Judicial questions


New member
Mar 7, 2005
sailorsix said:
Final suggestion:
As much as it will make you feel good for a minute or two, you should think very carefully before saying something that will piss off the judge before you have his / her verdict. Once you are done with the whole process and moved on to the next drama in your life if you feel that you have grounds for a complaint about the judge's professional conduct and the handling of your case then you should file the proper complaint with the overseer of judges.

To Summarize:
Pissing off the judge is the epitome of stupidity...even if you are correct.
Yeah I am not too worried about that. The judge is supposed to know the law and presume me as innocent and the way he treated me and the things he said was as if I was already found guilty. He actually made a stupid comment saying it was ok for the witness to "lie a little bit, everybody lies a little bit" WTF. I didn't just get arrested and charged a little bit.
I set him straight and he changed his attitude. I am not afraid of the justice system.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Fabulous said:
Oh so you are back dishing out exactly what I asked NOT.

FYO it's one and the same issue. It's obviously taking months to process.
Sorry, but it was a legit question considering the amount of legal questions you ask on here and your previous thread on the subject made NO mention of a relative being involved and in this thread, you made no mention that it was an ongoing case. In fact, you alluded to the case involving your relative as being separate from this one.

As I stated before, and correctly so (as per your quote) a lawyer who once defended a person on a charge cannot use the information garnered during that defence to prosecute them.

As sailor said: bite your tongue and vent your vehemence for all parties involved in a letter or go to the newspaper after you have finished because even if you are right, if a sitting judge gets offended by what you say, he can still jail you (whether he is right or wrong won't matter while you're sitting in a jail cell).

As for dismissing the case, I think the best you can hope for is a re-trial with new prosecuting attornies.

BTW: since you say one of the prosecuting attornies is also your alibi I'd also be researching whether or not a prosecutor can be called as a defence witness......

For the record: If you think you're home free and clear because you think you've "caught" a judge, and two prosecuting attornies in an error, just remember: lawyers are the slickest people on earth and are given a thick teflon coating the minute they pass the bar. So if YOU think you've caught them, maybe you don't..............


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Fabulous said:
I am not afraid of the justice system.
Well that is a relief.

Oh well...the only thing missing is for us to hear from the other side and then we can all make our decision with full knowledge of all evidence.

In the meantime, this case is ajourned for the week. Move on.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Oh, this has been on going...yeah I have hear of clients like that. They call everyday-they jump around to different lawyers-then want to sue their old lawyers.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Fabulous said:
I am thinking the fat lady is singing, these two clowns are going to the laughing stock of the court house very soon and I got a few words for the judge too.

I told the court the sitting crown was the defense attorney for my relative in this related case.
The last remark is something you haven’t previously mentioned. As stated to you off-list, from the previous case facts it doesn't sound to me as if there is a conflict, nor that you were a party to the previous legal action. That impression is only reinforced when I find out that you have already brought this issue to the attention of the Court!

As mentioned I urge you to retain counsel, and as mentioned if you can't afford counsel you should contact legal aid!

As several other posters have already said, please do not "let your feelings" rip to the Judge. Their patience only goes so far, and I gain the impression you maybe treading close to contempt yourself.

Further, as has already been said, this whole issue is procedural and doesn’t affect the basis of the case against you. As Basketcase stated even should you prevail on this point the best you can hope for is the appointment of another Assistant Crown Attorney to prosecute you. Which is the proverbial ignoring the forest for the trees.

Good luck.

Nothing above is in any way intended as legal advice


New member
Mar 7, 2005
S.C. Joe said:
Oh, this has been on going...yeah I have hear of clients like that. They call everyday-they jump around to different lawyers-then want to sue their old lawyers.

ok I don't know what you are talking about now> I didn't say anything about suing any old lawyers. I am talking about conflict of interest. Read my questions. I am not jumping around lawyers. Tboy is right on one thing they are like teflon. On one hand I need them on the other I'd like to avoid them like the plague [ ooops ].

And just now was reminded that they can't dispense advice on internet forums. Sorry must have slipped my mind. Although I don't think I was asking for advise per say but legal information in regards to the law.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Fabulous said:
I am not afraid of the justice system.
Frankly, I am scared shitless of the justice system. It has evolved in such a manner that it is damn near impossible to represent one's self, there are so many rules, lawyers are very well trained debaters, and manipulators. In my few experiences in family court, things got so twisted that even I was confused by the time the lawyers were done with it.

In my opinion, it is damn near impossible to play a sport when one does not know the rules of the game.:(


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Sorry, we no longer have a justice system, we have a legal system...the two are totally unrelated.....


New member
Mar 7, 2005
a 1 player said:
Frankly, I am scared shitless of the justice system. It has evolved in such a manner that it is damn near impossible to represent one's self, there are so many rules, lawyers are very well trained debaters, and manipulators. In my few experiences in family court, things got so twisted that even I was confused by the time the lawyers were done with it.

In my opinion, it is damn near impossible to play a sport when one does not know the rules of the game.:(
Possibly I am more scared than I care to admit, but meantime I must let go of my fear because I am innocent and I hope it prevails. Yes I agree with you to some extent but lawyers make lots of mistakes that the law can not overlook.

I am trying to learn the rules of the game. I have a few months nothing says I can't study, ask questions, find applicable laws etc, on the internet. I'll probably drop the attitude, put everything in writing and go from there, legalese.
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