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J. D. Vance sucks!


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
This alone provides enough reason to pick JD over Kamala.

Anyone voting for Kamala, look at her history. She’s lied and accomplished nothing. Say what you want
And Trump never ever lied. Riiight

Also picking the dog from the TV show Dead Like Me over a human being?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It’s not a lie if you think you’re telling the truth. I don’t think Trump thinks he’s lying. He always embellishes and not great at articulating events. That’s just who he is.
For people who want to make the distinction, this is "Bullshit".

Either way, I'm not sure why you are excusing it.

Either he is a Bullshitter and all that implies, and why would you want that in a President? Or he is too stupid to understand truth and lies or what he is saying, and why would you want that as a President?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
They're all shit man. They are all the top bullshitters in the world. The best liars and conmen go into politics. In today's politics, I can't base it on the person because they all suck. They could put in Gavin Newsome, the creep, and he would suck. They could put in Ron Desantis and he would suck. They're complete garbage, trash, sleazy people. You can't win with any of these choices. Some just hide it better than others and Trump doesn't hide it at all.

With the exception of their stance on abortion, the policies of the democrats just scare the hell out of me, so I'm picking the party that isn't going to turn the US into the EU, which are the republicans.
While I find your nihilism depressing, that last sentence is a more coherent justification for voting behavior than most people give, so I support it.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
It’s not a lie if you think you’re telling the truth. I don’t think Trump thinks he’s lying. He always embellishes and not great at articulating events. That’s just who he is.
Really? A lie's still a lie.

Democrats strait out lie to get the upper hand. They will even get the media to lie and omit for them.
You mean like when all the news networks, including Fux News called Biden the winner in 2020? I can't think of any actual lies off the top of my head.

this is why I didn’t pay attention to politics most of my life. They’re all scumbags at the end of the day.
😣Groan! There's the "one side is just as bad as the other" spiel again! Starting to remind me of Roseanne Rosanadanna. One side is the United States as we know it and the other is a theocratic version of Russia😲...
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Aug 23, 2001

Not a great look.

But as someone who spends unhealthy amounts of time in Divorce court, not everything a litigant says is.... true.

And the restraining order is temporary, which means it was based on allegations and not proven facts.

Still, something for the Harris team to think about. There may be more, worse stuff in there.


Aug 23, 2001
They're all shit man. They are all the top bullshitters in the world. The best liars and conmen go into politics. In today's politics, I can't base it on the person because they all suck. They could put in Gavin Newsome, the creep, and he would suck. They could put in Ron Desantis and he would suck. They're complete garbage, trash, sleazy people. You can't win with any of these choices. Some just hide it better than others and Trump doesn't hide it at all.

With the exception of their stance on abortion, the policies of the democrats just scare the hell out of me, so I'm picking the party that isn't going to turn the US into the EU, which are the republicans.
I'm sure a few of your drinking buddies are straight-up guys, not like the conspiring, lying politicians..... Fairly typical blue collar guy take on politicians and why they let Trump get away with his grifting.


Aug 23, 2001
Typical to insult the person who you don’t agree with right? Nobody my immediate family including my parents have less than a masters. I respect blue collar but I don’t know many personally. You want to make fun of hard working Americans and Canadians who do blue collar jobs? Not a good look.
It's a typical blue collar thing to think all pols are frauds and all educated people are woke idiots. I'm not making fun. It's just an observation.
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Aug 23, 2001

BREAKING: A Male TikToker allegedly went on a date with JD Vance after meeting on a gay dating website (before he changed his name, I wonder why?!) He says Vance gave off "serial killer vibes" and had a "SOCK FETISH" that he was "very pushy” about.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
JD's best friend was a Trans, GO FIGURE! HAHAHAHAHA

He brought Sofia baked cookies after her gender-affirming surgery, WOW, what a scammer he's become.

‘A chameleon’: JD Vance's former classmate describes his shifting positions

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