Johnny Takes a Bath!


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Nothing against Johnny, or the people who continue to enjoy this kind of skit...but I find the humour to be a bit dated. Its all based on Johnny's reaction to the strange custom of Japanese bathing. But due to media and the global village, this custom is not very new or strange to North American audiences any more. Good for Johnny for being so innovative. This kind of skit was certainly ground breaking in its time. But this particular trip down memory lane is not all that funny for me.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
This skit was from the dark ages when western society had ideas about other cultures. From this skit many viewers assumed that Japanese men were pampered like that every day. It is this sort of thing that steroetyped Japanese women as Geishas. This skit is from a different time when the lucky single guys in North American society got IT once a year and married guys got IT twice a year.

Johnny mentions in the skit that "This is an honorable profession" to be a bath house girl, meaning that it is considered not an honorable profession in North America.
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