Pickering Angels

It's Official... TheNiteHwk will Party in Ottawa Dec. 27/02 - Dec. 29/02


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
It's official... made all my resevations today. (just want to get out of TO for a couple days.) As I have previously posted... talk of "The bad old days" in Ottawa left me feeling a bit nolstalgic & missing my fav SCs in our nation's capital. Diamonds in fact use to be like a second home to me. LMAO. So I made reservations today for where else but The Delta... directly across the street from Diamonds. Can only get very little time off (even though it's Xmas)(no rest for the wicked) so am arriving Fri. Dec. 27 and returning Sun. Dec. 29. Leaves me two nights to cover Diamonds, Playmate, BareFax & The New Den. If I have time and feel like going all out I may also go over to Pigales & Taboo. Will be reposting closer to the dates... so if anybody wants to have a TERBites party at Diamonds (where else) Fri or Sat please post here or PM me. Also any of the latest news regarding SC happenings in Ottawa will be appreicated.

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My 2 cents...

I was at Diamonds at lunch this afternoon. I spoke with the day manager about a Terb party. Then spoke with Pierre(owner) to make the day manger look good. Hehehe. Not that it matters anyway b\c I have to speak to the night manager, John.
NH...maybe the same John who was bartender a few years ago. I will confirm this. Regardless, the day manger indicated waving the cover & reserving an area would be no problem. They are quiet that weekend of the year, due to the holidays, and would welcome the business! If we can get some idea of the number of Terbites attending, I'll speak to John to get things going.



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto

Hey GlavaMan, kewl. Thanks. I know both Pierre & John well. I use to drive the features to Pierre's house all the time. (that's where they stay sometimes) And many a night I drove John home. Just tell him the driver from Big City Driver Service w/long curly hair who use to be in love w/Linda aka Ginny. They will reconize me when they see me. The bartennder I was asking about is name Jack.

I am arriving by train around 2pmish, check in & freshen up at The Delta (across the street) and be at Diamonds by 3pm. May wonder down to The Market (BareFax), Bank St. or Elgin St. for awhile then back at Diamonds for lets say 9pm and start the party then. What do you think? Friday night at 9pmish I think is a good time.

P.S. When you go in Diamonds the bar is to the right. When sitiing at the bar facing the stage (back to the bar) there is a very large table just to the right of the stage. It sits 7 or 8 guys. Dancers sometimes get up and dance right on the table at parties. Is that table still there? Maybe a good place to sit for party.
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4 horsesmen
Jul 4, 2002

Hay NH sounds like a great idea , I know Pierre also and he would make sure we have fun !!!.

How do the partys work as we have never been to one. Also any ladies ( Carrie Moon @ Alexa ) who can come would be more than welcome.


Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
Ottawa Terb party

I would like to join, but I'm pretty sure I'll be out of town at that time. Keep me posted if it happens at another non-holiday time.

cheers, Carrie xoxoxo



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Re: Party

ricflair said:
Hay NH sounds like a great idea , I know Pierre also and he would make sure we have fun !!!.
How do the partys work ... Ric
I'm glad you asked Ric. I know its going to be fun. I can't wait. Here's how it works.

I will post a thread/poll early Dec. asking how many will attend. In the mean time we should let everybody know that the 'event' will happen Fri. Dec. 27/02 at Diamonds 9pm. Come early for good seats. Tell all your fav dancers that they should freelance at Diamonds that Fri. cause there is a party. If Ottawa is the same as when I was there girls move around a lot so if they are at another club that should be no problem. The party is open to all TERBites and guests so feel free to invite your fav SP or fellow hobbyist.

Last but not least... Just Be There!


I have spoken with John from Diamonds. They will wave the cover and reserve an area for us. We just need to give him some kind of idea how many will attend(more the better). The big round table is still there, they also have a section with 3 or 4 tables in a raised area. The talent level has been good at Diamond's recently, with quite a few freelancers from Montreal on board! I spoke to a couple of dancers about they party and they were very interested in working the night of the party. So the more people we have there, the more girls there will be. I don't know if any SP's will be there but it would be a good place to promote themselves! More details to follow.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
wheee. terbites in ottawa

Finally Fred activates my account after like 1 1/2 months of waiting and lurking. In the end I had to edit the account that wasn't activated. Remove the email from there and recreate another new name and he approves it within a couple hours. All my info was the same so i guess the other account slipped through.

Alright back to ottawa.. Ottawa SUCKS. well.. it sure seems to compared to Toronto. Montreal.. hell even the outskirts of montreal/toronto. Whats the deal with this. I've got lots to rant and rave about and all these reviews i've had bottled up for .. hell.. 5 years lol. Anyhow there's way too much to say and if i try to say it all now it'll all come out as gibberish. But its begun. For all terb has given me. I will return tenfold.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
411??? Vanessa in Ottawa (Possible Xmas Gift to Self)

I know I have been reading that there is not much going on in Ottawa of late. However since I don't hobby w/SP in Toronto I thought it might be nice to 'treat' myself for Xmas while I am in Ottawa. Has anyone had any experiences with Vanessa? If that's her photo on escorts-canada (url below) then I might be interested. Any other reconmendations gladly accepted. Thanks in advance.

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