Me as well. This is better than any daytime soap.very entertaining.
I've wasted enough time on this guy. I won't be replying to any of his comments again but I do really hope he does comment back for the lolz. I will add this comment to LRH just because I really don't think he was dealt a full deck I will try to really dumb it down.
Here we go...
LikeRedHeads we all know where to get a good steak when we are really hungry and have the urge. Sometimes you will pay $15-$50 for a one but once in awhile you might be walking down the street thinking to yourself, I'm kind of hungry right now I could go for a good steak. Right then you smell the most incredible cooking meat smell ever, you look up and see this really fancy Steak House. You decide to go in to look at the menu and the prices are really expensive (+$100) but you see another person eating the steak and it looks amazing. In fact you can't take your eyes off it. Those grill marks are perfect and look at the sides it comes with ... WOW!! You've never seen steak presented like that before. Someone took a lot of effort to make this steak just right.
You think to yourself I could go to the store and buy pretty close to the same thing for a fraction of the cost and go home and have a grand ole BBQ. In fact there is another restaurant no less than a block away with really good steak that you know you already like for more than half the price.
You think it over to yourself and decide ... You know what even though it is a lot more expensive than normal that steak looks sooooo good to me, the place looks super fancy, the food presentation was spectacular and it is exactly what you wanted plus I can have a 5 star Chef cook it for you while having a drink so you say what the hell ... that's the only steak I want right now ... GIVE ME THAT STEAK!!.
You might not go back everyday but you are happy you spoiled yourself and look forward to doing it again. Since you had such a good time it was worth the money you spent even though there is much cheaper steak out there that could be just as good. It was about that steak at that moment, you wanted it even though it was expensive there was something about that steak you wanted so bad you were willing to pay and in the end, for what you got, it was still a great deal You got to experience something that not everyone can and it hit the spot completely. There was something about that steak you had to have so you did.
So let me ask you this. In this situation, if you decided the steak was too expensive and didn't get it, would you make a big scene in the restaurant telling the waiter or waitress that the prices are too high and all these people are idiots for paying that much for steak? Continuing to tell people eating there if you drive for two plus hours the steak there is better and much less and how they are a bunch of suckers for paying that price for a steak. Really... would you? I mean come on man have some class. If the price they are asking, in your opinion is too high than move on don't be a hater about it.
I'm pretty sure I know what you would do from what others have told me. You would go to a place that doesn't serve steak and even though you know this, cause they told you they don't, you'd continue to ask them to cook you a steak and that you refuse to pay the price they are asking. Then you go tell others how shitty that place is and how bad the service was. I really think that, that is the kind of person we are dealing with here. In fact, from stories I've heard I know it is.
You seem to treat these girls like pieces of meat so I thought this analogy might sink in with you. I'll tell you one thing it would take a lot more than $400/h for me to spend anytime with you so consider yourself lucky these good girls are so nice and open minded as they are.
I can't really dumb it down anymore than that so you are on your own now bud! Take care!