it ended up being one of the most amazing hobbyist experience I ever enjoyed.

what were the odds!
For someone smart enough to use google or backpage and do a simple search, the odds are pretty high. For a Luddite with no skills other the ability to troll people on the Internet, I'd assert that the odds are pretty low, so I can understand how this all seems like rocket science to you. I know some Adult Learning schools offer grade 6 computer courses. You might benefit from taking one and learning about search fields and stuff.

And just to the earlier point about

Personally I have not heard of any working girls regularly hanging out at the gym or pool of a hotel.
I was with an escort not too long ago who told me that two elderly people at the pool complained about her because they didn't like the tattoo on her leg. The girl was quite offended. So, while some may assert that escorts stay locked permanently in the room, I know of many who like taking a break and respectfully using the facilities in the building.

Just be careful, anyone drawing that much attention to a hotel can attract LE
Is having a cigarette outside not discreet? Is it wrong for a girl to walk Tim Hortons? Is law enforcement going to swarm a hotel because a girl walked to the front desk to get a replacement key? I didn't say they were walking the halls in thigh high boots, knocking on doors, fighting with pimps, and trying to solicit hotel guests. What did I suggest that made you believe the behavior of these girls would justify the SWAT team tear gassing the place? And if you think information about which hotels are escort friendly is a massive mystery to LE, well you're only fooling yourself. The police are working with all of those hotels, often just in an effort to keep the girls who are working there and living on the margins of society safe, ready to step in if there ever is a problem. Trust me, the police aren't spending hundreds of man hours trying to unlock the uncrackable mysteries of which hotels are used for escorts.

Any more trolls want to post snide comments so I can undress you and make you look foolish? This is starting to get fun.

If any of you would like to apologize, I'm listening.

By the way, I was going to post a review of the two girls I saw there. But seeing all of the hatred and trolling thrown my way over this post, I think it's probably best not to, and just not get those girls involved with the likes of those people posting on this thread. It's sad, but once again, snide-jealous-jerks who troll this board once again stopped a good, new contributor from providing feedback about good girls working in the area.
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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Shouldn't you be able to tell which hotels are popular based on the intersections posted on backpage?

I thought there were a few locations just off the highway that were popular.

Sorry this is not my usual stomping grounds so I can't get much more specific than that.

But guys being secretive of where the hotel is, is not such a surprise. Many reviews often leave that detail out.

More to the point I would argue it is better to know of a good girl to see rather than a place to see many unknown girls.

No need to get passive aggressive on those dudes. You asked a question and you didn't like the answer. Too bad. Get over it. You are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
This reminds me of a few years ago when i asked in the in call section for tips on intersections where major agencies operate. No one gave much information. Same with when i pmed some agencies. Some answered. Some did not.

Now if i was a child i could have ranted and raved about the years of membership and the massive number of reviews and cried about taking my ball and going home. Instead i moved on. And you know what? Everything turned out okay.
Now if i was a child i could have
Maybe if instead you showed some backbone and spoke up when everyone else on the board tried to play "Trailer Park Supervisor", then maybe something may have happened to improve the manners of people on the board? But I understand that many people prefer to do nothing when they could instead do something. I prefer to be the type of person who does something. It is too bad that you don't use your history and standing as a member of the board to promote positive discussion and behavior.

No need to get passive aggressive on those dudes.
I don't think it was particularly passive.

You asked a question and you didn't like the answer.
Part of the annoyance was people trying to play the role of "Assistant to the trailer park supervisor." If a question isn't allowed, have a moderator delete it. But if it's a valid question, respond with an answer.Don't give me your opinions on ethics and morals - we all sleep with escorts on this board, and the ones that don't suck **** for money, so playing the moral high ground card doesn't count for much with me.

The trolling was the equally annoying part. You mention 'not liking the answer.' How many answers do you count? I count two, which I appreciate quite a bit, and then just a bunch of efforts to troll.
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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Maybe if instead you showed some backbone and spoke up when everyone else on the board tried to play "Trailer Park Supervisor", then maybe something may have happened to improve the manners of people on the board? But I understand that many people prefer to do nothing when they could instead do something. I prefer to be the type of person who does something. It is too bad that you don't use your history and standing as a member of the board to promote positive discussion and behavior.

I don't think it was particularly passive.

Part of the annoyance was people trying to play the role of "Assistant to the trailer park supervisor." If a question isn't allowed, have a moderator delete it. But if it's a valid question, respond with an answer.Don't give me your opinions on ethics and morals - we all sleep with escorts on this board, so playing the moral high ground card doesn't count for much with me.

The trolling was the equally annoying part. You mention 'not liking the answer.' How many answers do you count? I count two, which I appreciate quite a bit, and then just a bunch of efforts to troll.
Nope. This has nothing to do with backbone or improving things. You can't force people to post information. So if you ask a question and people don't want to answer there's not much you can do about it.

As for letting the mods do their job...... they don't get paid to do this. They don't have the time to read every single thread. You may have gotten two answers. But there's also a lot of people who chose to not answer your question. That should tell you something about the question you are asking.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
you threatening to not post reviews is passive aggressive..... that's what I was referring to.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
if they are trolling you were feeding them by replying. You gave them exactly what they wanted.
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