It's official... made all my resevations today. (just want to get out of TO for a couple days.) As I have previously posted... talk of "The bad old days" in Ottawa left me feeling a bit nolstalgic & missing my fav SCs in our nation's capital. Diamonds in fact use to be like a second home to me. LMAO. So I made reservations today for where else but The Delta... directly across the street from Diamonds. Can only get very little time off (even though it's Xmas)(no rest for the wicked) so am arriving Fri. Dec. 27 and returning Sun. Dec. 29. Leaves me two nights to cover Diamonds, Playmate, BareFax & The New Den. If I have time and feel like going all out I may also go over to Pigales & Taboo. Will be reposting closer to the dates... so if anybody wants to have a TERBites party at Diamonds (where else) Fri or Sat please post here or PM me. Also any of the latest news regarding SC happenings in Ottawa will be appreicated.
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