Jumped @ The Dollhouse Last Night


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
SexyKiki said:
I don't think it very fair of Rogie to try to defer people from visiting the Dollhouse.
SexyKiki... I can personally assure you that Rogie has never asked or even suggested this statement... both on the board and in a series of PM's. Quite the opposite actually... he personally told me to not let this incident prevent me from going there anymore. Perhaps you meant to say it differently... but it definitely came out the wrong way. I still feel that this was an inside job... Billy and George may not have known... but other employees knew or even participated. There's no other explanation. When's the most dangerous time for bars? 2:00 am when customers that have been drinking all night are leaving... this is not exactly rocket science. But for some reason the two bouncers that walk around in winter jackets all night... are now nowhere near the door? Please... for all we know... one of these punks is a bouncer at the Dollhouse.

For the record... you are in a no win situation and as I mentioned back on the first page... no one on Terb could ever hold you responsible for what happened... unless of course you knew that something was up in advance. You've sat and drank with this girl in the past... did she tell that you she was upset with Rogie? It's a shame because I always enjoyed you and Rogie having fun here on Terb. As far as I know... you have no ownership interest in the Dollhouse... so thank you for trying to sort through this mess. I guess the only good part for me personally is through this incident Rogie has indirectly saved me $300-400 a week that can be used in safer places... where you don't get the shit kicked out of you on departure.

Hope you feelin' better today Rogie...


Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle
Regarding SexyKiki

Please don't jump on Kiki over this - she has assured me that she had no idea what was up - of all the people at the Dollhouse she has BY FAR the most to lose with me no longer going there. Hot looking regulars with $$ & a butt (unlike Calloway's skinny ass :)) don't wander in the door every day. I trust & believe her on this point - I've known her for long enough to take her at her word.

I know both of the guys that participated to see them & neither of them is a bouncer at the Dollhouse (although one of them is associated with the club & management needs to read him the riot act). I get along exceedingly well with the bouncers there (or at least I think I do) & doubt they did anything malicious. The guy that works the VIP (sorry, shitty with names unless they have nice tits) was in fact quite upset when I came in & told them what happened.

Should the bouncers have been outside as patrons were leaving at the closing of the club? Of course. Were they? No. Could you infer they turned a blind eye? Maybe. Will that change? I sure hope so.

Calloway: I am feeling better thanks - sore back, low grade headache but no cobwebs or dizziness (the things the doc asked me to watch for 3 to 5 days). And luckily other than a small cut on my lip I'm as pretty as ever - bruises on my face just blend into my rum & eggnog rosy complexion.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
No one is jumping on SexyKiki... although that's another VIP fantasy I'm trying to visualize. :D

This has nothing to do with her... and hopefully everyone here clearly understands that. If anything... we should be thankful she had the courage to come on Terb and try to help.


Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle
To quote Kiki

calloway said:
No one is jumping on SexyKiki... although that's another VIP fantasy I'm trying to visualize. :D
As she always tells me:

"Keep it in yer pants mister."

And lineup for that fantasy would've started behind me...


Senior Member
Avoid that dump boys....this will make them get their shit together......Once the old cash stops...they will stand their wondering what to do now.

And if the guy or someone who knows the big fuckhead who beat you up is reading this.....tell him eveybody on TERB hopes he drops dead Xmas day.

Also tell him his lady friend cheats on him regularly.....for free

What kind of dancer brings her Boyfriend along to harass people......put her out of business too. Some factory could use a bitch like her to sweep up.


New member
Oct 6, 2003
if u knew i'd have to kill you
Guys i think your beef should lay with the punks that carried out the attacks, and the dancer. I think the club should only be responsible for what goes on inside the club it's hard to police the outside a lot of the time. However the mention of a second person who stood by.....what was his association with all this? Personally i still think criminal charges should be layed you have medical records to prove you were attacked police should investigate the incident. it sounds like the club knows who the individuals were outside the club and should be made to give up the names.


Aug 20, 2004
Exactly you are right AA_date, Club must give those sucker's names to the police and clear the club's name. If they dont, that means they are trying to cover those suckers..My personal tought " kick out the dancer" not enough for this situation..


Jan 16, 2004
Based on what I have read why would any of us what to go here????


Oct 5, 2002
blackman said:
Based on what I have read why would any of us what to go here????
I always prefered the Manor anyways, even it seemed Billy and the former Manor gang did a pretty good job there at the Dollhouse. I'm really surprised the way they handled this. Maybe it takes that somebody gets killed on their property before they wake up!


New member
Apr 2, 2003
A couple more cents worth...

My gut feeling is that the bouncers didn't turn a blind eye, just human error. Nor can the bar charge the attacker, that would be up to Rogie.

The police technically can't even pull onto the parking lot without permission from the bar unless there is probable cause (ie. they see someone getting beat up) so it is the responsibility of the bar to monitor the property.

From what I know about past history of the Doll House the new owners are handling this situation no differently then the old owners did. Have the new owners contacted the other bars in the area and mentioned this situation?

I'm not convinced Rogie did anything to upset this girl to start with. Once again, from past experience, if a regular of a bar upset a member of staff then I would speak to him about it. This seems not to have happened. I am more inclined to think that the girl is saying this just to defend her boy friend.


Aug 20, 2004
bOOTyMaN said:
The whole story i am afraid we do not know...irregardless it was a cowardly act and if the establishment condones it like it sounds ,well....riff raff let it take a bath...
It doesnt matter what Rogie did, it shouldnt have to end like this. If the girl had a problem with one customer she should talk with owner or someone can handle this easy in the club.. NOT SOMEONE FROM OUTSIDE


New member
Dec 8, 2004
somewhere in Twin cities
Rogie... I too am sorry for hearing what happened to you... the DH must take responsibility for what goes on inside and outside. I am disappointed in them... and will not return until I hear that they did the "right thing" by you.


New member
Sep 30, 2003
3rd rock from the 3rd rock
Rogie...my hat is off to you for dealing with this situation like a man. Now the two?? my god two pieces of cow crap who had the back bone to attack you from behind...

As far as the bar goes...again...outstanding...customer appreciation at its fullest...come on out to the dollhouse were you can get a beer, table dance and a ride in a ambulance...yep...marketing 101 at its best!!!


New member
Dec 8, 2004
somewhere in Twin cities
Hmmm.... I was just thinking.... what happened to Rogie is a lot like happened in the NHL recently.... a similar spineless act... the individual was charged.... Rogie, your situation was not a lot different, only you were perhaps more fortunate that your neck was not broken....at least in the NHL action was taken by the authorities....too bad the Dollhouse got away without taking responsibility...


"Good Girl"
Has anyone here EVER read any other threads about the Dollhouse before this one?? Alot of you ask why anyone would ever want to go here? Go back a couple of pages and read why. The Dollhouse is a great place to go, this is only ONE incident since the new owners took over, and it will be the last. The girl and the boyfriend were banned, and I'm sure the owners are going to be more careful who they let in their bar. Rogie was not innocent either, but the situation could've been handled in a different manner. You are all right when you say it shouldn't have came to this, I'm sure the bar would've dealt with it. Also, just to be clear, the bar did NOT ignore the situation, as I said before, they did speak with the police on Rogie's behalf, staff and all, and they DO NOT know the people personally. They were just customers.
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