Toronto Escorts

Juliet - Pickering Angels


Tasty and Roundish
Jan 7, 2002
In Ecstacy
Saw her yesterday - good looking, decent body - bolt-ons were a little "too-much", but I'm a natural guy, lots of fun, great attitude, knows what she's doing. She's slightly older than some girls, I'm sure, but she makes up for it in experience. Slightly restrictive on the nude reverse (nothing that is put off-ish, don't worry). Very interested in ensuring a good time. Overall a solid 7.5/10.


P.S. this was my first time at P.A. - very well appointed spa - extremely comfortable, with all the amenities. Spa overall - a very solid 9/10.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
PA is a great spa and most girls are fantastic!

Juliet I found to be restrictive as you put it above ... too restrictive for my taste!


What's an LTG?
Nov 22, 2001
East GTA
I've seen Juliet 25+ times over the years, not to the exclusion of others though, so I can do an objective comparison. She is genuine, hot, knows what she likes and tries to find what you like. Having said that, she has retreated a bit from what I would say was a status of being in a class all her own. Things are more restrictive. although as Timbit writes, she's very good at managing it without it spoiling the session. Chemistry usually does it for me. There still isn't anyone else there I connect with on that level but then there should be a connection with the type of frequency Juliet and I attained.
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