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Jagmeet Singh Confronts Heckler


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I'm on Jagmeet's side here. If you are going to yell out shit then own it. Calling someone a corrupt bastard you need to bring receipts and have those ready. It you think he is prove it, right in his face with facts. Let that go viral.

Run and hide you are just a shitty little man with a shitty little you tube channel looking for clicks. People don't respect that but they do respect people when they stand up for themselves.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Jagmeet he is quite the accomplished fighter. Let me enlighten you. He started off with Taekwondo and some Akido followed by traditional boxing and Muay Thai. His favorite though was grappling so he focused on wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, and Judo.

Jimi, I think if you see Mr. Singh walking on the street, take up the challenge and see if you can take him.

If you do, give Jen and me a heads-up so we can get out of your head. It's going to get very shaky so best we sit out.
Thugging on some guy because he hurt your feelings with words is just not on as far as I am concerned. Double plus so when it's a public figure. We already got asshat Trumptards claiming any rightful expression of concern over their dear leader to be derangement syndrome and him living rent free in your head. Have a problem with a military action, shut the fuck up, support the troops.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
You can't even be original and take my shtick. I know you lack originally and lie about being ignored. You've answered me dufus. LMAO
I'll take your shtick... if you can get Kate Micucci in on it. It's not gay if it's in a threeway after all.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
If you choose to be a politician and end up as a leader of a party that directly influences policy and ultimately people, you should expect that someone, somewhere, will heckle you.
Like comedians on a stage, you either ignore it, or come up with a witty response.

I donno, going up into his face and asking for a repeat and having the guy back down was pretty good. Kinda reminds me of Pierre Poulet who when asked a leading question by a reporter pushes back with questions.

Not everyone can be like Jimmy Carr. Sadly.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
How would it be if people showed up at your job and called you corrupt?
Same with the Trudeau allegations, right wingers use the term all the time but can never back it up.
And that's shitty.
Politics is a special field. Either way it shouldn't be illegal, nor should the response be violence FFS.
Come on, I know he is probably your hommie, but if the exact same thing happened to trump and the Trumptards were going nuts, mitchell posting 100 tweets half of which are probably factually incorrect, you would be having none of that shit.

Is it polite? No. It isn't civil discourse, but it does happen and if we are to take freedom of speech seriously it needs to apply to ick stuff. At least that is what Lancet says.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Anyways these right-wing nut jobs have nothing better to do than follow politicians around to heckle them, who has the time? That guy must be unemployed.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Thugging on some guy because he hurt your feelings with words is just not on as far as I am concerned. Double plus so when it's a public figure. We already got asshat Trumptards claiming any rightful expression of concern over their dear leader to be derangement syndrome and him living rent free in your head. Have a problem with a military action, shut the fuck up, support the troops.
That's not feelings hurt. That is a public accusation of corruption coupled with uncalled for language. And whoever said it didn't have the receipts, or the stones to back it up.

If you want reasonable discourse in politics, it has to be both ways.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Suuuuuuu--Weeeeee!!! Ol' Goober done loaded his britches when Jagmeet started walking towards him. Good for Singh for standing up to this piece of shit.
Nice to see the security workers aren't overworking themselves by moving a couple of inches when necessary.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
LMFAO of coarse he is going to act tough with 2 cops right there. We have seen Jag off run numerous times when he has no protection. And for the record he is a corrupt bastard. 🤷‍♂️ 🤣
What's he going to do strike him in front of the Cops?
Not me...I'm not a Leafs fan.
ps thanks for letting me live rent free in your head.
it looks staged to me

to impress liberal soy boys

who is he Clint Eastwood ?

would have been funny if assaulted that guy and got arrested
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:love: :LOL: :D :ROFLMAO::geek:

Oh look, it's TERB's very own street fighting tuffs, the Lollipop Boyz.



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Heckling is one thing, calling someone a "fucking bastard" to their back is out of line. That's a reflection of low class.

Also, I know that not admitting only shows the guy is a chicken shit. But, maybe that is just my 1970's Scarborough upbringing talking.
I never said it was a high class move or that the guy who said it was not a coward. Either way, it's a form of heckling, ie to get a reaction...and he got one. The wrong one.
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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
So here's the thing....I see no evidence in the video to indicate that either of the two civilians we see were the ones that made the comment. For all we know there was a group of 10 guys behind those guys that made the comment. So confronting 2 guys that didn't say anything and acting tough accomplishes nothing what so ever. And again, regardless of who said it, what do we really thing Jag off was going to do other than get loud? Does anyone genuinely think Jag off was about to get physical with someone? Definitely not, and there are plenty of videos of Jag off getting yelled at by angry citizens and he hops in a truck and gets the hell out of there immediately. Those videos have no cops in them so I think that is the difference here.🤷‍♂️
He would have never gotten physical. Would have given the guy a verbal dressing down. But the guy backed down even for that.
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