Your view of Zionism is BS.
Zionism is the idea that ethnic Jews are entitled to live in their ethnic homeland. Indeed, were else they are supposed to live as a nation?
Most of those zionists are Russian or European Jews. They have no religious property rights to Palestine.
No people has a right to say their holy book deems them property rights to any piece of the planet.
There was a Jewish population that lived in a multicultural state with Muslim and Christian Palestinians, those are the people who had historical rights to stay on that land. They numbered about 7% of the population before zionism flooded the country.
Now zionism stands for racial supremacy like the KKK and the nazis, a movement that is using violence to kill the indigenous population in order to steal there land. Are you declaring that zionists have a right to commit genocide?
If you really cared about the Jewish people you'd be with me in saying arresting 200 Jews for political reasons is wrong.