You are even more unpopular and disliked on this board that Pecker and I combined. Says it all.
I can adjust my Autism related issues. You on the other hand well..You're just a jerk .
LOL. I am far from a popular character on TERB, that is true. But I'm far too middle-of-the-pack in here to be hated (except by that Loki guy). I'm just one of the random posters, not a major player in here. Now this may be hard for you to comprehend, but listen up: I couldn't give a shit. Its an anonymous internet board - it doesn't matter if I'm "popular" on it. Lol. Popular! Wow. Now, we know you care about being popular, because you're brain is stuck in high school or grade school, and those painful memories of sitting alone at lunch and all that, due to your lack of popularity. But since part of your illness is an inability to empathize with others, you simply can't understand how your high school insults simply don't resonate with the rest of us, and haven't for decades. I'm unpopular! OH NO!!! Canada sucks!! OH NO. LOL. Wow.