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joelle and vivianne duo


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
I'm sorry that guy is a too much with an huge ego. I am not even going to answer any of your question LikeRedHeads but thanks so much for the lolz. Saying he knows so much and then gives vague details and says how he knows people and places.
Sorry I don't give tips to assholes; I have given info to gentlemen who have PM'd me (like Withpassion and others) but not to assholes. Sorry.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Oh and by the way I know people and places that you will never know also, we all do! Do you even read what you say or just think since you wrote it, it will be awesome?
The above proves how smart you are. I am pretty sure you are the only one (may be with asuran) who can't read and understand at the same time...

Context may be can help you????


New member
Dec 24, 2015
So many lolz, LRH you are a baby! lol To your last comment I read and understood just fine, I was laughing that you actually said that. You really think you are important don't you? Well I am here to tell you I don't care who you are and I don't think you are hot shit like you think you are.

I think you are the one that needs to slow down and read or just keep doing what you are doing cause it is funny as hell and I am getting a lot of laughs from you!

Also to your last comment hard to understand some people when they spell things like "maybe" as "may be". Classic grade two error maybe they will cover it next year for you!

I heard minimum wage was going up soon maybe you can look for girls who do $60 hh in the near future!


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
You brag all the time about paying 400h and more escorts that you consider VIP, and you shamelessly called other fellow Terbites cheap because they questioned your poor choice of coughing up 400h for one lady.
And you are also good at changing the context in your quotes (that you change at your will). Read the thread again and analyze the context (for the first time, because clearly you didn't) before concluding anything and mis-reporting a thread:
I think you have me mistaken as someone else. I have yet to meet a 400h SP. Thus far highest I've gone with is 300h. So I have no idea where you got the part of me bragging about seeing a 400h one. Tho I am open too see them when I'm more flexible. All I commented was your constant negativity towards the ladies' choices.

Again all I said was about freedom of choice and value and ask you where in Ottawa you find the under 200h provider with good reviews and nice locations. You couldn't back it up and ran to MTL.
I only bashed that one guy that got banned and he was being a douche. It was sigpig , I think. He was calling people out about their reviews and never wrote one himself.

About the Kassandra King text thing. She didn't call you an 'ass'. It was a correction for the typo she made for " no ads play"
You took her out of context.


Mar 17, 2007
Wowww!!! What a bunch of babies here. Guys, get over it.
We get it, well i thing, but now it is a fight who is rich, who is paying less and who is asshole.

MOD, this thread is no longer talking about Joelle and Vivianne duo, please close it.

Getting ridiculous


New member
Dec 24, 2015
Oh no if the thread gets deleted all the wonderful information LRH gave us will be lost forever. We will be in the dark ages again and none of us will know what to do with his infinite knowledge.

So lets take a look at some of the things you have said so far...

No one questioned Milosh's decision and choice so your post is completely USELESS. If someone did question his decision , please show us the post.
LikeRedHeads said:
Damn right, but they know there are guys like you who are willing to pay $400h for pussy, so that's why we still have overpriced pussy in this town...
I think you have less intelligence than I thought. Since you can't seem to remember what you wrote here is the quote. Holy fuck you make me laugh. I think that comment was a made up story by yourself to Asuran but my point is Milosh paid that much and you are saying it is too much and we are all suckers for "letting" this happen to ourselves.

Interesting: you are a newbie and you have about 300 posts total and rarely post any reviews AND I AM THE ONE WHO BRING NOTHING TO THE FORUM.
I'm not even convinced you know how to fully read but if you can you might want to check again. As far as your contributions you bring a lot of negativity to the forum that is for sure. Not much you say is very positive to other members or about sessions you had.

I don't think you can get by in Montreal anyway.
And to this comment ... Did you even read the comment you were replying to? If you did you would have noticed I said I was in Montreal recently and made out just fine without your help Oh great one! Not sure how I managed without your great knowledge but somehow everything aligned and worked out just fine.

Some people like you and asuran like to brag about their money, because that's the ONLY thing they have. When people don't have the looks, are not gentlemen and are not smart, BUT they have money, then that's their only "weapon" to get to their goals, be it seducing a girlfriend or an escort. Sad, really sad; I feel really sad for you.
Never once did I brag about my money. I said that you should get a better job so it wasn't such a concern for you because you seem to have a huge issue with how others spend theirs.

Speaking of not being a gentleman have you been to PK recently? Why don't you explain to members why you haven't? Or should I say not allowed. :/
I've heard your name from providers, agencies and members all in a short time of being here so don't even get me started on that.

And for the last one and it's also my fav, I must admit!

You don't know where to go in Montreal . I am a Montrealer; I know people and places that you will never know.
BEST QUOTE EVER!!! ROTFL Every time I read it. Honestly who the fucks says that besides a shitty actor in a shitty movie. HAHAHAHAHA What a jackass! To anyone that would like to know some the people and places he is talking about replace the t in with m, hit ENTER! ... and voila!

I could go on and on and on and pick apart everything you said that makes no sense but you are not worth the time or the energy but if you do feel like commenting more please do. I had a tough day and you always make me laugh!

Not sure what your problem is bud but like I said before I don't have time for your delusional ego so unless you are providing info on a session that is posted under the correct city's forum PFO.
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New member
Dec 24, 2015
Me as well. This is better than any daytime soap.very entertaining.
I've wasted enough time on this guy. I won't be replying to any of his comments again but I do really hope he does comment back for the lolz. I will add this comment to LRH just because I really don't think he was dealt a full deck I will try to really dumb it down.

Here we go...


LikeRedHeads we all know where to get a good steak when we are really hungry and have the urge. Sometimes you will pay $15-$50 for a one but once in awhile you might be walking down the street thinking to yourself, I'm kind of hungry right now I could go for a good steak. Right then you smell the most incredible cooking meat smell ever, you look up and see this really fancy Steak House. You decide to go in to look at the menu and the prices are really expensive (+$100) but you see another person eating the steak and it looks amazing. In fact you can't take your eyes off it. Those grill marks are perfect and look at the sides it comes with ... WOW!! You've never seen steak presented like that before. Someone took a lot of effort to make this steak just right.

You think to yourself I could go to the store and buy pretty close to the same thing for a fraction of the cost and go home and have a grand ole BBQ. In fact there is another restaurant no less than a block away with really good steak that you know you already like for more than half the price.

You think it over to yourself and decide ... You know what even though it is a lot more expensive than normal that steak looks sooooo good to me, the place looks super fancy, the food presentation was spectacular and it is exactly what you wanted plus I can have a 5 star Chef cook it for you while having a drink so you say what the hell ... that's the only steak I want right now ... GIVE ME THAT STEAK!!.

You might not go back everyday but you are happy you spoiled yourself and look forward to doing it again. Since you had such a good time it was worth the money you spent even though there is much cheaper steak out there that could be just as good. It was about that steak at that moment, you wanted it even though it was expensive there was something about that steak you wanted so bad you were willing to pay and in the end, for what you got, it was still a great deal You got to experience something that not everyone can and it hit the spot completely. There was something about that steak you had to have so you did.

So let me ask you this. In this situation, if you decided the steak was too expensive and didn't get it, would you make a big scene in the restaurant telling the waiter or waitress that the prices are too high and all these people are idiots for paying that much for steak? Continuing to tell people eating there if you drive for two plus hours the steak there is better and much less and how they are a bunch of suckers for paying that price for a steak. Really... would you? I mean come on man have some class. If the price they are asking, in your opinion is too high than move on don't be a hater about it.

I'm pretty sure I know what you would do from what others have told me. You would go to a place that doesn't serve steak and even though you know this, cause they told you they don't, you'd continue to ask them to cook you a steak and that you refuse to pay the price they are asking. Then you go tell others how shitty that place is and how bad the service was. I really think that, that is the kind of person we are dealing with here. In fact, from stories I've heard I know it is.

You seem to treat these girls like pieces of meat so I thought this analogy might sink in with you. I'll tell you one thing it would take a lot more than $400/h for me to spend anytime with you so consider yourself lucky these good girls are so nice and open minded as they are.

I can't really dumb it down anymore than that so you are on your own now bud! Take care!

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New member
Dec 24, 2015
Awww...come on, don't close it. I just made popcorn.

Munch away! Sorry I just can't sit back and let him think he is some kind of God when it is all BS. I don't stand for that and will call it out every time IRL or on the net. A douche is a douche and need to be told they are when they are acting that way.


New member
Dec 24, 2015
Sappy take a Valium dude. Let it go. You're starting to sound like a psycho !
If a psycho is someone who doesn't stand for idiots who lie and say a bunch of BS than I guess I am guilty. Plus I've received numerous PMs now thanking me for my post as many members do not like his attitude and agree he needed to be told the truth.

Go ahead and ask LRH why he isn't allowed at PK anymore and tell me who you think the psycho is.


New member
Jun 12, 2016
Are you guys for real ??? This is like watching an episode of Beavis and Butthead .. but way more pathetic :/ !!
I'm getting the distinct impression that a lot of you live in your mom's basement and have never actually gotten laid !
Stop with the childish nonsense.


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
Are you guys for real ??? This is like watching an episode of Beavis and Butthead .. but way more pathetic :/ !!
I'm getting the distinct impression that a lot of you live in your mom's basement and have never actually gotten laid !
Stop with the childish nonsense.
interesting cat i'm curious about a few things....

1. Who offers those cheap rates he mentioned earlier but declined to elaborate on when i asked....

2. the PK thing...haha


New member
Dec 24, 2015
interesting cat i'm curious about a few things....

1. Who offers those cheap rates he mentioned earlier but declined to elaborate on when i asked....

2. the PK thing...haha
Just like so many bullies or angry mean people, once confronted nothing more to say but he backed off so I will as well.
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