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July 2023 Canada's population hit 40 million. 8 months later we hit 41 million

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This is starting to scare the hell out of me. I get that we could stand to grow our popuation, but we can't keep going on like this.

We will break 41 million by the end of this month. And truth be told, I think we are way more than 41 million. Officially, the population is 3.025 million (according to the City of Toronto's website.) I would not be surprised if it wasn't around 4 million.

The problem is that just about every immigrant who comes to Canada only wants to settle in two places - in the GTA or the Vancouvery area. There just isn't enough infrastructure available to support his kind of unsustainable growth. To say nothing of the impacts to the broader economy and impacts to the Canadian culture. This needs to slow down to a sustainable rate orelse force immigrants to settle in cities other than Toronto and Vancouver.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Walmart and Shoppers among other grocery stores should have little
trouble finding help. Meanwhile business growth is hampered by shortage
of highly skilled employees.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It's supposed to compensate for the falling birth rate for existing Canadian citizens. But yeah, the sudden influx is outstripping housing and medical services, if not others.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Walmart and Shoppers among other grocery stores should have little
trouble finding help. Meanwhile business growth is hampered by shortage
of highly skilled employees.
No reason for that. They should either be produced by the existing educational system or by high level immigrants.
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
To the delight of developers, banks and telcos.

The Century Initiative cheerleaders want 100 millon. A bunch of elite guys at a Muskoka cottage decided this.

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
It's supposed to compensate for the falling birth rate for existing Canadian citizens. But yeah, the sudden influx is outstripping housing and medical services, if not others.
They should compensate us for the massive infux of boomers and women in the job market decades ago.


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
To the delight of developers, banks and telcos.

The Century Initiative cheerleaders want 100 millon. A bunch of elite guys at a Muskoka cottage decided this.
Corporations will sell more of everything, like toilet paper. The shareholders need sales to grow indefinitely. This can only be achieved with mass migration, because the local population is not reproducing enough.

And that's why those elites hatched this plan at their Muskoka cottage. They're the shareholders.

They're selling more toilet paper. Doesn't mean the average toilet paper sold per person has increased.

It's the same for the economy. GDP will grow. Doesn't mean GDP per capita will.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
Corporations will sell more of everything, like toilet paper. The shareholders need sales to grow indefinitely. This can only be achieved with mass migration, because the local population is not reproducing enough.

And that's why those elites hatched this plan at their Muskoka cottage. They're the shareholders.

They're selling more toilet paper. Doesn't mean the average toilet paper sold per person has increased.

It's the same for the economy. GDP will grow. Doesn't mean GDP per capita will.
Well, with toilet paper, a larger market might just result in more companies selling, thus the competition would whittle away any big gains.
But for protected oligopolies like banks and telcos in Canada(some say the supermarkets are concentrated but not as well protected), you often don't get the same amount of competition.
Yes, regarding GDP per capita, I believe it has been actually declining in recent years.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
To the delight of developers, banks and telcos.

The Century Initiative cheerleaders want 100 millon. A bunch of elite guys at a Muskoka cottage decided this.

Why is this so hard to understand/accept? Canada still has ample arable land and water. A lot of the rest of the world is becoming untenable in that respect. People gonna migrate. Try not to go the route of the Roman Empire...

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Why is this so hard to understand/accept? Canada still has ample arable land and water. A lot of the rest of the world is becoming untenable in that respect. People gonna migrate. Try not to go the route of the Roman Empire...
As with nature and the food chain. Carrying capacity.

Whether bears showing up in the GTA, or the opposite when you raze fields…poison streams and wells ( far more than 20% of the worlds supply) . Problem being, the next field over is already occupied and at capacity……

why do humans always forget our species is part of nature, not aside or above it.

Regarding Romans and Rome.
Yep, sooner or later farmers and peons gonna say. Enough. My money is on the wild Wild West. For now be thankful it’s just a vote train.

Regarding Canada.
So much arable land and water, and yet just one single place the world is moving to…

funny that.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
As with nature and the food chain. Carrying capacity.

Whether bears showing up in the GTA, or the opposite when you raze fields…poison streams and wells ( far more than 20% of the worlds supply) . Problem being, the next field over is already occupied and at capacity……

why do humans always forget our species is part of nature, not aside or above it.

Regarding Romans and Rome.
Yep, sooner or later farmers and peons gonna say. Enough. My money is on the wild Wild West. For now be thankful it’s just a vote train.

Regarding Canada.
So much arable land and water, and yet just one single place the world is moving to…

funny that.
Uh, yeah, whatever you say. Whatever that is...


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It’s not rocket science. Nor hard to comprehend. Just to refute.

Typical lefty response that’s lost the plot.
Nobody has a clue what your point is, ngy.

Are you complaining about 'Limits to Growth' type issues?
Are you complaining about US problems with immigration?
Are you complaining about the 6th mass extinction?
Climate change?

Or are you just whining generally and then declaring that only PeePee cancelling the carbon tax can fix it?
Nobody knows.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Nobody has a clue what your point is, ngy.

Are you complaining about 'Limits to Growth' type issues?
Are you complaining about US problems with immigration?
Are you complaining about the 6th mass extinction?
Climate change?

Or are you just whining generally and then declaring that only PeePee cancelling the carbon tax can fix it?
Nobody knows.
Maybe the issue there is you not knowing how to read or use your brain. Or what carrying capacity is environment champion that you are. Or who Hydro one is…or what deficits and debt are…

Or how to learn from history…Be that Rome, Eat cake, tea parties or Bolshiviks, Chrétien and Harris in the 1990s. Ford and PP
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Maybe the issue there is you not knowing how to read or use your brain. Or what carrying capacity is environment champion that you are. Or who Hydro one is…or what deficits and debt are…

Or how to learn from history…Be that Rome, Eat cake, tea parties or Bolshiviks, Chrétien and Harris in the 1990s. Ford and PP
You're just listing issues without stating where you stand or what you think should be done about them.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Why is this so hard to understand/accept? Canada still has ample arable land and water. A lot of the rest of the world is becoming untenable in that respect. People gonna migrate. Try not to go the route of the Roman Empire...
At the fall of the Empire, didn't the City of Rome have so many migrants from around the Empire that most of the work and defense of the capitol was taken over by migrants? It's just something to think about because clearly there are limitations to how much immigration is good for Canada.

As far as an abundance of arable land and water, that sounds like a comment that applies to a 19th century Canada. Today's migrants aren't going to till soil and plant crops.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Vancouver and Toronto account for 10 to 15% of the Canadian population, so naturally this is where most opportunities are and this is where immigrants want to go to. Canada needs to do a better job of developing the other cities as well, like the US has, so people can distribute. We need a huge population and there is tons of land to develop and urbanize.
I'm curious. What will all these migrants do in these newly-developed urban areas? Canada is a post-industrial economy. It's possible that Canada can expand its tech economy, but I'm quite certain many of these new migrants aren't tech workers. Hence, Canada's lagging productivity growth relative to the G-7.

Similar to my previous comment above, land is no longer a precursor for economic growth.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I am certain the majority of new immigrants to Canada are infact tech workers (not just IT, but also consulting etc), because the majority of them are from India. Canada has multiple issues. Only a few cities where there are opportunities. Racist employment practices such as "Canadian experience" requirements, which you dont find in the US. A risk averse, laid back populace that is very slow to change - this is a cultural issue and perhaps explains lower productivity, the housing crisis etc.

It is not about arable land. Canada is big enough to develop Tier B cities, which it currently lacks in great numbers. These Tier B cities in the US are a huge driver of economic growth. But Canada just doesn't do it. Outside of Toronto, and a few other cities, the rest of Canada are all isolated hick towns lol.
You paint an elaborate picture, but I don't see it. You haven't even noted a Tier B city that for some reason would compare with U.S. Tier B cities. Calgary comes to mind, but its metro population would only place itself fortysomething on a list of U.S. metro areas. There are geographic reasons why Canada is about 1/9th the population of the United States.

By the way, do you notice a lot of your stuff comes back to a racial angle? It must be a heavy burden.

If Canada is this tech beast waiting to be unleashed, it should embark on providing incentives for global tech corporations to develop/maintain technology and perform research in Canada. U.S. and other foreign companies won't care about "Canadian experience" when hiring.
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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
Immigration needs to be cut back to 100k for 5 years or so. Don't let in any old people under family reunification. (suspend that program)
We need to eliminate a lot of government programs that give people money for doing nothing. Doing these things would allow us to can thousands of government employees that look after these programs. These people can join the real work force.
This will allow us to catch up on infrastructure, housing, hospitals, etc.
This is the tough stuff that needs to be done. We do it now or we are making even tougher decisions later.
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