Ashley Madison

Jessy from PK

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Kissmike.. I think you may have things backwards. My first priority is to the ladies that I represent. They are not chattel nor a product and I do not treat them as such. I am doing my end of "customer service" by debunking a stupid comment(s) I.E. she takes too much time with Foreplay.. (you have no idea how many ppl actually have wanted to see her because of those comments)

If I don't take care of their needs by stepping up to the plate when something like this is said then I am not doing my job as their agent. I don't play the brown nose game. And for your information I have quite a few PMs that think your comments were not legit and were 100% supportive of Jessy. So many ppl compare this industry to others, the rules of this industry are different than most. (The customer isn;t always right)

And just to clarify one other thing, I DO NOT THINK I AM ABOVE anyone. If someone wants to come on the board and whine about something that is completely off base, (which is their right). Then the same rules should apply to us; that we have the right to defend ourselves as well as the reputation of the ladies that we represent.

KM, if we didnt do our part in protecting the ladies from this kind of stuff, we would not have the quality of ladies that we have, and you wouldn't have someone to complain that she did her job so well that you thought she was too GFE. :S

I think our game is just fine thank you very much. As far as taking lessons from other ppl, we have been around a while now, (alot longer than most) and have done things differently than others. Guess what? We have seen many agencies come, and many agencies go. WE are still here. Wonder why we thrive and others don't? Because we focus on the 95% of the ppl that are super happy and we take good care of them. The 5% that aren't happy are usually (but not always) the same ppl who are always unhappy with something, lookin for a deal or compensation or whatever. This group of ppl are always the loudest and make the biggest deal over the smallest thing. (IE self proclaimed fussy bastard who demands quality for his money) Sounds like a comercial for a Wal-mart.

We try to figure out a solution for them the first time, but when we see a pattern, we simply stop trying to please them and encourage them to go elsewhere as it just brings the morale of the ladies down.

So the end result is Pink Kitty has the best quality clients, with by far the least problems. The ladies are happier, and the competition ends up with the guys that we don't want to begin with. Its the best business plan, and it has worked for over 6 years.

**ONE IMPORTANT EXCEPTION*** This is not to say we never get a legitimate complaint, it does happen, rarely, but it does happen.. It can't NOT happen in this industry. And if it is something Legitimate we will ABSOLUTELY try to resolve it to the best of our ability.

I really hate having to sidetrack a great set of reviews of such an amazing lady, but I think in this case it really needs to be delt with.. unfortunately.
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Aug 3, 2003
Since we are on this subject I want to write about my experiences with Jessy. I saw her five times or so, which shows that I do like her and all the good comments about her are dead on. However, the last time I saw her there were three phone calls while we were doing the deed and she answered all three of them. While she was talking I was put on hold and that really annoyed me even though the calls were for a few seconds or so. I just lost my mood then. She apologized and explained that the other girl was kind of confused about my appointment. I don't have any nagitive feeling towards her - she's still a lovely girl in my mind. What I'm trying to say is no phone call should be answered while the action is on.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
I can say that this is a very valid comment. It probably happened on a Saturday night when we had a new phone person training. I do appologize as it is still no excuse. The ladies should have their phones on in case of emergencies but we dont call them during a session unless they dont call in to let us know they are ok. Please, if U call again, reference this... Im sure Jessy will make it up to you.
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New member
Mar 27, 2004
the last time I saw her there were three phone calls while we were doing the deed and she answered all three of them. While she was talking I was put on hold and that really annoyed me even though the calls were for a few seconds or so. I just lost my mood then. She apologized and explained that the other girl was kind of confused about my appointment. .
Yes , I had exactly the same experience the first time as well . Interesting

Dont be 2 hard on Kissmike ---hes just expressing a legitimate opinion ---- we all know now that we can tell Jess that 30 mins of foreplay is aok ----and 30 mins of solid action is better ----no problem --- yes , im sure shes getting lots of clients now-----good 4 her -----i ll be baaack 2

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
I guess part of the reason why I feel like I totally have to back up Jessy is the fact that I can honestly say, there might be hotter ladies out there (but she's really hot) and there might by wilder girls ( but she is pretty wild) but I have never ever experienced someone who truly cared so much about the customer and tries so hard be sure the client was happy. She really is very very special in this industry. Probably why guys like funman have seen her 5 times, which in itself speaks volumes.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
I like dealing with you and truly appreciate the service you provide and the company you arrange...I also understand the diifficulties you encounter when dealing with the intangibles you deal with....Having said that,,,I am looking forward to doing business with you with a focus on dealing with issues that may arise in a professional and comfortable manner rather than chastizing your paying customers when a legit complaint arises
The above excerpts from Kissmike are quite positive -----the others --- I understand ---- could be interpreted as a little inflamatory to those in PK ---but we shouldnt get into a stone throwing match here


New member
Mar 27, 2004
Since we are on this subject I want to write about my experiences with Jessy. I saw her five times or so, which shows that I do like her and all the good comments about her are dead on. However, the last time I saw her there were three phone calls while we were doing the deed and she answered all three of them. While she was talking I was put on hold and that really annoyed me even though the calls were for a few seconds or so. I just lost my mood then. She apologized and explained that the other girl was kind of confused about my appointment. I don't have any nagitive feeling towards her - she's still a lovely girl in my mind. What I'm trying to say is no phone call should be answered while the action is on.
Just re living my almost identical experience ----almost ,----- in that there were 3 text vibrating messages rather than phone calls --- after the 2nd , I was annoyed inside ---, cus in every case , I lost the mood -----, & she texted back ! ----- & I asked her to turn it off ---- she said she couldnt & again apologized ----- but in the end I didnt complain to anyone ---even though we ran out of time----3 mins left --- i liked her & thought next time has to be more fulfilling --- thats all

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
I will be letting her know this is an issue .. as this is the first time we have ever heard about it. If this had been brought to our attention at the time or shortly after it wouldnt have come to this. Perhaps instead of having to vent this on a board, maybe a better idea would be to address the issue as it is happening. Either way I will ensure there is something done to minimize the txts or calls.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
I'd like to phone a girl while I'm doing her doing her doggy, and see if she answers.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
I will be letting her know this is an issue .. as this is the first time we have ever heard about it. If this had been brought to our attention at the time or shortly after it wouldnt have come to this. Perhaps instead of having to vent this on a board, maybe a better idea would be to address the issue as it is happening. Either way I will ensure there is something done to minimize the txts or calls.
Thanks , PK . We all understand 2 calls being made , 1 before & 1 after . I think we should all close this thread now . Enough has been said . Everyone , including Jessy , has learned from this and can now move on .


New member
Apr 27, 2011
Had the pleasure of seeing Jessy for the 1st time last week. Excellent DT CBJ, 69, LFK etc . Jessy is easy to talk to and looks great from all angles.
All in all she is everything I want in an SP. Definitely recommended.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Chelsea is a fantastic receptionist.. And being a former SP with us, she understands the clients needs.. But back to Jessy.. She is in an elite class of escorts. Truly cares about her clients.. She is trying the South end for the next few days.


Long time user
May 29, 2006
Hello gents. This is my review of Jessy from PK. I have also posted it on the other Ottawa board and thought I should share with the community here too...Bottom line - she is lots of fun to be with.

"I spent a half hour with her and could barely hold on from finishing sooner. Her body and neck kissing technique is amazing. I also enjoyed it when she was a little rough with my nipples on my chest.

Her body and pictures on the PK site are accurate. I also enjoyed giving her a nice massage and rubbing her back to return the favor. She is a little pale but her skin was amazingly smooth to touch.

CBJ (YMMV) was very sensual and I had to stop her in the middle so that I wouldn't finish earlier. I was only going to be with her for half hour so I didn't want to have my 1 SOG before actually the main event.

Speaking of the main event, I tried standing sex for the first time where I took her while we were both standing facing each other. I had to go down and bend my knees a little but it was worth it. She had her legs closed tight which increased the sensation for both of us. I pulled her closer to me by grabbing on to her lovely back side. We were going at it for sometime, when I decided to turn her around and laid her over the bed stomach first. Doggy was a beautiful experience with her and I wanted to finish in this position. I tried a little domination with her and she enjoyed the fact that I was taking charge. Few minutes in doggy and I was spent filling the hat. I pulled out slowly and we laid next to each other commenting on the wonderful and sensual experience we both had together.

I would recommend her to the gents out there. I would repeat but first I have yet to see Crystal X, Mya (the montrealer in town for a few days), and Kasey with PK"


New member
Apr 15, 2007
Glad to see you all are liking Jessy ... just saw her once earlier in the year but thats due to my limited travel schedule to Ottawa ... wonderful lady and would be glad to see her again when the opportunity permits.
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